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I sit in the doctors office and I am speechless by what I just heard, my parents are clearly upset but there is nothing that any of us can do, I was born this way and nothing can fix it. "Surgery wont help him", my father asks. "No Mr. Kim surgery is not an option, Taehyung was born without a scent gland, he is perfectly healthy otherwise, but this isn't as rare as it sounds, most wolves born without a scent gland just means that they have a human in their family bloodline", the doctor says. My mother gasps and her face instantly went pale, "does this mean he will never be able to mate and have pups, he is such a good omega, why is this happening", my mother sobs.

The doctor sighs, "Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Taehyung can still mate, he will go on to have beautiful healthy pups and it doesn't make him a bad omega." My mother smiled at me sadly like I was dying of some disease, its just a scent gland, so I wont attract a big muscly Alpha who can man handle me and make me submit. "You said this isn't rare, does that mean maybe he could mate with an Alpha who is the same way", my father asks.

"He can mate with an Alpha whos like him, he can mate with a Alpha who has a scent gland, and he could mate with a human", the doctor says. "HE WILL DO NO SUCH THING", my father yells. I jump and the doctor looks taken aback by my fathers response, "Mr. Kim it is not impossible for humans and wolves to be mates", she says. "It is in my family Dr. Chen, no humans will mate with any of my pups", he stands and walks out of the office my mother following right behind.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I hope you know that you are not to blame for this", the doctor says. I nod, "do you know of any wolves that have mated with human's, how do they know they are mates." "I do know quite a few couples who are human and wolf, I have delivered many pups to those couples also, meeting a human mate isn't any different than meeting a wolf mate, the only difference is the human doesn't get the emotions an Alpha would and they dont go into ruts, but you are able to mark them and they can mark you as well, after that is done the human is able to help you with your heat and get you pregnant", she says writing in her clipboard.

"Do some research Taehyung, I am not saying your mate will be human, but because you may have a human in your bloodline, it is possible", she ruffles my hair and walks out. I get dressed and meet my parents by the car, my father looks angry and my mother looks worried, what else is new, "Papa, who in our family is human." "No one, that doctor is crazy and I will get you a second opinion, believe that", he seethes. When we get home I run up to my room and throw myself on my bed, my parents are ridiculous, I will find out myself if we have any humans in the family, and there is only one person who will be straight with me.

I text him to see if he is home and if I can come over, he says its okay so I change clothes, grab my car keys and leave. I pull up to the big, very expensive house and when I knock on the door a very attractive butler opens it, "he is expecting you, follow me." When I walk into his office, "Taehyung", he says hugging me. "Hi Uncle Se-Hun", I say hugging him back. "What do I owe the honor of my favorite nephew visiting me", he says pouring me a scotch and soda gesturing to sit. I take the drink, thanking him, "first off you cant tell my father I was here, promise me."

He looks at me with questions in his eyes, Uncle Se-Hun is my fathers youngest brother, he is a very wealthy attorney and doesn't always get along with my dad because he is a free spirit who hates rules and my father is uptight and always follows the rules and they are both Alphas, so they butt heads constantly. "Why am I not telling your father you are here", he asks with smirk.

"I found out from the doctor today that I was born without a scent gland, she says that happens to wolves who have a human in their bloodline and that its possible I could mate with a human because of it, but father flew off the handle saying that would never happen, Uncle who in our family was human that has father acting so angry", I ask with my biggest puppy dog eyes, he wasn't lying when he called me his favorite, like him I have been a free spirit, bending rules and breaking them just as fast, my brother Namjoon on the other hand is more like my father, very uptight and closed off.

"Taehyung we haven't spoke of this matter in a long time in this family, it is a very sore subject with some of our family members but if you really want to know I will tell you, I believe you have a right to know and your doctor is correct whether your dad wants to admit or not, we do have human in our blood and you can definitely mate with a human, I've seen it and it is quite extraordinary, a friend of mine has a human mate, I can introduce them to you if you want, if you have any questions I am sure they would love to answer them, they have a child also", he says standing and grabbing his phone, "let me order us some food, then we can talk as we eat, you will want a full stomach after hearing this story."

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