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I roll over and hit the snooze on my alarm, I am exhausted, work has been so hectic, since I started working with Yoongi he won a new contract to design a brand new mall and apartment complex in Seoul, he is an amazing architect and I am learning so much from him but he insisted that assist him with the project and it has been non stop.

Sena gave birth about a week ago and I have been getting up early to make breakfast for Jungkook and Winter before I leave for work, that's the least I could do to help her out, I lay here not wanting to get up just yet when I get a text from my brother.

Kook - Stay in bed a bit longer, I have breakfast today and you have a day off from work.

Jin - Remind me to hug you when I see you.

Two hours later I roll over again and turn my alarm off, finally getting up and taking a shower feeling more awake. When I made my way to the house Jungkook and Winter were feeding the baby, "morning." Winter jumped up and ran to me, I picked her up and swung her around, "morning Win." "Morning Uncle Pip, daddy is feeding Oscar", she says excitedly. "I see, where is mommy", I ask. "She's taking a nap, she was up with Oscar most of the night, he was fussy", Jungkook says while burping the baby. 

He lays him down in his bassinet and comes over to me, "I think I remember being owed a hug." I laugh and wrap my arms around him, "thank you for letting me sleep, work has been a bit much lately", I say pulling away and going to get coffee. "Yoongi says that you are doing a really good job, people are really impressed with your work, I also think he likes you", Jungkook teases, "and since he's a Beta you don't have to worry about him finding his mate." I roll my eyes, "first off he is my boss and secondly he is your best friend, it's not gonna happen." 

He laughs, "you are still a goody goody, speaking of work, the reason you have off today is because I asked Yoongi if I could kidnap you, I need a favor." "Oh what's up", I ask intrigued. "One of Sena's friends is having a family issue and he wants to bring his nephew here to talk to us, I guess he has some questions about human and wolf mating", Jungkook explains. "How will I help with that, my wolf left me, remember", I say chuckling, "and thanks for reminding me jerk." "Sorry, but you have experience being in a wolf and human relationship, I thought maybe you could give some insight", Jungkook says putting my breakfast in front of me. "Yea I'll help if I can", I say shoving bacon in my mouth.

After breakfast I wash my plate and kiss Winter goodbye, Jungkook is taking her to a play date so that we can talk to Sena's friends with no interruptions. I was holding Oscar in my arms as he slept and was in awe of this little person when I heard a yawn, I look up to see Sena trudging into the living room. "Morning Jinnie, did Kook take Winter", she asks rubbing her eyes. "Yea he just left", I say. "You want me to take him", she asks. "No he is quiet and happy, go get some coffee, I got him", I say sitting in the rocker with him. 

"I take it Kook told you about my friend coming today", she asks sipping her coffee. "He didn't get into details, just that there are family issues about humans and wolves mating", I explain watching Oscar sleep. "My friend and his nephew are very close, the nephew just found out that he was born without a scent gland, his father is not happy because this means that not only is there human in their bloodline but that his son can mate with a human", Sena says. "Wow that's some pretty heavy shit, oh sorry Oscar excuse my language", I whisper and Sena laughs.

 "Seokjin you are so crazy, you and your brother are two peas in a pod", she laughs. "Yea but I'm better looking", I wink. "I agree but don't tell Kook that", she whispers. "Don't tell Kook what", my brother says walking in. "Oh nothing, Sena was just saying how she totally married the wrong brother and how she is madly in love with me", I say very serious trying to sell it. "Seokjin", she screeches, "I told you that in confidence, you swore you wouldn't tell him", she says coming over to me and grabbing Oscar, then we both crack up. 

"Very funny, you two aren't right you know that", Jungkook says bending down excepting a kiss from Sena. "But you still love us, I'm putting Oscar to bed then taking a bath, I'll be out when Se-Hun gets here", she says walking out of the living room. Jungkook and I went into his man cave and played Call of Duty until Sena poked her head in and said they were here. "You go, I'll clean this up and meet you out there", I say picking up the candy wrappers and soda cans and throwing them away, I then turn off the console and tv and walk out shutting the door. 

As soon as I step out I hear a gasp, when I turn to see where it came from my heart stops and I hold my breath, we stare at each other, neither of us can look away, my heartbeat speeds up and I can tell by his breathing that his has sped up also, why am I sweating and my skin is tingling, why is my skin tingling. "Jin come on in, oh hey I see you met Taehyung", Sena says. "I'm- no not really, we just kind of ran into each other", I say nervously. "Seokjin this is Taehyung, my friends nephew, Tae this is my brother in law Seokjin", Sena says with a big smile on her face then I hear her giggle, "well this is interesting."

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