Chapter 38; Do I know you? I think I do

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Xavier hesitated as his hand hovered over the bell. Releasing a breath, he pressed the button. A ring sounded and after a minute or so Ahmet opened the door. Surprised to see him, Ahmet had to blink twice to make sure it really was him that was at his door. Xavier rolled his eyes and pushed him to the side as he entered his house. Xavier looked around, the house was big enough and was very well decorated. It had mostly black modern decor and stairs leading to the top rooms. Ahmet was doing more than well for himself, the house looked expensive. It was his first time visiting. "Nice house" Xavier said and Ahmet moved to the open kitchen to get them something to drink. Xavier made himself comfortable by sitting on the cousing facing a large glass and a division in the center of the wall where TV was situated. Ahmet came to sit on the single seater handing Xavier the orange juice. Since it was an off day, Ahmet was still in his pajamas and his hair looked ruffled. He had just gotten out from bed. "Not that you're not welcome. But what are you doing here this early?" Ahmet spoke and Xavier looked at him. "Francis took over the company" Xavier replied and watched his friend's reaction. Ahmet was well aware of Francis and their rivalry. "What?" He almost screamed. It took him a minute to process this information. "But I thought you would have already dealt with him" . Xavier put the glass on the coffee table in the front. He placed his elbows on his thighs and leaned in the front. "He strong armed me" Xavier said. He thought on if it was right to tell him the whole thing yet or not because it did involve his little sister. He decided not to. Xavier didn't want to damage Sarah's image in her brother's mind. She wasn't even at fault. Ahmet might have been a brother to him but this was not something that he would look at with a calm mind. "But I don't understand. How did you let it get to this. You always make sure to be prepared at every step" Ahmet said. After a minute, he spoke again. "You know what I think?" Xavier hummed indicating that he was listening. "I think that you let this get to this on purpose. I think there is something else that you want to talk about. Besides it doesn't look like you look stressed. But you look relieved"
Xavier thought, yes he was right, not completely though but partly yes. He smiled slightly, he did know him well.
"I want to work on myself Ahmet. I want to dissappear for a while"
"Ok. What do you need me to do?" Ahmet spoke. Ready to help his friend.
"First off all, I want to stay where my father can't reach me. At your place. Second of all I want to learn about your religion. I want peace of mind". Ahmet almost immediately wanted to start handing Xavier guidance books on his religion. He was excited but he wanted to take this in stride. He would let him study his religion and then convert only on the condition that he falls in love with the belief. And Xavier staying with him was also good since he lived alone and he had stayed with him before. Xavier wasn't a terrible roommate. From there on the first thing Ahmet did was give Xavier tour of the house and show him his room.

Francis whistled sitting back on the chair with a smile. Tossing and catching the crystal ball in the air. He decided to spend the day celebrating his first day rather than working. The paperwork was taken care of and the business was finally in his hands. He saw Alan enter the room and he straightened. He got a bit alarmed. Alan after all was Xavier's trusted man. "What are you doing here?" was his first question. Alan tried the best keeping his composure and not show the dislike for this man on his face. "I'll be your secretary from now on Sir" Francis raised his one brow. "But I asked for my old secretary "
"Mr Ryder specifically told me to take this place " Alan said hoping to God that the man would believe the lie. "Fine whatever" Francis said rolling his eyes. He was in no mood for business today. "I'm going out" He announced picking up his coat and heading out. He stopped by Alan and said "I'm sure you can handle everything here in the meantime " He tapped him on the back and moved out the door. One of the finger on Alan's hand twitched. He really hated the man. He remembered suddenly what put them in this position.

*Flashback Starts*
Alan lead the way as Xavier followed silently behind him. When they reached the said room in the far corner of the ground floor of the venue. Xavier had calmed down enough to think through this situation. "Ah alas! The men arrived" Francis said as soon as they entered. The room in question didn't look much except for it was a storage room for all the unused material for the hall. As there was no place to sit both the men kept standing up. Alan and Xavier entered the room and right off the bat Alan could sense that something was wrong. He said nothing though and waited for the reveal. "What do you want now Francis?" Xavier said. Alan noticed how there was slight change in his voice. The variation and pitch suggested that he was uneasy and nervous. Since Alan was familiar with ever nerve of the man only he noticed it. The other party was oblivious. Francis was smiling like a mad man when he handed them pictures. Alan's eyes widened. The pictures in question were of Xavier and Sarah together at the dinner and at the car where they were very close. Xavier shook visibly in anger as his hand clutched the photo so hard that the corners got damaged. "Now now, don't want this precious thing to get damaged" Francis said taking the pictures out of Xavier's hand. Alan looked towards him and wanted him to do something immediately. These pictures can't go out. "What do you want?" Xavier said, his voice a low growl. He was fighting with every fibre in his being to not strangle the guy. "Do I really have to repeat myself again and again? Leave the fucking company" Francis shouted coming face to face with Xavier. He took a step back and spoke the words calmly. "If you don't. These get out and she suffers" . Alan fidgeted in his place. He couldn't understand what to do. Moreover, he couldn't even read Xavier's face to calculate his next move. As always, he was stoic. Long silence fell between the men and finally Xavier spoke. "Fine. I will resign from my position on two conditions. That you destroy these photos and that I have your company instead. Deal?" Xavier said stretching his hand. They both shook on it and no one left the room until the documents were signed. Francis came well prepared. Xavier made sure not even to let a single thing slip.
*Flashback Ends*

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