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"I am so happy that you guys mated already, I was hoping you wouldn't drag it out", Sena says as we sit at the table drinking coffee. "How do you feel Pip, it a great feeling isn't it", Jungkook says throwing his arms around my shoulders. "Yea it feels pretty awesome, I know we dont have the same abilities  as wolves would but I do know how he is feeling and I am very possessive over him", I say. 

Just then I have a weird feeling hit me, "what's wrong pip." "I don't know I feel weird", I turn to look at the back door and I see Tae walk in, looking like he is in pain and sweating, his eyes are an ice blue. "Alpha, I need you", Tae whines. "Seokjin, he is in heat, take him back to the house and take care of him", Sena says pushing me toward Taehyung. 

I hurry to him and pick him up, he immediately sticks his face in my neck, sniffing where my bite mark is and he calms down, "take care of me Alpha, I want your pup inside me." I instantly become hard when I feel his slick running down my arm, I carry him to the bedroom where I see that he built a nest on the bed, I remembered everything that Jungkook and Sena told me to do when Tae is in heat. 

"Omega, did you make this beautiful nest for us, it is so good, perfect for us to make our pups", I coo into his ear. He whines, "yes Alpha do you really like it, will you lay with me in our nest." "I would love to, it is a beautiful nest and you are my beautiful Omega, I am so lucky, let Alpha take care of you", I say laying him down and stripping him naked, then I undress. 


I want my Alpha so badly, I climb into our nest and pull him in with me inserting his fingers into me as I ride them, I am so needy, this is my first heat with my mate and I have never been so needy before, it didn't hurt this bad the last time, I need him inside of me, I just need him so badly. 

Jin removed his hand from my hole and I whined loudly, "patience Omega, I am going to give you something better." He pulled me to him, placing my back to his chest, lifting my leg over his arm and slamming into me and making me cry out, I start to push back, fucking myself on his cock. "Oh God Alpha you are so fucking big, fill me with your pups", I cry.

My heat lasted two days, that was it, Seokjin got me pregnant the first day, we both knew right away, not only could I smell it, so could my Alpha. Jin was amazing thru this whole process, he made sure that I ate and drank so that I wouldn't dehydrate, we were both exhausted and ready to sleep but instead he ran a bath and we both sat in the tub, enjoying the calm, Seokjin rubbing my stomach, we were both very content.

I texted Jimin about 2 weeks later while Jin went back to work and asked him to come over and hang out with me, I have been dealing with such bad morning sickness that I didn't want to see anyone, when he came to the door I threw my arms around him and told him to come in, "Look at your pregnant ass, your Alpha is something else for hitting the mark the first night." "Oh he hit everything just right, believe me, Jin is bigger than most Alpha's I've been with", I say proudly.

 We sat on the couch watching K-Drama's and eating all day, I also couldn't stop texting my mate, I missed him so much and he has been amazing making sure to answer me quickly because I would get impatient if he didn't. Jimin told me to calm down that I might get him in trouble but I couldn't help it, my wolf needed him nearby. I was getting angry when he wasn't answering me and I would blow up his phone but he was so patient and caring as usual, "Ill be home in about an hour baby, I have to finish this up for Yoongi first." 


My mate has been agitated all day with me not being home, he keeps texting me and calling me telling me he misses me and needs me, I had to ask if he was in heat again but he said no, now that he is pregnant he wont go into heat again till after the baby is born. So when I got home I stop to see Sena and Jungkook before going to my house, I have to ask them what is going on with my mate.

 "UNCLE PIP", I hold out my arms to Winter, "Hey Win, gosh I miss you, how are you doing." She giggles and kisses my cheeks, "I miss you too Uncle Pip, I am growing." "Yes you are, pretty soon I wont be able to pick you up", I pretend that I cant carry her. She laughs, "stop, I am not that big yet." I set her down and hug Jungkook, "what's going on Pip, you look stressed." "Not stressed, I guess just confused", I say looking lost.

He leads me to the couch and sits me down, "do you need Sena too." I nod feeling like a failure because I don't understand my mate. When she sits down in front of me she takes my hands, "what's going on Seokjin." I sigh, "I feel like an idiot, I know nothing about my mate and I feel worthless." "Oh Jin, no its not something ingrained into humans minds, so you have to learn as you go, what's going on with Tae", she asks.

 "He is pregnant", I am jarred when Jungkook hugs me and I cant help but to laugh. "Good job Pip, making me an uncle during Tae's first heat", he laughs. I smile, "yea I guess I did." "What is he doing that you don't understand", Sena asks. "Its like he is addicted to me, he is upset that I am not home, he texts me all day and gets upset if I don't answer right away, what am I supposed to do", I say. 

She laughs, "Jin, it is not just Taehyung wanting to be around, its your pup too, Jungkook what if we turn one of our extra rooms into an office for Jin and ask Yoongi if he can work from home until Tae gets over this or gives birth." "I am sure he will be okay with that but I will talk to him, you are okay Pip, we will take care of everything, go home to your mate, I have heard your phone vibrating this whole time", Jungkook laughs. I hug them both and head to my house to see my mate.

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