Chapter 19; By your side

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Sarah entered her house to a pounding headache and distracted mind. She didn't even greet her parents as she headed up the stairs. Nor did she notice the guests sitting in the living room. Closing the door. She sat at her bed her mind replaying Alan's words. He liked her. Really? Than how is it that he never contacted her after the incident at his office. Why was he pushing her away. Didn't he trust her enough? They had known each other for years. There was so much confusion and so much mystery. Whenever she felt that she had figured Xavier Smith out, she was left guessing and wondering. Wanting to relax her mind, she made a relaxing bath and dipped her body in the warm water.

"Give my laptop back" Xavier said sternly but Alan shook his head. "No can't do. Doctors orders. You are to rest"
Xavier's eyes narrowed. "Are you going to talk back to me now" Alan fidgeted. He was almost scared into giving him what he wanted. Almost. "I will have to disagree even if it means death of me" Alan bowed his head accepting his defeat. Xavier groaned but gave up. "OK fine.." He used his phone instead. He was scrolling through his socials when the ring sounded highlighting the name of his father. He rolled his eyes in annoyance but picked up nonetheless.
"I heard you dropped sick in a hotel"
Ryded said getting straight to the point and Xavier's annoyance was tested.
"Yes I did. From over work"
"That's new. I never fainted from working before"
Xaveir clenched his jaw. He knew what his father was really saying. Calling him weak. "What do you want from me father?"
"Oh yes. There is Ross's party next week and I want you to recover by then so we could attend."
Xavier didn't argue. He just agreed knowing he won't be attending anyways. However, Ryder spoke his intentions. "I know you are thinking of not attending but I want you there. And I don't want to hear no" He said sternly and Xavier cut the phone in annoyance. Why couldn't he just rest for a minute he wondered. He didn't like parties. He hated them. The glitz and glam couldn't impress him nor did he ever feel part of the atmosphere. He knew one person though who loved them. His mind recalled.

*Flashback starts*
Xavier watched his brother from the threshold. Klaus upon seeing his brother turned around. "How do I look?" He said smiling and Xavier gave a thumbs up.
"What about me?" He asked instead and Klaus came to stand beside him. "Dashing. Want to impress someone tonight?" Klaus teased to which Xavier replied shyly. "Nah. I already have eyes on someone else" klaus looked at his little brother "Oh yeah? Who is she?" They made their way out of the house.  Klaus asked looking ahead as he drove. "Her name is Sarah. She is Ahmet's sister" Xavier said. But he didn't stop there. Through the whole ride he went on and on about her. Her beauty, her character and personality everything that he admired. Everything that he loved. Klaus listened and spoke giving his opinion. "Wow. She sounds amazing. Good choice bro"
Xavier felt pride hearing his brother's remarks and said with much affirmation
"Yeah she is".They finally reached the mansion. Through the whole party he watched his brother blend in naturally. The charisma and confidence he executed made this place look his own. There was a certain ease in his attitude that showed he actually enjoyed being there. He watched as his father presented his son in front of everyone beaming with pride but Xavier knew it was all a facade. The calm and relaxed posture always scared him because he knew the real face of his father. Right now, in front of everyone, they looked like a perfect family. Xavier didn't like any of it. It just made him feel suffocated as though he was at the wrong place. Like this was not where he belonged. None of the glam impressed him but since his father forced him to be present. He couldn't go anywhere else. Funny considering how guys his age enjoyed such events.
*Flashback ends*

Sarah stared at the necklace in her hand. The one Xavier had gifted. She put it down when the door knocked and her mother entered.
"Hey ma" Sarah said smiling and Aimen also smiled kissing her forehead.
"Did you not see the guests or did you willingly ignore them?"
She said sitting on her bed and Sarah stared wide eyed and apologised.
"I really didn't see them. I'm so sorry. Are they still down?"
"No they just left. Just don't do that again. I had to tell that you were tired from work and all"
"I won't. You know I don't usually do this.."
" I know...that is why I will ask this again. Please be honest with me"
Aimen said studying her daughter carefully. "What is going on?"
Sarah looked at her mother and knew that she couldn't lie to her anymore. She moved to sit beside her and held her hand. "You trust me. Right mama?"
"Ofcourse I do bec" Aimen said warmly placing her hand on top of hers and calling her by her nickname. "Then I want you to know that your little girl has fallen in love" Sarah said nervously in a small voice and Aimen relaxed. "So what bec. It happens. Tell me who it is. Should we meet him?"
Sarah fidgeted with her fingers. "I don't think you can mama. It's Xavier"
Sarah watched as Aimen started shocked at her daughter's words. Xavier might have been a good boy but he was still non Muslim. "But he's-"
"I know, he is non Muslim"
"Mama you asked me that day what was troubling me. It was this. I have fallen for him and I don't know what to do" Sarah said as her lips wobbled and her eyes filled with tears. Aimen's eyes softened and she pulled her daughter closer. "Shh. It's OK. We'll think of something.." At that, Sarah looked up and asked. "What. What is it that I can do?"
"For now, just avoid him. Try to stay as far away from him as possible"

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