a vampire?

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Doubt took over his mind after weeks of waiting for Joss and calling him without getting any answer from him. He went to the company every single day, worked and checked if Joss had come to his office, but he never did. Still, Luke didn't lose hope and always waited for him, hoping that maybe one day he would come back, maybe he was sick or something like that... or maybe he just left him as everyone else had done before...

One day, he woke up all of a sudden feeling piercing pain in his chest as if he had been hit with something heavy. He thought that it was just because of his anxiety and how much he had cried the night before. He got up from the bed, feeling weak, his movements heavy; he just needed to drink water, even though the kitchen was close to the living room, he just felt like it was miles away. He walked slowly, his hand placed on his chest where it felt as if there was a burning hell inside like he had unconsciously broken one of his ribs.

"Do I really need to keep living like this?" he murmured and painfully sighed as he arrived in the kitchen and got a cup of water, carefully drinking it all as if he hadn't drunk water for ages.

Months passed and every single day he woke up with some new wound on his body, his limbs aching as if he had been fighting with someone stronger than him, but he wasn't even moving nor seeing anyone, let alone fighting them. He started to feel anxious about what was happening, he searched a lot about the symptoms but couldn't find anything that matched with all the various injuries he was having. Was he surrounded by ghosts or some invisible creatures? Or was it a curse that had been following him since he was a child for him to lose his parents at such a young age? His anxiety started getting worse, making him so stressed that he started being having attacks of rage in which he would break whatever he found in front of him.

He stood in the middle of the room glaring at his reflection in the mirror: all he could see was a man with scars all over his body and face, a person with exhausted eyes that seemed like he was on drugs for some time.

"Do you even deserve to stay alive? Do you even deserve to be happy for a day? You're just like a leaf that feels happiness for a few days, and during that time it forgets that it's its destiny to end up disappearing one day when the tree decides to throw it away, and when it's thrown away it just dies somewhere between the other hopeless dead leaves that the wind keeps throwing from one place to another!" he yelled at his reflection nonstop as if he was fighting with an enemy who was threatening him. He hated everything, he hated himself even more, and didn't know how he was going to survive all the pain he was going through without knowing the reason behind it. He needed Joss so bad, he needed him by his side, to hug him, to tell him how much he missed him and how much he was exhausted... but he knew that he wouldn't come back, he knew deep down that, just like the way his brother had disappeared that day, Joss had disappeared as well.

"No! Not him! No, I have to save him!" screams started echoing around him, a guy who looked like his brother Tay was thrown on the floor under a hideous creature who was attacking him. He ran towards him, fighting the beast trying to save the guy.

That man was able to run away, disappearing in the wide forest, and the terrible monster attacked him, hitting him all over his face, drawing cuts all over it before someone killed that ugly thing from the back and everything disappeared like a puff of smoke.

He woke up, his eyes snapping open, his body covered in a cold sweat while shaking violently, his heart pounding like drums. Screaming in pain, he sat up looking around his room anxiously while breathing heavily. He messed his hair before touching his face to make sure he was okay and that it had been just another bad nightmare, but as soon as his hand touched his skin, he howled and jumped out of his bed from the burning sensation on his skin.

Magic Moment ~ JossLukeWhere stories live. Discover now