Chapter 46

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Rowan fell to the ground in agony. Her body writhed in pain trying to find a position that wasn't absolutely torturous to lay in until they found her, but it was impossible.

She knew her injuries were severe, but as badly as she hurt, she couldn't stop thinking about what she'd just witnessed. That monster had touched her. No, she had let him be inside her. She needed a long hot shower and bleach to clean him off her skin. Hating herself and the piss poor decisions she'd been making lately, she shut her eyes trying to see a light at the end of this tunnel. She'd done some empty headed things the last few days, but allowing herself to hook up with Declan, well, that took the cake.

Declan was the epitome of "wolf in sheep clothing". No wonder he hadn't told her where he was going. "Just a little violent orgy with some friends...we'll be eating a little someone, too." Remembering kissing him, feeling him inside her only hours ago made her stomach weak, and once she headed down that road there was no turning back. Puking with her broken jaw was excruciating, but she couldn't stop the heaving until everything was out. Tears welled in her eyes and fell down her cheeks.

Even though she hated Tearlach she knew he would never hurt her, and after what she just saw, she knew she couldn't say the same about Declan. He was going to put her in a trance and erase her memory of him and his savage crew. She'd read his mind, and it was a very dark place.

Her phone rang incessantly, but there was no reason to pick it up...she could guess who it was. As she laid in the cold grass curled up in the fetal position she sensed them closing in on her. She couldn't move. Her face felt like every bone had been broken. Trying to focus on her surroundings she opened her eyes widely, longing to see a familiar face, but she was fading fast.

She hadn't even allowed herself to consider the possibility that Declan would let anyone hurt her. She hadn't trusted him, but she hadn't protected herself either. She was just having a little fun with him, but Maitland had warned her about him. She'd done this to herself. After only a few minutes of wallowing in self-hatred, she heard a familiar voice that made her heart leap.

"Got it...yep. No, no threat. It's Rowan. I smell blood." Maitland slowed as he approached.

"Keep me informed, Maitland." Kester had a feeling things had just gotten really serious.

As he neared, the smell of the blood overwhelmed him and then he saw the wounds, it was her blood scenting the air. Why hadn't he known it was hers? It smelled different. He moved like lightning, "Jesus, what happened to you?" Dropping to his knees beside her he assessed her wounds, and she was broken everywhere.

"Fuckin' vamps.." Rowan could barely speak with her broken jaw, and the pain in her ribs was making breathing difficult, too. She tried to stand but who was she kidding, she'd broken more than that when that bastard launched her into that damn concrete wall.

He called Kester back immediately, "It was her blood I smelled and she's in bad shape. You better call the doc, now." Maitland was gonna make whoever had done this to her suffer before he killed him.

A growl ripped across the terrain that could be heard for miles. Tearlach was on his way. Rowan could feel him coming towards her like a tsunami headed for land.

"Here comes T." Sloane had been patrolling the compound with Maitland when their surveillance equipment alerted them to an intruder's presence just outside the grounds.

Tearlach ran full force in her direction sensing she was in a great deal of pain. He'd never been able to feel her like this before, so he took that as a positive sign that his wolf instincts weren't completely null and void when it came to her.

Rowan whimpered as she tried to move watching the sky spin in circles above her. Whoever that vamp was, he'd really given her head a wallop. She was pretty sure she had a concussion at the least.

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