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I AM FINALLY FREE! Luke thought as he stepped out of the airport, pulling his huge blue luggage behind him.

For ages now, he had been waiting for the moment he could finally escape his house and leave everything he had been living. Life had been rough and exhausting for him: family problems drowning him, too much work stress and anxiety. His mental health was ruined because of everything that was happening around him: from his country's bad situation to his family life and his relationship with his friends who had already left him alone when they found better friends... that was why he had worked so hard to run away; at that time all he ever wanted was to escape from everything, from everyone. He wanted to live a better life away from every kind and source of negativity that existed in that one old place.

He arrived at his new place; it was small but at least he could live alone and peacefully spend his time without any toxicity from anyone around him.

"I will be better here," he said as he was cleaning the house. "But I need to find a job as soon as possible..., " he sighed and sat down to rest for a while before continuing his chores.

Months passed and Luke was still searching for a good job for him to be able to survive but found nothing. He was almost out of money and was anxious about that; all that he saved was gone, yet he had not found a job to continue, but he did not want to go back to where he came from. He preferred dying from hunger to going back to the toxic world he had been in since he was born. He did not care about anyone anymore; he gave everyone all the love, he was the kindest to every person in his life even though everyone hurt him a lot. But now... he had changed, he had hated the truth that he was that weak kind guy who everyone played with, who everyone threw away when they found someone better than him, he had been sick of the feeling of being lonely most of the time even though there was a big number of people around him. He had wanted to change, that was why he had left without any warning, without even saying goodbye to any of those people; he just wished not to see them ever again.

"Ah, I really need to find something... this is so bad... I thought I would live better here but it turns out to be worse... how will I be able to eat now... I have no more money left. There are only a few more things in the fridge that I can use to make some food," he murmured, as he looked at his empty wallet "do I really have to do this?"

He walked to the room and laid on his bed praying for himself to survive and find a job, or maybe just disappear for real now, as he had nothing to hope for anymore.


"Ah, who's that in the early morning... it's still 7 am? I'm so tired!"

He opened the door, sleepy and exhausted. A nice mail carrier gave him a little envelope and wished him a good day ahead; that mail carrier's cheerful greeting and smile made Luke smile a little even though he was not feeling good at all then. "Thank you, have a good day too, sir!" he said as he took the envelope and closed the door right after the man left.

The hell was this from? He thought as he slowly sat down still confused about his existence, he was still so sleepy that he just wanted to go back to bed but it was the first time he received anything at that house and so he was excited about opening it and knowing what was written inside. However, wait! - he thought - I have not told anyone I am here. Is anyone stalking me? Anyways, I will make a cup of tea before reading this.

He made the tea and sat down, opening the letter "What!?"

Dear Mr Luke, 

Congratulations. We are so happy to inform you that Dreams Designs Company would like to extend the offer to you for the position of a graphic designer. After checking your experience and works, we found you the most suitable person for the job.

Congratulations on your selection. If you choose to accept our offer, please report to the manager office on Thursday, January 3, at 9 A.M.

Sincerely, Dreams designs company.

"OH MY GOD REALLY?" he yelled loudly as he read it. "DID I SUDDENLY GET LUCKY TODAY?" he felt so happy and excited that he hugged the paper to his chest and jumped around the house "It's Sunday, I still have four days left? can't wait!" 

He sat on his bed thinking of what he should say, what he should wear, what he needed to take... he was too nervous yet so excited about going there; he had been searching for jobs for ages now and he finally found something. "Luke, you will be happy again my dear..." he told himself as tears started drawing lines on his cheeks. "Everything will be better my dear." He added and closed his eyes while breathing heavily.

He spent his days waiting and preparing himself, mentally, for the job he had been offered. All that he wanted was to work and finally survive the hell he had been living since he had moved there. His hope was bigger that time, he believed in himself for the first time in a while.

On Thursday, Luke arrived at the company's location that he had been instructed to go to. He fixed his outfit before entering the place, feeling all nervous and anxious; he had not had a job interview for a long time.

Luke knocked on the door before stepping in, but nobody answered, so he just walked in wondering if that was the right location. "Hello? Anybody's here?" he was shaking as he started to feel anxious. Why would a whole company be this empty? Why would he receive a letter asking him to go to that place when there was actually nobody there? Was anyone trying to kidnap him or hurt him? Was he in danger? Would this be his last day? Those were his thoughts as he walked in while examining the place.

The place was empty and cold. He thought that he had come to the wrong place, but instead of leaving, he continued walking in. In addition, as he walked farther, the door started to disappear little by little until it totally disappeared. He stood in the middle confused; he did not know where to go to get out of that place.

Luke sat on the floor, thinking of ways to save himself. "I thought I came here to find a job but why isn't there anyone here? This is the same location they sent me... am I trapped? What did I do?" he messed his own hair, stressed, anxious, as everything around him was only white, no other colour. He had been so excited about this job opportunity for days but it seemed that his happiness had been for nothing.

As he was still there thinking of a way out, he noticed something black far away from him. He thought then that he finally found the way out, but he couldn't understand how that black thing had suddenly appeared or where it came from. He stood up as fast as he could before it could disappear again; arriving near it he found out that it was a big piece of black jewellery. "What is this? I thought that by walking here I would find a door or something... am I that unlucky?" he said and placed his finger on the jewellery making it disappear and once it was gone he felt dizzy and couldn't feel anything anymore as everything turned blank.

Magic Moment ~ JossLukeWhere stories live. Discover now