memories ~

243 22 2

{tw///blood; injury; death of family member.}

"What am I doing here?

Where did he go?

This place is scary... I hope nothing bad happened to him.

But where would he go in this darkness...

Ugh, shit! It's way too cold, I'm freezing, but it's summer, how can this forest be this cold?!

Oh maybe because there is a river there?

I don't know but I just want Joss to be okay and that we go home together already! Yes, together..."

Luke was thinking as he waited for Joss who hadn't come back yet, he sat down on the ground, absentmindedly playing with the mud that was covering it "Ew, this mud smells bad," he said as he realized what he was doing, and cleaned his hands with a tissue he had in his pocket.

A few moments later, "Ouch! What the hell is this?!!!" he yelled, suddenly brought out from the sleepy state he had somehow been slipping in by an intense pain, as if something was cutting his skin. He looked at his hand and found it was all bruised and covered in blood. "Where did this come from?! I didn't do anything!" he looked around, trying to find out what could have caused that wound. The pain was so unbearable that he couldn't help but cry, "did someone come here?" He kept looking around, then tore a piece of his clothes and covered the wound with it to stop the blood from coming out. "Ugh, it hurts like hell! Where is Joss?!"

Luke woke up screaming due to the pain he was feeling throughout his body wondering what that weird dream had been and why he was feeling so much pain even though it had been only a dream. He sat on his bed feeling dizzy and hurt, still not fully awake yet. He raised his hand to look at it and found it covered in dried clots of blood, yellowish clumps of pus sticking out of several cuts, all swollen and red.

The yell he let out resonated all over the house. He had no idea about what had happened, but he surely knew that this wound was bad and needed to be healed and he needed to go to the hospital for that.

Getting up, he stopped in front of his mirror for a few seconds to make sure nothing was injured other than his hand. Did something happen? I don't remember doing anything? I just woke up, how could I be injured like this? He thought as he examined his hand.

Luke walked out of his house and went directly to the hospital where they treated his hand and gave him some antibiotics.

When he got back home, he sat on the floor in the middle of the living room trying to understand where this injury came from. His mind went blank for a moment, he closed his eyes as he recalled some memories.

He was happy then, all he had been thinking about was his parents' smile that filled the car as they were going on a road trip. They sang their favourite songs, laughed hard at jokes that each of them kept saying nonstop, he and his brother Tay played games right in the back seat of the car while waiting to arrive at the destination which was unknown to them they usually just followed their parents excitedly because they knew they would have a great time with the family, and that was exactly all they ever wanted back then.

"Wait for me Tay," he yelled as he got out of the car, running after his brother who was following their mother.

"Come here little one," Tay waited for him and then picked him up and cradled him in his arms; he was small but he always supported his little brother and made sure to make him feel loved no matter what.

They followed their mother who entered a huge and luxurious villa. Tay and Luke were stunned by the view in front of them: everything was totally different from what they had been living in since they were born; they lived in a tiny house, it was all pretty, clean and comfortable. But the one in front of them at the moment made him feel a kind of jealousy, I want to be a prince too, he thought while still in his brother's arms.

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