Chapter 25; Remind me to forget

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Alan waited for his boss to show up as he stood in the office. Making sure everything was set and ready for today.
Xavier came in as usual. And set up his laptop. "Shoot. What's my schedule for today." His attention planted on the device . He spoke without looking up and opening the management sheets
" you have to finalise the major project our design department is working on and make some important  conference calls"
"Wait..weren't the calls scheduled for yesterday? "
"Yes they were. You didn't come in yesterday sir"
"No that can't be possible-" Xavier's eyebrows pulled together at the impossible claim. He never misses a day. "Yesterday was May 2nd sir"
Xavier's fingers stopped above the laptop's keyboard hearing that but he didn't tear his eyes away from the screen. Remembering what he really did yesterday. His set expression just the same as always. Alan's eyes also softened as he saw the change in his boss's eyes. Alan had learned to decipher his emotions through that. May 2nd was his brother's birthday and he also knew why he couldn't remember what he did all day. It has become his unconscious habit of sort to sleep the day off. He shuts his phone and just sleeps until he looses track of time. It was his way of coping up with the pain.
"Doesn't matter. I overslept my mistake. Besides, it been over 9 years since.."
Xavier couldn't bring himself to say the words out loud. He suddenly felt as if his throat was choked up. He loosened his tie relaxing himself by doing breathing practices. Alan took this as his cue to leave and give him some time alone. Xavier was grateful for that.

*flashback starts *
Xavier couldn't believe what he was seeing. On the table sat with his head on the hard surface was his brother. Still and not breathing. Xavier had shook him many times. Initially thinking that it was some sort of prank his brother was playing on him but when his brother refused to open his eyes. He froze. Hands hovering over klaus's back and wide eyed. Wanting to think quick on his feet, he called his parents who were luckily just on their way to home. What happened after that, Xavier didn't know. He saw his father coming in and then panicking. His mother crying. Everything was a blur. All he could see was his brother's body. His brother who by midnight was pronounced dead by the hospital. He still refused to believe it though looking at his room's door many times to see if his brother could come in smiling. To see how he was doing. To make sure his little brother was okay. But Klaus never came. As if someone had splashed at him the bucket of ice cold water. He felt his body turn colder by the second. As it adjusted into the reality that he had no other choice but to live on. Without the person who was more of a father to him than his own father could ever be.
*flashback ends*
Even though he could have, he still didn't have it in him to visit Klaus's grave. He just couldn't. Because if he was to ever see that rock with his name engraved on it then he would break. The only glue that held him together would dissappear and he would not be able to handle the amount of heartache it would cause. Sighing, Xavier got back to his work. This was the only activity  keeping him sane.

"Either you really are stalking me or this has officially become our meeting spot"
Sarah said smiling as Alan came to sit down in front of her with his cup of coffee.. He responded with a smile as well. "Which one ever you want to believe. Besides I thought you would be happy to see me"
"I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not glad to see you and just for my own satisfaction I'm declaring this our official meeting spot"
Sarah said laughing and Alan also laughed warmly his brown eyes twinkling. Sarah noticed his eyes did that alot when he was truly happy. He looked cute.
"I don't see your friend anywhere..why are you sitting alone"
Alan asked with furrowed eyebrows. Sarah sighed "Rana didn't come to office today. She took a sick leave and I wanted a change of scenery so I came here "
Alan nodded understandingly. Sarah bit her lip, hesitating. "Go on. Ask me. I know you're dying to" Alan said without looking at her directly and kept his gaze outside the window. "How did you-"
"I'm not totally blind you know. Now ask me "
This time he drew the coffee away from his lips and kept it on the table. Putting all his attention on her. Leaning forward a bit with arms crossed and a serious expression. "How is he. He didn't come office yesterday "
Sarah said her gaze softening and her voice light as a breath as if the simple question can break something fragile. At first she thought he was pushing her away but the gut feeling telling her this wasn't about avoiding her but rather something sensitive. Even she has come to know that he never misses a day of work and was always punctual.
"He's not okay. Yesterday was Klaus's birthday. He's trying to act as though he isn't hurting anymore but I don't think he realises himself how deep his scars run"
Sarah's shoulders fell and she felt the weight of his worry. Alan saw that and decided to do them a favour.
"Talk to him. I know he acts like he doesn't need anyone to listen to him but he does. Maybe you can convince him to get some professional help "
"Alan you know I can't get too close to him-"
"I know and I respect that but he really needs someone to understand him. And you are the only woman who doesn't read him as a bank account"
Alan pleaded with his eyes and Sarah huffed. She couldn't say no to those surprisingly innocent eyes.
"Alright fine. I'll try. But I'm not making any promises "
"Good enough for me"
Alan said as they resumed drinking and resuming to look outside the glass. He wasn't much of a talker after a certain point and Sarah approved that as it also favoured her temperament.

"Come in" Xavier said without looking up. Sarah kept the file on the table. "Sir you asked for this file"
"Thank you-" Xavier said but realised that the voice was not of Alan's but a woman's. He looked up to see a smiling Sarah standing with a hand extended holding the said document. Xavier took it and Sarah stood waiting to say the next thing. "Uh hmm. I actually had to ask you of a favour "
"Can you drop me home tonight. I might be working late so I thought maybe you could help me.."
Xavier took a minute to reply as he was shocked at this strange request. Happy but caught off guard. "Sure. Not a problem "
Xavier said smiling and agreeing. He couldn't say no to that now could he?

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