Chapter 59

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Rowan was livid with herself for losing control in Kester's office with all the wolves watching. She'd lost clout in there, something she couldn't afford. How much help would she be if she let every powerful male distract her?

She was so disappointed in herself, but she couldn't focus on that. She dialed Raine's number to find out how to kill a mated female lycan and did it matter if you'd already fucked her mate? Raine picked up on the first ring, almost like she'd anticipated the call.

"Been a while Ro..." Raine's voice was guarded. She had no idea what to expect from Rowan because it seemed like she was flyin' solo now.

"Yeah, I've been a little busy here." She waited for an all clear pass.

"Busy everywhere, but I've always got time for friends Ro." Raine wanted so much for Rowan to trust her.

"Okay, sorry. I need to know how to kill a lycan Raine." Rowan liked Raine, but she wasn't looking to build a friendship right now. She was looking for clarification.

"Mated or no?" Raine knew there was a big difference, especially if the mate was involved.

"Mated." Rowan waited for her to dish out some kind of recipe for a death cocktail or something.

"That sucks. Who is it Rowan?" After hearing about Rowan slaughtering her own brother, by herself, Raine was thoroughly engaged in this conversation. It didn't appear as though Rowan was a talker, more of a do-er. And very impatient.

"You gonna help me or are you gonna run and tell Deisha?" Rowan hated that she couldn't trust anyone to just fucking help her.

"I'd like to be your friend Rowan, but I'm also your guardian. So spill it." Raine waited.

"Neilina." Rowan's disgust was discernible in just that one word.

"Why? From what I hear, you don't even want Tearlach anymore, but you know, maybe I should hear it straight from the horse's mouth."

"No. I don't want him, but the bitch threatened me. Said she would find me and kill me because he wants me. So, I'm gonna find her first." Rowan was agitated. Just talking about Neilina was like plugging her body into an outlet, allowing the energy to build in her again.

"First time out of the gate and you pick a fight with one of the biggest fucking girls on the block? Unreal Rowan." Raine couldn't believe how bad Rowan's luck actually was.

"Thanks Raine. Got it." Rowan hung up on her, stalling was getting her nowhere and besides, Rowan didn't run from bullies, and that's exactly what Neilina was. Frustrated with the lack of information from Raine she just felt more edgy, itchin' to release some pent up energy.

Raine held the phone out in front of her in disbelief unable to conceive that Rowan had hung up on her. She was gonna dish! She just wanted to talk to Rowan first. "Fucking hell." She tried calling her back, but Rowan didn't pick up. Shocker, quick temper on that one.

Rowan was on her own, like every other time in her life. Unable to rely on anyone but herself. She scrolled through her previous phone calls until she'd found Neilina's call, and returned it.

"Rowan. What can I do for you?" Neilina laughed at that.

"You called me out, remember?" Rowan stared at the tree line, the meadow was quiet now.

"Careful who you provoke." Neilina was shocked she'd called.

"You should heed your own advice bitch!" Rowan was itching for a fight. Her body was charging so quickly now. Instead of fighting it, she embraced and welcomed it.

"Some of us are a little more dangerous than Dermid." There was more laughter, and not just Neilina's. "You didn't think your little sickle comment actually scared a girl like me now, did you Rowan?"

Rowan said the first thing that came to her mind, "You know what's really funny? Watching you lap up my sloppy seconds. How'd I taste on your lycan's lips?"

The laughter on the other end of the line ceased immediately. "Let's do it now then."

"I'm standing in the clearing where he fucked you last full moon. Thought you'd remember it seeing as he held your face down and you stared at the ground the entire time. He couldn't even look at you." Rowan's rage grew within her as images of Tearlach with Neilina rushed forth. They had been forever burned into her memory. Even now, no longer wanting him, the anger over the betrayal still infuriated her. She would never forget the resentment and hate she felt towards him that night. There could never be anything more than friendship between them after feeling such an intense hatred towards him.

Rowan waited in the clearing alone. Not nervous, but excited about this little duel. She'd make quick work of this bitch. She couldn't explain how she knew, she just felt a slam dunk coming on.

Knowing Neilina wouldn't arrive for a while because lycans couldn't sift she quickly sifted to her room to change into her leathers and combat boots before sifting right back out to the meadow.

She noticed the clean crispness of the air and took a deep breath, filling her lungs in anticipation of the impending battle. It was so quiet in the clearing she swore she could hear the blood being pushed through her veins. Her heart was beating more quickly now as adrenaline infused her blood.

After several minutes she noticed herself pacing, the energy building within her didn't want to be contained. It didn't want to wait. Patience had never been a virtue of hers. The more time that elapsed the more time she had to reflect on her anger and disgust with both Tearlach and Neilina, which only made her powers grow stronger. She felt unbeatable...unstoppable. Her hands shook as the adrenaline infused her blood. She was gonna kick Neilina's ass out here tonight. And if her friends tried to join in, she'd give them a taste, too.

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