healer fairy

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Tay was supposed to be searching for food for his little brother, he promised to make him something to eat. But what he didn't anticipate the moment he left the place they were hiding in, was that he would never be coming back again.

Tay's life changed the moment he left his brother: he was drugged in somewhere before he could find any food for his brother to eat. He didn't understand what happened: one moment he was walking between the trees and the next he was being assaulted where no one could see him or hear his struggles.

The last words he heard were, "...Joss isn't gonna know what hit him."

When he gained consciousness again, he found himself trapped in a dark room with both his hands and feet bound by rope. He screamed and yelled and cried but no one answered him, all he could hear was laughter.

Someone was laughing at his misery.

One day, he was woken up by a cold bucket of water being thrown at him. The icy water drenching his cloth, making him tremble from the cold.

When he looked up he found a young man standing in front of him, probably around Tay's age. The young man's lips were curled into a beautiful smile but when Tay looked into his eyes he saw nothing but darkness and evil.

"Who- who are you?" Tay asked, his voice shaking.

The young man's face morphed into a grin, he looked mad, nowhere near what a sane person should look like.

"What do you want from me?" Tay asked again, his voice now full of fear.

The young man let out a startling laugh, not only did he scare Tay but also the other people in the room that Tay hadn't managed to see yet.

"You ask too many questions boy, but I'll answer you. You know why? Because you are no threat to me," the young man began, "My name is Pleum, and I am here to end your miserable life," he declared, letting out another crazy laugh as Tay shook in fear while he wiggled around trying to untie his restraints.

"Awww so cute, trying to get yourself out of here," Pleum mocked him, using the tone one would address babies with, "Maybe I should let you go and bring your baby brother instead? How would you like that? Want to keep on wiggling around?" he threatened, making Tay freeze in his place at the mention of his baby brother, his little prince.

"What do you want from us?" Tay asked, tears falling down his face.

"From you? Nothing. But from someone close to you? Everything," Pleum laughed, then turned to look at his goons and said, "ruffle him up a bit, I want the message to Joss to be crystal clear," before he walked away.

After that everything was a blur, he remembered being beaten up, cut and tortured but he endured it all for years.

He was ready to die if that meant his brother would be okay.

Tay woke up one day with someone nursing his wounds, he tried to move but was unable due to the injuries that covered his body.

"Don't move, you'll hurt yourself more," a gentle voice called out. But Tay couldn't see who it was because of his bruised eyes, both eyes so swollen from all the punching and kicking he had received that he couldn't even open them.

Days passed and Tay was still being tortured. Pleum hadn't visited even once after he ordered his men to ruffle him up but instead Tay was always graced with the presence of this unknown person whom he decided to call his 'healer fairy'.

His healer fairy had no face and always came when no one was around. Tay couldn't see the fairy because his eyes were badly hurt, all he could do was hear the soothing voice of the fairy that held him when he cried.

His fairy never gave him his name but Tay could already guess why. He had heard the guard wonder how he could still be alive, and how furious 'the boss' was going to be when he found out.

If the boss were to find out about Tay's fairy, he would be punished and Tay wouldn't do that to someone who was helping him so he kept quiet and never betrayed the fairy.

He promised himself that if he couldn't get out of there, he would take his unknown healer's secret to the grave.

It didn't take long for Pleum to find out that the despicable human was still alive. He stormed into the room where the human seemed to be dead from the appearance of his body, but that damned heartbeat was still loud and clear, not once stuttering to the vampire's ears.

He furiously walked to Tay, whose eyes were finally beginning to heal, and raised his hand in the air getting ready to strike.

Tay closed his eyes, accepting his fate and waiting for his end to come.

"Noooo!" he heard a distant shout, the voice of his healer startling him, making him open his eyes.

Tay looked at the person who was being held by the guards, and was struggling with tears in his eyes trying to reach out for Tay.

"New?!" Pleum yelled in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

"Don't kill him, please please, I beg you don't kill him," New begged and got on his knees, hoping that Pleum's heart would soften.

"So you were the one helping this scum? That's why he wouldn't die," Pleum said, his voice cold, and knowing.

"Please, don't kill him," New begged again, ignoring what his own master had said, his eyes never leaving Tay's form.

"Have you gone soft?" Pleum asked in disbelief, before letting out a chuckle, "Well, we'll just have to train you again," he shrugged before turning towards Tay and raising his hand in the air again, and sticking the human on his neck, tearing into the skin as the human started to choke over his own blood.

Pleum let out a dark laugh that echoed into the dim room, mixing with New's cries and the sound of the human's final breaths.

But before he could enjoy his glory, he was knocked over by New who had suddenly regained his strength and ran towards his human, giving him the bite that would simultaneously save his life and turn him into a vampire.

"That's..." Luke pouted, silent tears streaming down his face as he stared at the sadness on his brother's face as he finished his story.

"Sad, isn't it?"

"Where is he now?" Luke asked, feeling bad for his brother, he understood how it felt to lose someone close, someone who meant the world to you.

"I don't know, but I saw him run away when Joss finished them all, he never liked being one of them anyway," Tay let out a pained sigh before adding "I'll find him one day for sure, he must be somewhere in the forest,"

"He will come back someday, don't worry," Joss replied, gently caressing Luke's hand.

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