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Narrator/3 years later...

"AND...I think that my defendant has spent MORE than enough time in this terrible, terrible place. Especially for someone who had no choice. When you're given a decision on life or death, you'd choose death too. Am I right, your honor?" Attorney Williams taunted the judge who was left speechless after the long speech that she'd just watched.

"Either way, a murder is a MURDER." Ayden's family's attorney shrugged, fake smiling at Attorney Williams.

Teyana, as well as Attorney Williams, were both honestly shocked to see that Ayden's family was still fighting for him. Everyone knew how devious he had became and he'd even cut his own family off. Ayden took everything he ever gave his family away before he died, leaving them stranded. But, besides the fact, they remained fighting for his justice.

Teyana was zoned out, not even paying attention. At first, she really wanted to leave this place. She didn't trust it, nor did she want to be here. After a while, though, she'd adapted to the environment and fell in love with her own peace. Even though, people were waking her up every morning and telling her what to do, she grew comfortable with her own space. She really wouldn't mind being here forever.

"I order the court a recess of 30 minutes." The judge banged her gavel before everyone got up and walked out to take a break.

"I'm going to win this freedom for you, Tee. You deserve it..it's been a long time coming." Attorney Williams gathered a few papers and walked away. Teyana sat in her seat, with her head dropped low.

"You're not going to win this. You killed somebody." Ayden's attorney whispered to Teetee, cause Tee's head to rise staring at her.

"Okay. Get out of my face, please." Teyana stood up brushing past the attorney and walking to the bathroom. Her eyes filled with tears, and she didn't even know why. She'd been very emotional for the past two years and she didn't even know why.

When she walked out of the tall court room doors, reporters flooded her every side, waving cameras and microphones at her. Questions glued from every direction, and she honestly didn't even know why they were so interested.


She stared at all of them, watching the tall and bright lights flash in her eyes. Quickly, her attorney rushed over to shield her face with a coat and ran her into the bathroom.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?" Attorney Williams whisper yelled, removing the jacket from Teyana's face as Teyana sat down on the toilet and began to use the bathroom, right in front of the attorney.

Attorney Williams tilted her head, scrunching her face up as Teyana calmly took a piss.

"Sorry, I've been in prison for damn near 4 years, I'm used to doing this in front of people." Tee laughed it off, wiping herself. She got up from the toilet and pushed Attorney Williams to the side, so she could wash her hands.

"Excuse the fuck outta you. Answer my question, TEYANA." Williams crossed her arm putting her coat back on her body.

"I had to pee, KURIYA! Stay out my business, do the case and shut the fuck up." Teyana snapped her neck back, opening the door. Before she could make her way out, Attornye Williams, whose first name is Kuriya, snatched her back in by her arm. She slammed the door closed and locked it staring at Teyana.

"Listen. I'm not one of them little bitches that you've fought and pushed around in that PRISON. I'm here to help you, and if you don't want my help then let me know so I can stop wasting my damn time. It's been a long ass 3 years for all of us. You're not the only one going through shit, Teyana. Do you want my help or NOT?" Kuriya snapped, waving her finger around as she talked.

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