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"Father cannot allow her this!  It is an abomination to leave one of our kind alone, and unprotected, in this human world." Deisha had already spoken directly to her sister Lepleya, and her husband Riat, about her feelings to no avail.  After seeing the twins, they had made up their minds about splitting them up.  It didn't matter how strong they were or how many allies they had.  They feared Vertigen's prophecy was proving true, and they couldn't allow one of their children to be indoctrinated into Vertigen's liege.

"It is not your decision, nor is it mine, Deisha." His eyes fell to the mosaic stepping stones decorating the ground between them.  His daughters had worked diligently on this masterpiece together as children, but Deisha and Lepleya were worlds apart from that now. 

Deisha's optimistic gaze let her father know exactly what she was thinking, he would help her in this and everything would be alright.  As powerful as she was,  she was also young and naive in the ways of this world.  Olian watched his daughter's eyes fill with tears at the lack of his response, slowly realizing what was happening. 

Deisha didn't need words, his face said it all. 

He couldn't look at her as he spoke the next words because she would see through his facade.  Averting his eyes he said the only thing he could, "Lepleya and Riat will do what they feel is best for their children." Olian looked to Lepleya.  He didn't understand her reasoning anymore than Deisha did, but he couldn't undermine Riat either. He was the child's father after all. 

"Please, let me take her. I beg you both." Deisha knew she was young, but she was also a powerful and gifted sorceress.  Highly skilled in the arts of illusion and magic, she was confident she could care for her niece.  She'd never begged for anything in her life, not from anyone, but she knew with every fiber of her being that this child belonged with her family, not hiding amongst an intolerant race like the humans.

"We have decided Deisha.  It will be done." Lepleya handed the fragile new born baby to her, "Hold her and say your good byes little sister.  She leaves within the hour."  Lepleya had never seen her little sister on fire like this.  Deisha wasn't a fighter...never had been.  But, Lepleya held her sister's eyes, determined to make her understand that she would not be swayed. Her decision was final.

"How can you do this?  You are her mother..." Deisha enveloped the child in her warm embrace forging off the cooling temperatures of the night air.

"Vertigen will find her if we keep her here. We have no choice, we have to hide her."  Lepleya could sense the weakness in her female offspring and she despised it.  Maybe that was why she could give her away so easily?  She had another child depending on her to protect him, a strong son who would make her proud.  A son who she believed would one day rule them all.

Deisha gently pulled the infant into her chest, nestling her in her arms.  "You do have a choice."  She could feel the panic rising up like bile.  Her words became more frantic, "I'm so close to opening a realm of my own. One that no one could enter.  I could take her to another dimension.  Vertigen will never find her. I won't allow it Lepleya.  I will protect her with my life.  Please..." She sighed deeply, inherently knowing it mattered not what she said, or did, because this child was leaving their family's home tonight.  Through sobs, she continued. "Please, I am begging you. Please, don't leave her with humans." Deisha held the baby to her lips inhaling her sweet innocence as she showered the infant's red locks with soft warm kisses.  She was so much smaller than her twin brother, so petite and fragile.  How would she survive out there alone, with humans?  How would she learn about who she was, or what she could do, without them to guide her? Deisha's eyes were swollen from crying. 

Realizing her sadness served no purpose here tonight, other than to fuel her rage, she felt a fundamental physical change within her.  An energy was building to a precipice that she feared she would be unable to contain.

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