Chapter 26

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Rowan woke to the sound of keys being manipulated, and a familiar woodsy scent in the air around her. Cuan was still holding her in his arms. She was thankful for that because she didn't want him to know just how weak she was right now. She knew she couldn't stand. Hell, she couldn't even feel her feet anymore.

As Rowan stole a peek through slitted lashes, 'rustic' was the only word she could formulate to describe what she saw before her. But, the cabin was beautiful and while the introvert in her immediately felt at home, her gut instinct knew better than to let herself get too comfortable here. She was here for one reason...Cuan wanted her here.

"Let's get you inside." He didn't put her down until they were through the front door. As he slowly lowered her onto the couch, he realized the extent of the hypothermia, and it pained him to think he'd done this to her. It was the first time they had touched without aggression or confrontation, maybe because she had been walked into a hypothermic fatigue? Or maybe because he wasn't pushing her buttons?

He knew she was awake because he could sense her cognitive faculties rousing. As he assessed her lying on the couch he watched her body slowly retreat into his sweater subconsciously seeking additional warmth. She had nestled her nose into the sweater and pulled her legs up so that only her feet could be seen sticking out. He covered her with several blankets before he left her to ready the cabin. First things first, he had to get a fire going.

Rowan sensed both sorrow and regret pouring off Cuan as he strategically located the lanterns giving the room a dim glow. The cabin was small. She estimated it at less than eight hundred square feet. Her eyes haphazardly began taking inventory on her surroundings: a bed, a sofa, and a small table...a mini-kitchen with bare essentials only, and a fireplace, which Cuan had immediately began to ready. At the rear of the cabin was a sink and a tub. Close quarters meant she would have no privacy here, but neither would he. What was the point of that? She had a guess about what kind of training he'd be putting her through here, but before she could expand on that thought her eyes grew heavy again. Her body felt like lead and she gave into the sleep once again.

He touched her cheek gently, checking to see if she was warming. She wasn't. He needed to draw her a hot bath...immediately. He could sit with her and hold her, his body heat would help, too. He needed to make this right.

Hearing the door shut quietly, Rowan knew she only had a few minutes to gather herself before she would have to face the music. First things first, she was freezing and the blankets weren't helping her. Cuan entered the room with 2 large buckets full of water, which he emptied into the the pot over the fireplace. She watched him as he set up their camp, rustic was beautiful, but a lot of work. She was exhausted just watching him, so she decided she was too tired to strategize and dozed off again.

While the water heated up, Cuan foraged through the small refrigerator and found some meats and cheeses which he deposited onto a platter. He pulled chunks of bread off the loaf and sliced some apple pieces for her. He wasn't sure what she would want, but he knew she was hungry because he'd been listening to her stomach growl since he started carrying her almost thirty minutes ago.

He placed the platter on the table by the sofa, Rowan didn't stir. "Rowan, wake up. You need to wake up now." He held her chin between his index finger and thumb waiting for her eyes to open.

Rowan stirred only slightly, her eyes didn't flutter at all. She knew he was there. She just didn't want to move.

"Come on, I need you to get in that tub. You're freezing." Cuan knew the signs of hypothermia.

""Uh huh, okay." Rowan's eyelids were like a butterfly's wings... fluttering feverishly.

Cuan took charge. He stripped his clothing post haste. He couldn't put her down in the tub alone. She could drown. He lifted her from the sofa and carried her to the tub. Stepping in first, he lowered them down as he slid in behind her, cradling her in his arms. He hadn't considered her fragility at all, not after her little performance at Callum's. That was heartless and stupid, and while he'd been accused of being heartless many a one had ever accused him of being stupid.

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