2 - Him?!

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Author POV

Wake up Y/n!!!!!!. You heard a loud voice which disturbed you form your peaceful sleep. You slowly sat on the bed and looked towards your right side. You saw your angry mom who is trying to wake you up from around 15 minutes. You smiled nervously and got up from the bed.

Y/n:"What happened mom?". She glared for your question.

Mom:"Aren't you going to university?". You nod innocently and made your way to do your morning activities. Your mom sighed and went downstairs.

After a 20 minutes of shower you came out to your room and looked at the clock. Your eyes widen looking at the time. It's 8:12 and you've to go to your university before 8:30. You quickly put up your uniform and went downstairs.

Y/n:"Good morning Mom, Dad". You greeted and sat beside your dad who is waiting for your mom to serve the breakfast.

Dad:"Good morning *smile*. You are late for your university, aren't you?". He asked after greeting you. You looked at him nodded.

Y/n:"Yes Dad I am late". He sighed.

Mom:"Then eat as soon as possible and get moving before it gets too late". You mom warned you while serving the breakfast. You nodded and started eating your breakfast. Soon after few minutes you were done with your breakfast and rushed towards the door.

Y/n:"Bye mom and dad". You yelled standing near the door while looking at your parents who is just coming from the kitchen. They both smiled and waved at you. You turned around and started walking fastly towards your university.

Lisa:"Hey gurl! How have you been? Why we're you absent yesterday?". Your best friend came towards you and asked.

Y/n:"All good. I wasn't feeling good. Now, come let's go, it's already late". She nodded. You both went towards your classroom.

Lisa:"Hey! Did you complete your notes which Mr. Choi gave the day before yesterday. Actually, he is was absent yesterday?". Your eyes widen at her question as you didn't complete that one. "Knew it!". She laughed at you.

Y/n:"Yah! Stop it, I'm not going to get punished today like before and it's a challenge". You challenged her while looking at her confused face.

Lisa:"Huh? But how?".

Y/n:"You don't know? I'm sick from yesterday".  She shook her head in disbelief and turned her gaze towards the board where Professor Mr. Choi just entered.

Students:"Good morning Professor". Everyone greeted including you.

Taehyung:"Good Morning students. You guys can be seated now". Everyone bowed and settles themselves.

Y/n:"Hey, who is he?". You whispered to Lisa.

Lisa:"He is our new professor. Isn't he handsome. He is freaking hot".

Y/n:"Ewww! That means I was scared for no reason". She looked at you weirdly.

Lisa:"Good for you. But, he isn't as he looks, he is so strict some students who didn't complete their assignments yesterday got a bad punishment. I wonder how can he be so strict and handsome at the same time".

Taehyung:"Stop whisperering there". Hearing his voice you both shut your mouth. You were so amazed by his perfect figure and the sincere way of talking. He looked like a gentlemen, just perfect man. Just a look towards him made your heart flutter in no seconds. Every gesture of his were damn hot, the way he walks, his outfit and his piercing gaze whenever he looks directly to your eyes Just made you go crazy for his looks. Just then he started teaching his lessons. You were listening to the lessons carefully before the class ends. You felt a tap your shoulder and looked upto the person. She was momo.

Y/n:"You were seated there right?". She just shifted her seat next to you.

Momo:"Yeah, only in his class. He changed everyone's seat and told that it's only for his class". She said with a irritated tone. You laughed slightly. Like that, classes one by one came to an end.

Jennie:"Hey guys, come on, let's got for a break". She popped out from behind with a cute smile. Everyone there laughed and stood up to go to cafeteria.

Momo:"Y/n, come here". She called you to sit beside her. "Actually, I wanted to tell you something." She continued when you nodded. "Y/n, please stay with Lisa everytime you're in the university because he had joined our university again". You furrowed in confusion.
"Ji-hoon". Your eyes widen in shock As soon as you heard the person's name. Momo patted your shoulder when she noticed your teary eyes. Everyone felt pity.

Lisa:"Don't worry Y/n, I'll stay with you eveytime so that he can't do anything to you". You sadly smiled at her words.

Jennie:"Now calm down Y/n, everything's gonna be alright". You slowly nodded and blinked your eyes in order to clear your vision from that blurry ones. Soon after you were calmed, you finished your lunch and proceeded to your upcoming classes.


Finally, walking out of the gate you looked around once and headedtowards your house. You were still thinking about the person who is back again. Who is the only person  you didn't expected to look at. Your mind was all a mess thinking about him.  You came across a beautiful park by your side. You weren't in the mood to got to house so you just went inside that park. You looked all around and had a long walk. Soon after you were again in the place, you sat on the nearest bench. You were lost in thinking about that person, you didn't wanted to but the thought of his never let you. You tried hard to distract yourself when a man came and sat beside you. You looked upto him and he was your professor Mr. Kim. H elbowed sad and was teared up.

Taehyung POV

I ran all through the park but I felt so exhausted so I just sat in the bench where a beautiful girl was sitting, in her own world, deeply in her thoughts. Panting, I relaxed myself but she noticed me and asked.

Y/n:"S-Sir?!, is everything fine?".

Taehyung:"Hmm? Do you know me?".

Y/n:"Yes sir, I study where you're working as a professor. I'm Park Y/n". She smiled cutely. Ahh!!! Her, so cute. Cute little lips, that charming eyes, that squishy cheeks and nose. Damn beautiful. Calm down Tae she's your student. My thoughts were interrupted by her. "Uhm, s-sir is everything alright? I mean your eyes are teary and you look sad". Listening to her sweet voice and her words made me smile unknowingly.

Taehyung:"Yes, you don't have to worry. I'm totally fine." She smiled and sighed in relief.

To be continued...

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