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"LET ME GO, I NEED MY MATE", I scream. I can't stop crying, it hurts, I need Jin, my pup wants his daddy. My mom comes in with a bottle of water, "Taehyung please calm down, we will find you a suitable mate I promise, that is what your father wants." MOM, stand up for yourself, stand up for me, I don't want a new mate, I have a mate who is probably going crazy right now, please just let me go, I'll never speak to either of you again I swear, just let me be with my mate, please mom." 

She holds me to her and whispers, "I want to let you go baby, I do but he is crazy and has threatened to kill us all, please just play along for a bit, don't make him angry." "Mom it hurts, I need my mate", I cry. "Baby are you in heat", she asks concerned. "No I'm pregnant and my pup wants his daddy", I say. "Oh Taehyung", she says and moves my shirt collar over, "you are mated, oh baby you really love him." "Yes mom, more than anything", just then the door flies open.

"Uncle", I cry running to him, "I need Seokjin Uncle please take me home." "Relax Taehyung", he says holding me to him, "where is your father." "Se-Hun", my mother whispers, "he isn't right, he has gone crazy." "Taehyung", I turn to see Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jungkook come thru the door. "ALPHA", I run to him, throwing myself into his arms. "Are you okay, did he hurt you", he asks kissing me all over, checking me for wounds. "No he hasn't said a word since bringing me here, I think he is losing his mind Jin and I'm so scared", I take his hand and place it on my belly, "your pup misses you." He leans down and captures my lips, "I was so worried about my babies." 

I see Uncle walk out of my fathers office, with my father behind him yelling at us, "GET AWAY FROM HIM." Jin immediately stands, keeping me behind him, "with all do respect sir, I don't know you and you don't know me, I may be a human, but I am a human who is mated to your son, I am a human who is madly in love with your son and I am a human who is the father of your grand baby."

 "What did you say", he asks. "I know that you do not care for humans, but we are nothing like your grandfather, I don't know what he did but I respect everybody, because of him", Seokjin turns and points to Jungkook, "he is my big brother, my mother and my father, he is my everything and he is the greatest human being I have ever met." Jungkook walks to Jin and engulfs him in a hug, "I love you baby brother." "They are mated Myhung and Taehyung is carrying our grand pup, please just leave them be, let them be happy, he seems like a fine boy", my mother cries. 

"FINE", he screams, "he's a human, there is nothing fine about him."  "My tell me what happened to you, what did he do to our family", Se-hun says. My fathers chest heaved, out of breath from being so angry, "you were just a baby, the nanny was hired by mom to keep you as far away him as possible, if she knew he was close she would leave thru a secret door that was in your nursery." "How come I never saw it", Se-Hun asked. "Father had it sealed up after grandfather died, I can show you were its at", he says looking off at nothing like he is remembering. 

"He made me watch as he beat Mimi and our father, for years he tortured them both and why, WHY, WHY, WHY, did he bring our mother here", tears streaming down my father face now. He is sobbing when he continues, "she was so beautiful, so beautiful and he knew it, he knew our father adored her more than anything and when she announced she was pregnant with our youngest sibling, he thru her down the stairs, killing them both." He drops to his knees wailing and I felt my mate release me, "Mr. Kim, I am so so sorry." Jin was on his knees holding my father, rocking with him and I burst into tears to see my mate consoling my father, the man who hates him more than anything.

 "Humans are cruel, Wolves are cruel but we cant punish everybody for their ignorance, I love your son and I swear on my parents that I will never ever hurt him or our pups, please allow me and my family to prove to you that we are nothing like that son of bitch", my father starts to calm down and actually hold Jin. "He is gone, dont let your family suffer anymore because of him, if you keep his memory alive, he wins and we cant let hate win", Jin says. My father pulls away from him and looks at him, wiping his eyes, "you truly are a kind human aren't you." Jin nods, "I really am sir, I can prove to you that all humans aren't bad."

 He looks at Jungkook, "you did an amazing job raising your brother, you should be very proud of him." "I am sir, more than he will ever know", Jungkook says beaming at his little brother. "You should be proud to My, you practically raised me and you did a great job too", my uncle kneels down and hugs him after Jin moved away and came back to me. Everything happened so quick, my uncle was yelling to call 911, my mother was screaming my fathers name, my mate held me and protected our pup when the paramedics ran in with equipment and stretchers, everything went black after that

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