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Narrator/ Haven's house.

Teyana stumbled into Haven's house, causing all the boys to take there attention off of the PS5, and looked at her, all raising an eyebrow.

"Well well well, if it ain't miss hoe hoe hoe!" Ten joked, causing Aylo to fall out laughing.

"Shut the fuck up, I am not a hoe."She laughed with them, throwing a pillow at Ten before sitting on the couch beside Rev.

"Where my best friend and Aisha?" She looked around, not seeing them.

"They asses upstairs, knocked out drunker than a bitch." Rev blew his smoke in the air, before passing it to Strap.


"So...where you been at, lil sis?" Aylo raised an eyebrow, staring at her.

"With my friend, eating." She shrugged.

"Friend? Of how long?" Ten butted in. 

"Of tonight, stop minding my business. I am grown." She snapped her neck at ten, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah ight, this mad ass nigga missed you, he bout killed that nigga." Ten joked again, hitting Strap's chest.

"mmcht, you joke too damn much. Damn nigga, when you gone learn to shut the fuck up?" He sucked his teeth at him, before snatching away.

Teyana just ignored that whole statement Ten made, and the reaction from Strap.

She took out her phone, scrolling on Tiktok, out of boredom as the boys continued their game, shouting at each other. 

After about 10 minutes of scrolling, she felt her phone get snatched from her hands. She quickly hopped up, seeing Ten had ran off with it into the kitchen.

"Temariii, stop playing! Give me my shit ho!" She yelled, annoyed, trying to reach for her phone as he held it up to his eyes, scrolling.

"Oh shit, that nigga texted you!" He laughed causing Teyana to jump up, trying to reach it.

"Stop Ten! Don't look at it bro." She punched him repeatedly in the stomach, playfully. He was un-phased and started clicking on her phone.

"What he say?" Aylo and Rev walked over to them, leaning into the phone.


Yooo. I had fun tonight, tryna chill tomorrow?

Ten read the message out loud, before the room erupted with gasps, before Tee snatched her phone away quickly.

"mmcht. I fucking knew it." Strap stood up, walking over to the kitchen with them. 

She was tired of letting him slide in slick comments and remarks all the time, so she fought back.

"You fucking knew...what?" She hissed at him, putting her hands on her hip.

"That it didn't take much for your lil ass to go out and be a hoe. All I had ta do was make one fuck up, now you spreading ya legs uncontrollably. Fuck wrong with you?" He slammed the PS5 controller on the counter, angrily shouting as all the boys backed up, leaving the argument to the two of them.

"First of FUCKING all...I am NOT a hoe! And I have NEVER spread my legs for anybody BUT you. But CLEARLY that was a FUCKING MISTAKE! As your TOXIC ass can't keep your dick out of other BITCHES, HUH? HUH, MEKHI? Or maybe, you know what...pull your phone out, let's ask MARIAH." She shouted back as her body got hot all over, this happened when she got angry. She felt like swinging on him.                                                 

"You know what...I ain't finna argue witcho ass. And yeah, I made my mistakes with Mariah. But it wasn't really a mistake, she did take it all without any complaints." He giggled, shrugging his shoulder.

He felt a quick heat come across his face, as he fell to the ground. Teyana had punched him with all of her might, directly in the face, causing his cheek to instantly swell up. She then sat on top of him, punching him all over back to back. 

Rev, Aylo, and Ten rushed over to them, all dragging Tee off of him. She pulled Mekhi by his hair, considering she couldn't reach his face anymore, and Aylo broke her hand loose from it as Rev picked her up and slammed her onto the couch, standing in front of her. Aylo and Ten stood in front of Strap, making sure to not let him go either.

"You are a BITCH! THE WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME!" Tee yelled all types of offensive and rude words to him, as he sat there thinking of how to get her back.

"I just want mommy." Tears began pouring out of her eyes like a faucet, and she balled up on the chair crying out. Mekhi's heart instantly sunk. He couldn't stand hearing about her mother, because he knew she was sensitive about her. He wanted to give her a hug so bad, but he knew that would only make it worse.

"I'm out." He spoke lowly, grabbing keys and walking out of the front door slamming it behind him.

As soon as he left, she felt relieved. All of the boys sat around her, comforting her in silence.

"Sooo, what did you and Dice Roll do?" Ten joked.

"DELANO. And we just ate.. and we might've...never mind."She said, wiping her eyes.

"Nah keep going." Rev leaned in, staring at her. 

"We kissed. But just once...well twice. But it wasn't like a major kiss, he just leaned in." She shrugged, holding her head down.

All three of the boys scrunched their faces up, looking back and fourth from each other back to Teetee.

"Wait...so this nigga basically kissed you without your permission...?" Aylo stood up, angrily.

"No no no, I don't regret it. He just made the first move and I followed through. That's it.."She assured, sitting up straight. 

"Oh...yikes." They all said, knowing that if Strap found out, he would have a heart attack.

"I'm tired. I'm going home guys...See y'all later." She sighed, walking out of the house, making sure to lock it behind her.

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