where's he?

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Luke sat down thinking about everything that Max had told him. He was feeling bad for having hated and feared Joss, even though he had been helping him and protecting him all that time. He felt bad for thinking of him as a monster, when all he had done was fight for him and wait for him.

It was like he would be out of tears soon because of crying for hours as flashbacks from the old days crossed his mind. He slowly started to remember everything from his past self, the way hugging Joss had felt those days, how warm his arms were, how his kisses tasted and felt so magical that he never had enough of them, all the smiles that they had shared, their tears, everything even the last day and minute with him...

Luke ran out of his house: he wanted to hug Joss again, let him know that he wasn't going to leave him ever again, "But I don't know where their house is located," Luke murmured as he stopped in the middle of the forest trying to figure out a way to Joss' house.

He was looking around when he found Max and Tul who were hunting animals to drink some blood; they haven't been able to do so all day long and that made Max almost lose his temper.

"How come you are here?" Max said as he wiped Luke's face.

"I want to go to Joss, where's he?" he asked, tears blurring his sight.

"Oh! Did you hear that Tul! Hold me, I'm gonna cry!" Max said, all dramatic as he couldn't contain his happiness.

"I heard that too Max! Give me your hand Luke," Tul replied offering his hand to Luke who directly placed his in Tul's.

Tul smiled before they all disappeared from the forest leaving only a little black cloud of smoke in the spot they had been standing and it disappeared after a few seconds.

Tay's pretty face welcomed them as soon as they arrived at Maxtul's house.

"It's nice seeing you, my little prince," Tay said as he smiled brightly.

Seeing him, Luke instantly wrapped him in his arms, "It's been so long, my brother," all his life he had wondered if he would ever be able to meet his brother again, hug him the way he was hugging him in that moment. He had missed him so much, more than anyone could even imagine it. They were kids when they had lost each other, and having the chance to meet again was something that Luke had thought was impossible; he thought that his brother had been killed just like their parents.

"So long, my little prince," Tay hugged his brother back tightly, "Now, go to Joss first, we'll talk later little prince," he whispered to Luke before letting him go.

Luke made his way to Joss's room, he rested his head against the door, listening for any sound that might be heard, but the only thing that he caught was the muffled sobs of Joss. Luke felt sadness creeping into his heart, was he the reason for all the agony and pain that Joss was going through? Was he really worth it?

He took a deep breath and gently opened the door of the room just enough to come inside without startling Joss.

He walked into the room on his tippy toes, carefully, not to alert Joss, as the sobs of the latter grew louder and louder. Luke's heart clenched in his chest: he was the reason for this. He had done this to Joss, without meaning to. But still, he was the reason for this, and he was going to fix it.

He moved closer to him and sat down on the side of the bed, but Joss still didn't notice that. Luke's eyes were prickeling with tears as he watched Joss all weak like that, "Joss," he murmured as he slowly moved his hand and placed it on the latter's back, "I'm here," he added.

As soon as he felt Luke's touch and heard his voice, Joss turned around hoping that what he was seeing wasn't a dream; all he wanted was the one he loved to be back to him.

Magic Moment ~ JossLukeWhere stories live. Discover now