Chapter 25

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After scarfing down a snack she put on the clothes Rain brought to her. Wasn't much, just a t-shirt and jeans, but it was better than the towel she'd had wrapped around her.

She threw a bag over her shoulder with the most sophisticated vibrator dildo combo money could buy tucked inside, thanks to Maeve, and headed down stairs. Things were looking better at least because wherever she was going, she was gonna take some time to get a handle on her little issue, and she didn't have to rely on a man to answer the call. That road consistently lead to nowhere.

Cuan was going to train her now. Of course, he'd been ambiguous about the whole thing, especially about where they would be, but what could she do? She didn't have any one else to turn to. They must not be going far though because they'd given her nothing in the way of supplies to take with her. The house was too quiet so she stepped out on the porch, where she spotted them huddled in a group- plotting for sure.

She was hesitant and guarded as she approached their little group. They were still treating her like an outsider, and she just couldn't understand why. If they needed her help, why wouldn't they let her in? Right now all she wanted was a little piece of the hum drum life she'd been living before this shit storm all started. Which just proved that once again, perspective was everything.

Cuan smiled as she approached. Rowan exuded confidence and power whether she knew it or not. He couldn't wait to see what she could really do when he had her alone.

She narrowed her gaze, holding his eyes as she advanced closer until she stood just ten feet from him. He held out his arm, far too high for a handshake. Certainly he didn't expect her to hug him? She slowed to a stop less than six feet in front of him crossing her arms over her chest. Her poker face was null and void. She didn't want to go anywhere near him, and she wanted to be sure he was clear on that.

Sensing her hesitancy he baited her again, "Surely you aren't afraid to touch me, Rowan."

Her name had never sounded so sensual or provocative. She crossed the remaining few feet. Standing next to him, she carefully avoided any physical contact. "Not scared Cuan...more like...incurious." She didn't want to do this with him again, especially not here in front of everyone.

She was lying...he could smell it on her. Which meant she was still trying to save face...prideful one. He enveloped her, wrapping his arm over her shoulders before pulling her into his chest. "I can sate..."

She cut him off, "No. No hard feelings though. It's just like anything else, I'll handle it myself."

"But, you'd be missing out..."

She cut him off again, "Oh, I don't think so. Maeve just gave me a wonderful departing gift." Rowan could give just as good as she got. To show him she could handle his little games she brushed his outer thighs and hips with her arms before carelessly wrapping them around his torso. She gave him a flirtatious smile and a healthy squeeze. Two could play at this little charade. Tilting her head back she smiled up at him as though she hadn't a care in the world. "Maeve said it should do the trick. I think the damn thing has a car battery in it!" She giggled even though she knew it would never be a replacement for the warmth of a man's body. But, he didn't need to know that shit.

Squeezing her in tighter to his chest he whispered in her ear, too low for anyone else to hear, "You won't need that where we're going, Rowan."

"On the contrary, I'll be heading straight for my room when we get there." She winked at him. "No sense in pushing off til tomorrow what clearly needs to be done today."

Vixen! She was mocking him. Pressing himself into her he sifted them to the outskirts of the Lycan compound. He couldn't help but smile. He'd have the last laugh when she saw

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