the forest ~

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A week later, Joss and Luke entered the company and each went to his office to work on what they had to do for the day.

A handsome, muscular man entered Luke's office, with another gorgeous, muscular man with a shining smile following him. The two men seemed too much in love with each other, which made Luke wonder who they were and whether they were a couple because he thought they were so cute together and immediately shipped them.

"You must be Luke," one of them said as he walked in and sat down on the chair in front of the table. "My name is Max, and this is my husband Tul," he added while shaking the hand Luke had promptly offered.

"Yes, that's me," Luke replied, smiling widely, a little bit shocked by the fact that they were husbands. "Such a beautiful couple! Welcome here, how can I help you?" he asked as he sat back down in his place.

"Oh, we just heard you're the new graphic designer of the company so we decided to come and visit you," Tul said as he looked at Max smiling, then turning his gaze on Luke, who was wondering who these two were and how they knew about him being the new employee there. Did they work here before or something? Or do they know me? Something is weird about them. Luke thought as he heard Tul speaking.

A few seconds later, Joss knocked on the door and entered Luke's office as well, "Hello!" he said "I thought you would have come to my office first before coming to Luke's," he added as he walked in and hugged both of them together, "I missed you both," he said.

"We missed you too, son," Max said as he patted Joss' head.

"You haven't visited us for a while now, Mr Perfect!" Tul replied, ruffling Joss' hair.

"I'm sorry," Joss pouted before hugging Tul again "I was a little busy and getting to know Luke more,"

"Getting to know Luke more, you said?" Tul smirked and walked behind Luke, placing his hands on the back of Luke's chair.

"Well," Joss was saying when Max interrupted him.

"Of course, he must get to know our future son in law," Max giggled and pat Joss' head once again.

"Hey! What are you talking about?" Joss yelled while Luke was awkwardly sitting there, too shocked and confused about what was happening around him to take part in the conversation.

"Son in law?" he managed to utter as he looked at Joss, wondering why they called him that and what they were hinting about.

"Forget it, Luke," Joss answered him. "My parents just like teasing me all the time," he added and signed to Max with his eyes to stop what they were doing.

"Your what? Parents?" Luke was puzzled, blinking as he tried to understand what Joss had just said.

"Yes! This is my father Max and that's father Tul."

"Well, Joss is such a nice boy and he's soft-hearted as well," Tul whispered in Luke's ear "Nobody knows about this but you now, let's keep this as our secret," he added and moved from behind Luke's chair, offering his hand for Luke to shake it. Luke numbly shook it and nodded letting Tul know that his secret was safe and no one would ever know about it but him.

"Freedom, I can go rest now!" Joss and Luke went out of the company as they had finished working that day. It was already five o'clock, the sun disappeared, the sky slowly turning darker as time passed, and Luke was holding a cup of coffee in his hand and his pretty small bag that hang on his right shoulder. "Where do you plan to go today? Or will you stay home?" he asked as he looked at Joss who was carefully closing the door before stepping down the stairs.

"I don't know," Joss replied as he placed his keys in his pocket. "I have nothing to do today,"

"Oh! Do you want to go to my house? Or shall we go somewhere to have a walk?" Luke excitedly asked as he grabbed Joss' arm, looking up at him with pleading puppy eyes.

Joss didn't say anything and just avoided eye contact with Luke, who kept hugging his arm like a koala hugging a tree. With Luke wrapped around him like that, there was nothing Joss could do but to stand rooted in place and stare in the distance.

"Okay then! Let's go for a walk, I haven't taken one for a while now," he finally relented, and Luke pulled Joss behind him and happily started walking, his pace quick from how excited he was, not really minding where he was going; he didn't know that neighbourhood anyways, but he really wanted to take a walk with Joss.

"Woah this place is cool!" he exclaimed after a while, the random road he had picked leading out of the suburbs. "But maybe a bit cold..." he added as they entered a forest, his body trembling.

Joss was looking all anxious and hesitating, he pulled Luke towards him to stop him from walking, "Let's go back to your house, Luke," he said as he looked deeply in the man's eyes, it was obvious that he just wanted to get out of the forest for some reason that he was not sharing with Luke.

"Are you okay?" Luke said, moving closer to Joss who instantly looked away as Luke's face was now closer to his, "or are you scared of the dark, Mr handsome?" he added and smirked while still so close to him.

"I'm not scared, but let's just go home," Joss replied now sounding even more serious as he looked around; he was looking a little uncomfortable but Luke insisted on staying and continue their walk, thinking that Joss was only scared of the dark.

Joss just walked with Luke, and Luke noticed that he was scanning everything around them with his eyes as if making sure they were safe. They arrived somewhere in the middle of the forest where everything felt darker, the trunks of the trees back and covered in stains that eerily resembled blood.

"Wait," Joss spelt as he placed his arm in front of Luke not letting him continue walking, a grave look appeared on his face as he looked around them. "Luke," he added.

Luke stood behind Joss, "Yes?" he replied, worried, and grabbed the fabric of Joss' shirt moving closer to him and hiding his face on his back, he wondered why was Joss acting all weird like that, was he just scared of the dark or was there something about this place perturbed him, like a bad memory. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Joss said and held Luke's hands and stared at his eyes as if he was staring right into his soul, "Do not move," he continued with a kind of scary voice that Luke had never heard before, raising his eyebrows as he focused on Luke's features. "Stay here, do not move, I'll be back in a few," he added, still staring into Luke's eyes.

"But wait, why? Are you leaving me here? Where are you going? You can't leave me here alone, please!" he yelled as he tightened his hold on Joss' shirt, and a voice from his past started ringing in his mind.

What about mom and dad? Let's go, Luke, we can't stay here!

Why aren't you coming back? Don't leave me alone, I'm scared...

"Don't leave me here alone! Don't disappear too!" he shouted again, tears filling his eyes as his hands started to tremble while still tightly clasping the fabric, not letting Joss go.

"Don't yell! Don't yell, they'll... nothing, just wait for me here please. I'll be back I promise. Just promise me to stay here and not move an inch," Joss tried to reassure him, placing a little kiss on Luke' forehead before disappearing somewhere in the forest. 

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