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Teyana groaned as she rolled over in the bed, laying her head down on Mekhi's chest. It was now the next morning, and what had happened last night was the best sexual experience she'd ever felt. 

"Goodmorning." She kissed his lips once, as he slept peacefully. She rolled out of his bed, and left out of her room, barely able to walk. When she opened her room door, she was surprised to see rose petals on the floor leading to her bed. She gasped as she followed the petals, making it to the bed seeing tons of gifts on the bed.

There was 3 Birkin bags, blue, red, and pink. 4 different pairs of Jordan's, 2 pairs of Alexander McQueen's, and Nike tracksuits and other clothes laid out. There was also expensive perfumes and lotions in bags. She took in all of the surprise, on the verge of tears before noticing a pink MCM backpack with the tag still on it, and she walked over looking into it.

She let out a huge gasp, revealing the 200,000 that was in the bag. She paused and stared down at it...not knowing what to do. Shaking, she grabbed the note out of the bag and read it to herself.

To Teetee,
Never would I think I'ah be simping like this. I love you girl, I really do. Everything that I'm finna do, and the way I'm finna turn up over these next couple of years are gonna be for me and you. We might not be together, but I'ah always be connected to you. Ever since the first day I saw you in the neighborhood when we was jits, I knew that I'ah have you. I can't let this go, please don't ever leave me. What we have is forever, I don't ever want to be as separated from you as we were during this couple months.

I love you..

She read it in Mekhi's voice. She looked up from the card, staring at the balloons that read 'Happy 20th Teyana', then at the Daffodil's that were in a beautiful shiny diamond vase, and back down to the card. Tears poured from her eyes, as she felt everything that she'd felt when they were in a relationship.

She loved Mekhi, she really really did. She just didn't want to get back together until he was different. Until he...found a different way to love her? Yeah. That's it. 

Wiping her tears under her glasses, she slid into some biker shorts and kept on Mekhi's t-shirt before walking downstairs to see all of her friends huddled around the kitchen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!" Everyone shouted in different ways, before Ten ran up and tackled her to the ground holding her down. "COME GET Y'ALL BIRTHDAY LICKS!" He shouted, as everyone ran over to her and hit her repeatedly. She laughed and screamed at them, excited to be surrounded by people she loved. 

"Ughh, get off me, Temari!" Teyana squirmed under him as he helped her up before pulling her into a hug. "Happy birthday for real doe, sis. I got you some shii back at home, and please don't be one of dem muh fuckers who read my card out loud" He laughed before letting her go.

"I won'ttt." She dragged. They'd put balloons and Daffodil's all over the house. Haven and Aisha put their differences aside and prepared a huge breakfast early that morning. Haven also ordered 20 different Edible Arrangements and set them up across the hug dining table. They sat down, eating as they all told her happy birthday and talked about their memories.

"Nah, but y'all remember when Tee had beat that bitch up who Strap kissed in gym class, in 6th grade?" Aylo laughed out loud, taking a bite from his waffle causing everyone else to laugh.

"akekeke, ain't shit funny." Mekhi walked down the steps, before sitting in a chair beside Teetee. Tee loved over at him, staring into his eyes as he scrolled on his phone. "What?" He giggled, looking up back at her, licking his lips.

"Thank you." She whispered before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tight. He hugged her back before pulling away and speaking. "It ain't over yet, though." He smirked at her, and she scrunched her eyebrows, confusedly.

Hearing rustling coming down the stairs, everyone looked at the stairs except for Tee. She continued eating her food, feeling everybody stare at her, looking up from her food.

"What?" She jumped at them, and noticed their eyes shifting back behind her. She turned around and quickly jumped out of her seat, nearly falling and running over tackling Rev to the ground. She was more than joyful to see that he was here.

"Damn." He giggled, hugging onto her tight as they rolled all over the floor. She didn't plan on letting go anytime soon. "OH MY GODD! REV! HOW- WHEN-" She was cut off by his laughter and he sat up, still hugging her.

"Strap did it," He stared, nodding at Strap as Strap made a tight, fake smile. "He told me you was missing me and shit. I was missing you more though, so I knew I had to come." 

"I swear I missed you, so so much. Why'd you leave me? Don't do that." She cried out of joy on his shoulder, slightly letting go. "I won't. I promise." He stood them up, swaying side to side hugging her. 

After a while, he let go and they sat down at the table. Everyone else had knew that he was here, and they were told to keep things quiet. The group ate breakfast, and presented their gifts to Teyana as they chilled out for a while.



"Hello." I answered my phone, sitting on the toilet taking a shit. Delano had been texting me all morning, and I'm not bitter so of course I answered.

"What's good, ma. Happy birthday sexy pussy." He joked, and I flicked him off laughing with him. "Thank you. And nothing really just chilling." I sat my phone on the counter and went to wipe, flush, and wash my hands. 

"What you got going today? I see you in Miami." He put his face in the camera as he was smoking, and I laid down flat on my stomach on the bed. "Nothing, and yes, i amm! I was going to invite you butttt...I didn't." I joked, and he laughed before putting his blunt out.

"It's cool ma. I got something for you when you come back though." He assured, looking at me through the phone. "I'mma call you back after I take me showe-" He was cut off by the phone hanging up immediately.

That's weird...he must've been with someone. Oh well, not my man.

(A/N:) Short chapter, but y'all I'm gone take my computer to school with me tomorrow so I can get into the good stuff!

Love y'all, enjoy and vote.

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