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When I got home that night after hanging out with my uncle I was still in whirlwind of emotions, the fact that my father kept all this from me makes me angry and hurt, knowing it could affect my future, I'm so glad I have my uncle, without him I'd be in the dark about my life. I hear a knock on my door, "come in", I yell from the bathroom. "Hey little brother", I hear Namjoon say.

"I'll be right out", I say walking out drying my hair. "Mom told me what the doctor said, how you holding up", he asks. "Namjoon, I'm not dying of a disease, I just don't have a scent gland, its not the end of the world, I am still capable of mating and having pups, my mate just might be with a human instead that's all", I say annoyed. My family makes me feel like I am defective, just wait I'll find my mate and fall madly in love and have a whole pack of pups.

"Sorry Tae I didn't mean to make it sound like it was a horrible thing, you are an amazing Omega and I know you will find your true mate", Namjoon says hugging me. After he left I grabbed my phone and texted Jimin to come over, that I had a lot to tell him. When he knocked on my bedroom door I yelled for him to come in, I finished brushing my teeth and walked out. "What's up, what did you find out", he asks impatiently. "First of all, I found out I was born without a scent gland", I say flopping down on my bed and grabbing the game controller.

"Oh my god Tae, no scent gland, how will you find a mate", he asks. "Jimin what the hell is wrong with everybody, I can still find a mate, but that's not what I have to tell you, the doctor told me this happens to wolves who have human in their bloodline", I say watching his expression. "Taehyung you have a human in your family", he asks. I nod smiling, "and I never would have known had my uncle not told me." "Your parents didn't tell you", he asks surprises.

"Nope, my dad actually got pissed when the doctor said it, he was adamant that we didn't have any humans in our bloodline, that's why I went to my uncle, he never keeps anything from me and he told me the truth", I say mashing the buttons on my controller. "So, tell me already and quit playing that damn game", Jimin whines.

"My uncle says, my great grandfather was human, making my grandfather half human, which means my father is a quarter human and according to my uncle, my father hates the very idea, which explains his anger toward the doctor", I say rolling off my bed. "Holy shit, so does this mean you can mate a wolf or a human", Jimin asked intrigued. I shake my head, "Jimin a full blood wolf can mate a human, it isn't as unnatural as it used to be, my great grandmother was a full blood Omega and mated with my human great grandfather, so its possible."

He gasps, "but can't the wolf hurt the human, especially during their heat or rut." "I'm guessing not because it worked for them, I'm not sure how all that works, my uncle says he has a friend who is mated to a human and that they would answer any questions I have", I say, "my father wont tell me, so I have to count on my uncle." "What did your uncle tell you about his family that has your dad so freaked out", Jim asks. I shrug, "the only thing he knows is that their grandfather did some horrible things to wolves and my father witnessed it first hand." I say, "he wasn't for sure what he saw, he was still to young when it happened."

Kim Myung (Tae's dad)

I pound hard on the front door, he finally answers half naked and out of breath, "what the fuck My, I am busy at the moment." "I dont give a shit who you are fucking, get them out and meet me in your office", I demand. I walk into his office and went straight for the bar, I took a shot and then another, he stood in the door way wearing sweats and a robe, "what the fuck is your problem My." "What the fuck did you tell my son Ki, I understand you two are close and he probably has a lot of questions but I am getting a second opinion on his condition", I scold my younger brother.

"MY HE DOESNT NEED A SECOND OPINON, HE NEEDS A FUCKING FATHER WHO WONT LIE TO HIM", he yells loudly, "you know that doctor is not wrong, we have human blood, no matter how much you are in denial, Taehyung is a strong Omega and can handle himself, you are afraid that he will mate a human and with him not having a scent gland that's most likely going to happen", Ki says angrily. "That will never happen, he wont mate anyone then", I fire back.

"You are ridiculous, do you know that, you cannot condemn all humans for what our family did, if Tae finds his mate and they are human I will make sure that he is happy, whether you like it or not, that boy is not a child anymore, he is 23 and can make his own decisions and I wont allow you to stop him", Ki says pointing a finger in my chest. I slammed the shot glass down and walked out of his office, I turned to look at my baby brother, "over my dead body."

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