Chapter 30; Breaking the news

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Cameras clicked around them. The flash blinding him as his hand rested on Amelia's waist. While Amelia smiled charmingly. Her face glowing and reflecting the happiness she felt inside. When enough pictures were taken. They made their way inside the venue to do the engagement ceremony. As Xavier put the ring on her finger, he felt as though he had just sold his soul to the devil with the deal he made with his father. It was either this or he would loose the  company which despite the hate for his founder, he had come to love. Though he had not pictured himself in this life. He had to admit that he had come a long way since. And that company had become just as much part of him as his father's. Ryder clapped his hands as everyone did in celebration of the unison. A small voice in his head telling him that he shouldn't have forced his son but thet voice was gone as soon as it came. This is good for business. He countered silently. Amelia looked up smiling but her smile wavered seeing Xavier's indifferent expression. This meant nothing to him. Amelia still keep her blood red lips stretched as she now had what she wanted. She didn't care how she had it. But she had wanted him for years and now she had him.

"Don't you think they look perfect together?"
Her office colleague Amber came to stand beside Sarah as she watched the man she loved put a ring on someone else's finger. She didn't respond to Amber. She was too shocked and hurt to do so. The news channel playing the breaking news of the day. Perhaps the whole year. The most desired bachelor was tied down finally to a good woman.
"You know when he left with you that day. I was envious thinking that it might be a date but sadly it was anything but I see"
Sarah didn't say anything as she looked at Amber. She felt numb. She couldn't cry, she shouldn't, she wouldn't.  Amber's eyes widened a bit as she saw her expression. Not wanting to be cruel anymore, she moved away and Sarah went to sit at her desk. Rana watched her. Expecting at any moment for her to react and say something but she didn't. She went on to work as if  she hadn't witnessed a heartbreak. She told herself yet again and again that this was how it was meant to be which felt too wrong to be true.

Alan's eyes softened as he saw Sarah sitting quietly and sipping her coffee staring outside. Him and Rana exchanged the same concerning looks. Not daring to say anything. Treating her as a tickling time bomb that might explode any moment. Alan still dared to get close to diffuse this bomb. "Sarah, are you ok?"
He asked softly. And Sarah looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Sipping her coffee nonchalantly. "Ofcourse I'm fine. What can happen to me?"
Alan smiled and laughed a bit nervously at that but didn't ask further. Sarah also smiled. Alan ordered for them something else with coffee.  hoping to lighten up the mood. Her favourite sweet; red velvet pastry. Sarah didn't let her smile slip or her mood turn sour. She shouldn't shed a tear over what she already knew she told herself repeatedly.

When she entered home, Her mother had the same expression of pity on her face. She stopped in the hall. Annoyed.
"What?" She asked
"Nothing I-"
"No mom tell me what is it? Why does everyone keep looking at me like that? No I'm not going to break like some fragile piece of jewellery and no I'm not going to cry because I knew this would happen and no I don't care anymore. And yes I still love my job and my life and myself-"
Her mother came and hugged her. She didn't let it effect her at first but her mother said in a warm voice "You don't have to be pretend to be strong bec"
That triggered it and she sobbed in her mother's arms
"I'm so stupid ma. I gave him my heart so easily "
Her mother rubber soft circles on her back as she let her cry "I'm so sorry ma.."
"Shh. Its ok. It's not your fault"
Her mother spoke, her own tears silently making to her face. She let her daughter weep for as long as she could. She didn't speak. Eventually, Sarah decided to separate from her embrace as she told her that she would take a quick shower and come down. Minutes later, Sarah approached the kitchen counter, the hot tea making her feel a bit better. Aimen sat across from her daughter.
"I know it's not the best time to ask this question but does this mean you can move on?"
"I don't know mom, if I'm being honest.  Just give me some time to get out from this and then I'll be able to answer "
Aimen nodded agreeing. Sarah held her mother hand and smiled genuinely
"Thank you for being so supportive ma"
Aimen touched her daughter's cheeck lightly as she spoke.
"Ofcourse, I know you and I trust you fully into this beautiful woman you have become"
Sarah's heart warmed at that. She could never thank the God enough for giving her such parents. She was truly blessed. Not all in her life was grey.

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