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We follow Sena back into the living room and that's when I see Jungkook and another good looking man sitting on the couch, "Seokjin come here, I want you to meet Kim Se-hun, Sena's best friend and this is Taehyung his nephew." "I met Taehyung in the hall, it's very nice to meet you both", I say sitting next to Jungkook. He puts his arm around me, "this is my baby brother Seokjin, he is human like me and dated an omega until she recently met her mate." I roll my eyes and laugh, "thanks again Kook it doesn't still hurt or anything." "Oh, I'm sorry Pip, that was insensitive wasn't it", he says pulling me closer to his side and chuckling.

I look at Taehyung when I hear him chuckle and when he speaks in that deep voice I melt right into my brother, "did you call him pip." Jungkook laughed, "yea when he was younger he was small and skinny so we called him pip squeak but as he got older he had a big growth spurt, he's now taller than me but the name Pip stuck with him, my daughter even calls him uncle Pip." Sena comes in with a pitcher of lemonade and glasses, pouring some for everyone, "so Se-Hun tell us why you are here and hopefully we can help."

"Taehyung just found out that he was born without a scent gland, even though he is a wolf", he says. "That's actually not uncommon", Jungkook says, "it just means that there is human blood present in the family line." "His doctor told him that since he doesn't have a scent gland he can easily mate a wolf or a human, he is curious how one feels when they meet a human mate and how the dynamics work", Se-Hun asks.

I look at Taehyung and god he's gorgeous, I can't shake this nervous tingly feeling on my skin, I think I even feel it in my bones. I shook my head and went back to the conversation, "I wasn't in a mated relationship with my omega, we just really liked each other in school and decided to date, I knew she'd find her mate one day." "When I first saw Sena I got a tingling feeling all over my skin, I felt uneasy, almost nervous and I couldn't shake it when she was around", Jungkook says.

"I felt the same, when you meet your wolf mate you have a submission feeling, you want to throw yourself at him and promise him 10 pups, its much different with a human mate", Sena says. Taehyung and I looked at each other, eyes wide because we both know what we are feeling, "how does the mating part actually work."


"Sena has a scent gland so I was actually able to smell her like a wolf can, just not as strong but it does have the same effect, I can tell how she is feeling by her scent", Jungkook says. "We had strong feelings for each other, I being the wolf was very possessive of Jungkook even though technically he is the Alpha in the relationship and his scent is very strong to me, its his natural musky scent", Sena added.

Tae cleared his throat, "did you mark each other when you mated like wolves do." "That part was quite remarkable actually, I marked Jungkook as I normally would a wolf but we weren't sure if he could even mark me or if it even meant anything, so I had asked my doctor and she said yes human mates can mark their wolves", Sena says, "after I marked Kook, the skin over my scent gland became very soft and weak, allowing his human teeth to penetrate my skin."

She pulled her shirt away from her neck and low and behold there it was, a beautifully perfect mating bite. "After we mated it was like a whole other level, I went into heat and Jungkook was able to help me thru it and was able to give me a pup and she is a healthy little half breed", Sena says. "I wasn't able to satisfy my Omega's heats, that was one of the frustrating things about our relationship", Seokjin says sadly. I pull him close to me again, giving him comfort and we heard a growl, I look wide eyed at Taehyung, I heard Se-Hun clear his throat, "Taehyung, what was that."

"Can we go please", he stands and walks toward the door, Seokjin stood up quickly like he was going to stop him from leaving but he didn't say anything. Se-Hun stood confused, shook my hand and apologized to me, then hugged Sena good bye before walking out after his nephew. "What the hell was that about", I ask. I look at Jin and he is still looking at the door, sadness behind his eyes, "Pip what's wrong." 

"Babe, I think Seokjin is Taehyung's mate", Sena says rubbing her hand on Jin's back. "What, seriously, Jin did you feel it", I ask getting his attention. He nods, "but he must be disappointed because he just left like I didn't even exist and I know he felt it too." He walked away sadly, heading back to his house in the back, my heart breaks for him, "what was Taehyung's problem, why is he acting that way if Seokjin's mate."


"What the hell is the matter with you", Uncle asks. I was tongue tied, I didn't even know if I could speak the words, I am so fucking happy I found my mate and he is gorgeous but I panicked, I didn't know what to say or do, also a part of me is terrified that a human is my mate, will my  father try to hurt him or disown me. "Uncle, Seokjin is my mate", he hits the breaks and pulls the car over. "What did you just say", he asks. I nod, smiling, "Seokjin is my mate." "How do you feel about that, what are you feeling right now", he asks intrigued.

"Honestly I miss him like crazy, my wolf is actually whining to be near him right now but I am afraid Uncle, what is dad going to do when he finds out my mate is human, I cant have Seokjin getting hurt or him taking me away because of his close mindedness", I say angrily. "Don't you worry about him, I will put him in his place, you found your mate Taehyung, don't deny him or yourself what you both want", Uncle says getting back on the road. "Where are we going", I ask confused. "Taking you to your mate", he says and my wolf howls with happiness.

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