Chapter 13

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Processing time was something they couldn't afford because they didn't have any. There was too much to be done. Karita dove in head first, cat was out of the bag now anyway. She turned in her seat to face Rowan, "Listen, you're gonna be hella powerful Rowan, if you can get things under control, and survive." She hesitated waiting for a response."We need to figure out what your prominent traits are, fine tune em', and teach you how to use em'."

"What the hell are you talking about?" She literally couldn't imagine any traits of hers that would be of any value... save her intuition. Being a psychic could be very valuable.

"Each of us specializes in an area that you may or may not be developing based on your genealogy. After watching you briefly, we have our work cut out for us." Karita looked to Raine, a serious expression on her face. "You're a little behind the eight ball, if you get my drift, and the physical stuff is gonna be a bitch. You need to learn to fight. All lore creatures fight, Rowan."

Rowan tried to calm herself. She'd never backed down from anybody, but she'd never physically fought anyone either. This was nuts. Her heart raced as she scanned their faces. They were all staring at her, intently. Even Raine's eyes were on her in the rearview mirror as she hauled ass down the highway.

Rowan's anxiety was increasing Her lungs were closing up. Shit! An anxiety attack, "I can't...breathe." When she bent over in her seat to keep herself from hyperventilating she actually saw a purple hue emanating from her palms. Immediately, it dawned on her that the disc shapes grew larger as she became more upset. Clearly her mood was fueling this little light show. How did she control it though? And what would happen if she didn't get control?

"Looks like you owe me $100 Raine, pay up." Greer laughed as he slapped Raine on the shoulder.

Ignoring his comment, Rowan instinctively turned to Maeve, the witch, with her palms up, "What does it do Maeve?"

"In time, anything you tell it to probably, but be careful. It's a very powerful force. In the hands of a skilled witch or sorceress it could do serious damage, even to immortals." Maeve watched Rowan closely. She looked like she was gonna lose her marbles.

"Immortals?" The word escaped her lips on a whisper. Rowan tried to relax in her seat. Laying her hands in her lap palms down she tried to remember the most relaxing moment of her life. Problem was, she hadn't had many. Her guard was always on high alert. She couldn't think of one, single, solitary moment where she felt at peace- or safe. In an instant, Ian's face came to view with such clarity that she felt an innate calmness ride over her like a warm wave. She sighed at that, "How do I get control over it? I mean it seems like my emotions are what's fueling it, but what throws it into reverse?"

"It's different for everyone, Rowan. Some people have to use it up to rid themselves of the power, you know, like wear it out or something until they learn more control." Maeve, while happy for Rowan, was green with envy. She'd never had anything like this happen to her but then again most witches didn't.

"How do I do that? I mean, use it up?" She stared at Maeve.

"Look, you're clearly more powerful than me already. Maybe you could like lift things up or throw some heavy things around or something..." Maeve didn't mean to sound bitchy, she just couldn't help but be a little caddy over the inequity of it all.

"Wrong..." was all he said. Greer waited for Rowan to look at him.

She turned to him, god he looked ferocious. "What then?" She abhorred being the least knowledgeable person in the vehicle. Rowan wasn't the kind of girl who went in unprepared- ever! So, to say this was frustrating was just too minimalizing. She needed information for planning, flying by the seat of her pants had never been her strong suit.

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