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My uncle picked me up from Jin's house and we are heading over to my parents house, I dont know what came over me in Jin's kitchen but I think the episode at the mall contributed. Someone touched me, someone shouldn't have touched me, especially in front of my Alpha and he made sure that person knew who he was and that I was his, Jin was amazing, I was so turned on, I cant believe that I was worried that my mate wouldn't protect me or be possessive, Jin was absolutely both.

 I couldn't control myself, I had to stay quiet in the car, if I didn't I would have pounced on him then and there and we would have wrecked the car but once I got him in his kitchen, I took what I wanted and shame on me for thinking my human mate would never stack up to an Alpha male, my Jin would put any Alpha male to shame. 

"You're quiet", my uncle says. I smile to myself thinking of my mate, "just worried about my father and what his reaction will be." We walk into my parents house and my mother greets me with a hug, "were you with Jimin last night." "No I wasn't actually, where is dad, I need to speak to you both", I say. "He is in his office on a phone call, Ill tell him you are here", she says walking to his office. 

I run upstairs and pack a bag with clothes and necessities and ask uncle to put it in his car. My father comes out of his office, "Taehyung where have you been." Just then my uncle walk backs in, "Hun why are you here." "Dad, I need to talk to you and mom, lets go in the living room", I say. Once they are sitting I try to work up my nerve, "I need to tell you both that I have found my mate." The both gasp

"Taehyung, who is he", my mother says excitedly. My father looks skeptical but I try to ignore him, "his name is Jin and he is an architect." "He is the brother in law of my best friend and a very good man, he has a good job, a nice house and he is very respectable", my uncle says. "Se-Hun why are you here, you are supporting Taehyung, why", my father says. "Dad, Jin is a human", I say but immediately interrupted. 

"THE HELL YOU ARE, no way Taehyung forget it, you will find someone else, you will reject that human as your mate, do you understand me.", he yells. "I'm sorry father I cant do that and I wont do it, I love him and he loves me, you have a problem with human's, I dont", I argue back. "TAEHYUNG", my father yells. 

"Myung, stop being ridiculous, the human is his mate you cannot ask him to reject him just because you are prejudice, at least meet the young man first and you will see you he is nothing like our grandfather", my uncle says. "I will set up a meeting, maybe we can have dinner but right now I am leaving and I am staying with him, I will call you, I love you both but I love my mate too and he is my future", I turn to walk out.

 "Kim Taehyung if you walk out of this house dont ever think of coming back", he says angrily. "Myung", my mother cries, "you dont mean that." "I do, I will cut you off completely", he says. I turn back to look at him and notice Namjoon on the stairs out of sight of my parents, "if that's how you feel father, then so be it, Jin says that he will take care of me and I guarantee you will never see your grandbabies." 


I got a text from Tae saying that he is on his way back.

My Omega - I'm coming back Alpha is that okay

My Alpha - Of course, you are always welcome here, are you okay

My Omega - I'm sad that he is so misguided, Ill tell you all about it when I get there, I miss you so bad already

My Alpha - I miss you too, hurry home, dinner is waiting for you 

My Omega - you are such an amazing Alpha and I am the luckiest Omega alive

I plated the food and waited for him to come home, I hope he will move in with me, I cant stand to be away from him for to long. I heard the door open and before I could say anything he was in my arms and he was crying, "baby, what happened." I pick him up and carry him to the couch, keeping him in my lap. "He has disowned me but the worst part is my mom and brother didn't even stick up for me, at least I had my uncle", he cries into my chest. 

"I wish I could have been with you baby, I am so sorry that you had to go thru this just because of me", I say rubbing his back. "Don't say that, you did nothing wrong you are perfect in every way, its all my fathers fault", he says kissing me. "Hungry", I ask. He nods cutely, "then come on lets eat. 

After dinner we took a hot bath together, I'm sitting behind him and rubbing his chest and stomach, "Tae, will you move in with me." He turns to look at me, "do you mean it." "Yes, I dont want to be away from you, I cant be away from you", I say making him straddle my legs. He leans forward, placing his mouth over mine, "yes Alpha, I will move in with you, I cant be away from you either.

 I take him out of the tub and dry him off, placing him on the bed, "can I make love to you tonight Taehyung." "I thought you'd never ask", he purrs. His cock is already hard and so is mine, lust taking over, the need to be inside my mate is taking over my senses, I can feel the heat from his skin radiating. 

I place myself between his legs, sliding my cock on his, he hisses and grabs my hair bringing my mouth to his, "yes Alpha." He flips our positions and straddles my lap, "I want to ride you, please." I rub my hands up and down his back and down his thighs, "yes Omega, ride me, ride me and mark me." Taehyung looks at me with wide eyes, "do you mean it Seokjin." "Yes, why wait, we want to be together, I am your mate and you are mine, lets start our life together, your father knows what else is there", I say sucking on his jaw and collarbone. "Alpha", he moans, sliding down on my dick. "Taehyung, fuck you are so tight", I grab his hips as he start to bounce up and down on me, I am trying so hard to hold it together, sex with a female is way different than a male and I am about to lose it.

Everything happened in an instant, he slammed down on my cock making me see stars and that's when I felt the pain in my shoulder, "Ahhhhgghh Taehyung." I came as soon as his teeth penetrated my skin and I came hard. "Bite me Alpha, now please now", I grabbed his shoulders and sunk my teeth into his skin, it was so soft and I felt his release all over my chest, he orgasmed as soon as I bit him. We stayed that way for a minute, catching our breath, Tae is licking the bite, cleaning the blood and I did the same to him. "You are officially mine now Alpha and no one will ever tear us apart", he says laying his head on my chest. 

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