24 - Death?!

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Author POV

He took you to the every place in the house and showed every bit of his memories in his house. Standing in his room which was filled with dark aura, dark colored walls, and many other things which were shaded with tint of grey. Your eyes fell on a picture which was hung on the side of the wall.

You went near the picture and stood infront looking at it, taehyung partially standing behind Mrs. Kim with a balloon in his hands. You admired the way he looked with those cute oversized shorts with a playful smile while trying to hide behind his mother.

"T-Tae if you don't mind, can I tell you something?", You asked stuttering as you were scared to tell him what you remember because he may get mad at you or he may be sad. You were now confused whether to tell him or not but if you don't it may hurt him when he finds out about it by himself. After having a battle between yourself, you finally decided to tell him with the courage left out in you.

"Yes tell me Y/n, what happened?", You took deep breathe and continued. "Tae I think I know this place and something about Mrs. Kim", he furrowed and turned to you.

"What is it Y/n, why do you look so tensed?", he asked while holding onto your shoulders to make you feel better which was successful. You looked down and said, "Tae, this was the place where Mrs. Kim died...?, right?", his face shrinked for your question and eyes teared up.

"Why are you asking Y/n?", he told faintly thinking about something deeply. "N-no I didn't Mean to hurt you Tae but I remember this place and I have w-witnessed Mrs. Kim's death", his eyes shoot opened for your statement. "I know Y/n", you were so shocked by his reaction because you never thought that he would tell something like this when you said about his mother's death. "I know that you know about my mother's death", you furrowed.

"What!!? What are you even speaking Tae? That means you know about Minjun too", he chuckled weakly and nodded looking down in sadness. "Yes, I know that Minjun is the reason for my mother's death", he told blankly making you confuse. "You still wonder why did I come to you having a marriage proposal right after the day we first met, don't you?", you looked at him cluelessly making him chuckle faintly. "You do right?", he told bringing you back to the senses since you were thinking about why did he came up with this so suddenly. "Y-Yes, I do but what's with our marriage and your mother's death?".


He turned and stood a step closer to me, "just assume that it has something to do with", he told with unsatisfied tone, felt like he wanted to tell something but couldn't. He gently held my cheek with his one hand and looked in my eyes. "But you can tell me Tae", he smiled softly for my words. "It's nothing like that Y/n, come on now let's go, it's getting late", he said while holding my hands again in his, I felt a bit relieved when his warm hands held onto mine securely.

I can never take my eyes off him, he had never treated me like this before but now having him by my side was enough for me to smile.

I left myself on the bed and looked for my side to find my Hot husband busy in his phone. His veiny hands, half folded sleeves of his t-shirt, messy brown hair which were left on his forehead, the way he was concentrated on his phone made him look damn hot and handsome. "I know I'm handsome, you dont have to stare at me like that", he said still focused on his phone, when his blank face was replaced by a smirk. I decided to play along.

"Yahh! I want to stay with you forever so don't kill me by your looks this early", his eyes widen for my sudden flirty lines for which I dead laughing internally for his reaction. "Y-yahh, y-you know h-how to tell th-those huh?", He stuttered but held on a smirk on his face while pretending to flirt back. His reaction was too cute to handle. "Yes I know because I'm Mrs. Kim Y/n", I dramatically flipped my hair making him giggle, he surely held back his laughter now.

Author POV

"You're surely Babe", you blushed hard when he used the word 'Babe' because you weren't used to those. " *Fake cough* now did you forget how to flirt? You're blushing hard rn", he smirked again for which you hit him playfully, he giggled.

You turned around pretending to be mad at him for which he backhugged you, snuggled and slept. "Good night", he said in his deep voice which sent you butterflies as he said it in between the crook of your neck which sent warm chills all over. You wished him back and slept.

You woke up with a lazy yawn and sat on the bed, looking all around the room while adjusting your sight for the piercing rays of sun. You looked at the clock and stretched your body to get rid of your sleepy mood. You were satisfied with your sleep because you woke up too late as it's weekend.

"Good morning", said the tall man standing near the door of restroom with his towel wrapped only around his waist. You got up lazily greeting him back and went to do your morning routine.

Resting yourself on the couch after having the delicious breakfast made by your husband, you switched on the TV to kill your time. Today, Taehyung had been treating you so nice and sweet which he had never done before, you were a bit confused for his extra sweetness which seemed strange.


I was feeling so strange and weird today, taehyung being extra nice and sweet made me overthink about something tragic. I shrugged my bad thoughts away and concentrated in TV when i felt Taehyung settling himself on the couch beside me.

To be continued...

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