Chapter 51

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She walked slowly towards the house, keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings. She was sure he wouldn't be alone here. Someone had to know about this place especially since the demons, his family, Declan and Vertigen were all searching for him. She hung back and watched through the windows for a few minutes before a shadow crossed the floor in an upstairs room. Fixated on the image in the house in front of her, she watched the shadow as it paced the floor.

She could feel him now. He was afraid of something. Not just afraid, he was worried about something, too. She was almost positive they were alone, at least at the moment. She couldn't sense anyone around, but she needed to move quickly because there were plenty of people looking for both of them.

When he turned, she realized he was talking to someone on the phone, but she couldn't quite hear, so she moved in closer. There was a window cracked open in the room. She moved to stand just beneath it hoping his words would float down to her. She closed her eyes, focusing all her energy on listening.

"You have him then?" Dermid had to make this work, it was the only way.

'Him? Who was him?' His question sparked her inner dialogue.

"Yes, I'm at the house I told you about." Dermid paced the floor. All of his plans had fallen through. Rowan had survived the attack, Lileas was under protection from Declan, who now wanted his ass, and he had just given up Pratt to Vertigen as a bribe for protection. He had nowhere to run. It was only a matter of time before his family found out what he had tried to do, and when Declan found out he'd been the one to not only attempt to kill Rowan, but to kidnap Pratt, he was gonna hunt his ass down. He had no other options, "Fine then, see you in an hour."

She was out of time. He may be alone up there now, but he wouldn't be for long. Determined to lure him out, because the house was too unfamiliar, which made it too risky to go inside, she concentrated on her palms, watching the purple discs appear at the center slowly growing in diameter. She faced them towards his two story beach house while centering the focus of her energy on the power- blowing the circuits. The whole house went dark, and her stomach did a flip. There was no going back now.

Shit, the fact that she hadn't really planned this out hit her like a ton of bricks. She needed a way to incapacitate him. She quickly began searching the ground around her for anything useful. Finally she spied a sickle leaning against the back of the house. She didn't even wanna know what he'd done with that. Picking it up, it felt heavy and solid in her hands.

But panic washed over her when she pondered a question. What if he could sense her presence like she had his? She was his twin after all. Focusing all her energy, she imagined a veil of invisibility and protection around her. Even though she had no idea what she was doing. She had to try something.

Dermid was frustrated. His life was falling apart around him. His wife turned on him, his son was taken from him, he'd traded the doctor for his protection and Rowan, well, things had not gone as planned with Rowan either. She should be dead by now and he should have her power. But, he had nothing and no new power to consume.

He needed time to reconvene and plan his attack, so that the next time they met she wouldn't get away. He had tunnel vision when he thought about Rowan because lately he could think of nothing but absorbing her powers using a secret spell he'd paid a witch dearly for. Rowan's powers were growing quickly, at least that was the rumor, and he wanted them for himself. His whole life he'd believed himself to be the stronger twin, but he eventually had to face the facts. His sister had been the one who was gifted with unparalleled power. Figuring that out sooner than anyone else gave him the edge though. He could feel her growing stronger while his powers remained stagnate, and he couldn't acquiesce to that.

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