Chapter 10; Waiting for you

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"Feels so good to be back" Xavier exclaimed as soon as his back hit his chair and Alan smiled. "A cup of coffee sir?" He asked and Xavier nodded. Alan walked out to place the said order and Xavier got back to opening his laptop and resuming his work.
The day passed with him being busy as usual and seeing no message from Sarah also annoyed him. What even infuriated him was that she had seen the message but not replied. He couldn't understand the reason. Was she mad at him? But why? He wasn't even being out of the line with her and he tried to keep it friendly so she won't feel uncomfortable. Whatever it was he needed to know now so he called on department to send her in his office.

Sarah's heart dropped to her stomach when she heard from her boss that she had to go to the CEO'S office. She didn't know why he would want to talk to her or what about so with each step her nervousness grew and she grew more tense. The receptionist outside gave her a signal to go in and she knocked on the door and after hearing a loud "Come in" from the other side she opened the door not daring to look up. With a small voice, she spoke. Still looking down. "You called for me sir?" She asked and Xavier felt like someone had punched him. It wasn't what she said rather the tone of total unfamiliarity that got him. "Yes. I have something to ask" he said and when she didn't look up he spoke again. "But for that I'll need you to look towards me" Sarah not knowing what else to do looked at him and her heart stopped. She felt her heart dance as Xavier came to stand in front of her keeping distance. "What is it Sarah? Why haven't you replied to my message? Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" He looked at her with such tender eyes and asked with such soft voice that even though she didn't intend to she broke down into tears in front of him. Xavier surprised started to get closer to comfort her when she stopped him raising her hand. "Don't touch me if you are not going to make me rightfully yours" Sarah waited looking at him with teary eyes to hear something. A promise, assurity, anything that she could hold onto or hope for but he said nothing and it further broke her heart. Not seeing any reason to stay, she walked out and Xavier stood frozen. He wanted to stop her and tell her of all that he had planned for and with her. He wanted to say that they can be together. But something was holding him back. His fears, he knew. His life had already so much going on that he didn't know if he was right to bring her in to see all the troubles. He wanted to protect her and keep her away from all the harm's way. Made her way down, Sarah looked at the bathroom mirror and her teary face. She replayed the event in her head to make a sense out of this. She was ready to admit and she was sure that she had fallen for him. The love, the doubt and the feeling on doing something wrong was eating her inside. She had spend so many days cursing herself for knowing everything but still being naive enough to fancy a man like him but she couldn't help it. He was so perfect and kind that it broke her heart to think he will never be hers. Taking deep breaths, she tried to calm herself. There was no use of crying if he was not meant for her. For now, with a pounding headache, she just wanted to go home.

Xavier wanted to make her his but he couldn't do that to her. He had already so many problems in his life that he didn't want Sarah to suffer along with him. He wanted to protect her but with the current situation that he was in. With Francis and his father constantly behind his back, he couldn't get Sarah involved in his mess. She didn't deserve it. With a broken heart, he sat back down. There was another problem though that needed immediate attention, calling Alan from his office, he waited. Perhaps this skill of pushing his emotions aside even when his whole heart bled was what made him this powerful. Francis might have taken this momentary legal blow now but he would not sit tight for long. As Alan entered, Xavier gestured him to sit opposite to him, and he did so.
"As you already know what's going on with the restraining order against Francis, I want to know what else you found out about him. Who else does he have on his side?"
"He aims to work slowly up and start with breaking the structure,  aiming at deducing the employee experience.  It is unclear what his next move might be right now. But he has Zender Creek on his side" Alan replied immediately.  Xavier listened, nodded and smiled at the irony of the wrong ones being at the same team. "What does Francis have on Zender?" He must have had some dirt on Zender to make him come at his side that much Xavier knew. Because Zender may be furious with him right now but he wasn't someone who could easily be controlled. "Veronica Neil" Alan replied. Xavier shook his head, if that was what Zender was worried about then he had nothing to fear. Xavier had done on him a thorough research before going into business with him. Even digging up the skeletons in his closet. He knew about his past but weighed all the pros and cons. The biggest factor being that Zender regretted what he did.  Xavier was clear now on what to do. He needed to break their team of two first. He spoke "I will approach Zender so their alliance can break"
"A good idea sir. I will contact your father to set up a meeting" Alan agreed. Xavier nodded and Alan took this as his cue to leave. Xavier didn't need to say everything to Alan word by word and since he had spend years with the man, he knew what to do even before Xavier had to voice it out.

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