SeokjinWhen we arrive at the hospital, they wheel Myung and Taehyung into the ER, after examining Tae they realize that he just fainted and needs rest, they gave him an IV because he was dehydrated. Namjoon is holding his mother as she sobs, my heart is breaking for her, I sent Jungkook home because I dont want Sena and the babies to be alone to long, and Se-hun stands by the reception desk getting updates every minute. The doctor comes out 3 hours later looking somber and very tired, he sat across from the family and started to explain what happened.
"Myung suffered a stroke, we tried to stop the bleeding in his brain but when we would close up one area another vessel would erupt, causing him to bleed to death slowly and he is now in a coma", he says grimly, "you can see him and talk to him, he may still be able to hear you but it wont be long, he'll be lucky to survive the night." He stands and shakes Joon's and Se-Hun's hands and pats Mrs. Kim's arm, "I'm going to wake up Tae, Ill be right back." I walk into his room and stare at how calm and beautiful he looks, to know I have to break his heart is killing me inside, "Tae love, its time to wake up."
His eyes flutter open and he stares at me, holding his arms open, I climb onto the bed and wrap myself around him, "how are you and the baby feeling." "Okay I think, how is my father", he asks nuzzling into my chest. "Baby, he isn't doing so good, the doctor says he had a stroke and he wont be with us much longer", I say as carefully as possibly. He pushes his face into my neck and sobs, "you can go say goodbye, your family is with him now, the doctor says he may still be able to hear you."
I walk with him to the room and he stops at the door placing his hand against it, "I feel badly that I didn't get to clear things up with him before this happened but I am so happy that he finally saw what an amazing man you are." He throws his arms around my neck and holds me tightly, "I am glad too baby, he knows that you will be cared for and loved." "Are you coming in with me", he asks. "No love, you go be with your family, I will be out here if you need me", I kiss his forehead and watch him walk in, the door closing behind him.
I head to the waiting room and text Jungkook to see how Sena and the kids are.
Kook - They are all asleep, how your are you, how is Tae.
Pip - They are with Myung now, he had a stroke and isn't going to make it. Why are you not asleep, it's late.
Kook - I'm waiting up for you to get home, I won't be able to sleep till I know you are home safe.
Pip - Kook, get some rest, I don't know when I will be home and I don't need you getting sick.
Kook - Yes baby brother, text me when you are on your way home, I love you
Pip - I love you too
About an hour later Taehyung walked out, reaching his hand out for me, I took it and he pulled me up, "come with me." He took me into his fathers room where I notice the rest of the family is gone. "They gave us some privacy before we say good by to him, Seokjin I'd like you to meet my father Kim Myhung, he is stubborn and hard headed and a pain in my ass but he's my dad and his love for me had no end", he says sobbing.
"Dad this is my Seokjin, my mate, my human, my everything, I love him so much and I know you would have loved him, he is such an amazing person and he loves me to no end." I hold him to me as he cries for his dad, "you were hurt and I understand that, I forgive you for all your hateful words and actions and I hope that you can forgive me for walking out that night, I love you so much and I will miss you greatly but please leave this world knowing that I am loved and cherished, just like you said I should always be."
He collapsed in my arms, crying uncontrollably, I just held him and rocked him, whispering that everything will be okay and that I love him. The door opens and the Kim's walk in with the doctor, "Tae did you do what you wanted", Mrs. Kim asks. "Yes mom", he says standing and wrapping his arms around me tighter. "When I switch the machine off it will sound like he is still breathing for a few minutes, I will then check his vitals to see if he is breathing on his own, if you see his chest rise and fall do not be alarmed, it is the air that is still sitting in his lungs", the doctor explains. "Are you all ready I am going to shut the machine down", he pushes a few buttons and turns a knob and the machine goes quiet.
The doctor held his stethoscope to Myung's heart and lungs, the sound of breathing was coming from his mouth but the doctor shook his head, "his lungs are collapsing and his heart has stopped beating." Mrs. Kim fell to the floor and Se-Hun wrapped her up in his arms, the sound of her wailing brought tears to my eyes, that is real pain, her mate is gone.
I held Taehyung to me so tightly, whispering that I love him while he cried into my chest, "I am the luckiest omega in the world to have you as my mate Seokjin, I will never take you for granted, life is to short and I don't want us to miss one second enjoying our life and our families." I kiss his head", I love you so so much Taehyungie, I will never take anything for granted especially you and our pups, I'll cherish you and show you everyday just how much I love you."
The funeral was three days later, we all gathered at the burial site and waited for Mrs. Kim and Se-Hun to arrive, I am holding Winter in my arms, "Uncle Pip, daddy told me that Uncle Hyungie's daddy passed away." "That's right Win, he is in a better place now, no more pain or tears", I tell her sniffing her cheek as she giggles. I look over and see my mate staring at me with so much love in his eyes, he is talking to Jimin and he can't take his eyes off me, I wink and he smiles that beautiful smile, the one that makes my heart leap.
"Hey Pip, how are you doing", Jungkook asks putting his arm around me. "I'm good, Winter is keeping an eye on me, right", I say winking at her. "Yup, but can I go see Uncle Hyungie, I think he needs a hug", she asks. "Of course, he would love that, can you give him something for me", I ask before setting her down. "Sure, what", she asks curiously. "This", and I kiss her cheek, "tell him its from Uncle Pip, okay."
"Okay", I set her down and she runs to Taehyung, he picks her up and she kisses his cheek, Tae looks at me and smiles, then blows me a kiss, I catch it and pretend to eat it. He laughs, we stare at each other and the electricity between us is like nothing Ive ever felt, I find myself walking toward him, he sets Winter down and wraps his arms around me, "I love you Seokjin, so much it hurts." I wrap my arms around him and kiss him, stealing his breath away, the way he steals mine.

Love Most Forbidden
FanfictionOne is a Human, the other an Omega, what happens when all the rules are broken and they find themselves in a forbidden love affair. The Cover Art work is not mine, I will remove if Artist asks.