Listen to me~

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"Hey, can we talk for a second?" Tay knocked on the door of Joss' room, where he had been locking himself in for a while now. Joss didn't want to go out nor talk to anyone, because he knew that if he did he would hurt everyone around him, and that's something he really didn't want to happen.

He had tried protecting the person he loved, in fear of losing him again; he had saved his sibling for him to be happy and to bring him joy again, yet he found himself losing him again, but this time the reason was that he was a monster the other feared, a monster just like the monsters who had killed Luke's parents.

"No! No one is allowed to enter this room ever! Stay away from me!" he yelled from inside.

"As you wish," Tay walked away, not bothering the man.

Max and Tul hadn't come back yet and that made Joss scared, anxious and furious, he didn't know what he was supposed to do; what if they came back without the man he loved? What if Luke didn't want to talk to him again? What if he hated him and was going to fear him forever after seeing that scene in the forest? What if he lost him again?

"Did you find anything?" Tul asked as he walked closer to Max, placing his hands on his sides trying to think of any possible places they could find Luke at; they had been searching for so long, looked through all the forest and couldn't find anything, not even a trace of the man. They had searched the caves, around the black huge trees...

"There's one place we didn't search at," Max yelled as soon as he remembered, making Tul freak out.

"You didn't have to scream and startle me!" Tul replied to him placing his hand on his own chest acting as if he had almost got a heart attack, "And where is that, mister smarty-pants?"

"His own house..."

"I totally forgot about that!"

"I forgot too!"

Arriving in front of Luke's house, the odd thing was that his door was wide open. Max stepped in first with a worried Tul following behind him with his hands placed on Max's shoulders to make sure he stayed close to him and nothing bad would happen.

As they walked in, they found that the place was a mess: broken glass littered all over, Luke's clothes and furniture all thrown on the floor.

"Something isn't right, Max..." Tul murmured, grabbing Max by his shirt for him to stop walking.

"Shhh, he must be here,"

"What if he isn't and somebody kidnapped him or something?"

"No, I can feel it, he's here,"

Max stopped when he heard crying noises coming from the kitchen. He carefully walked in not to startle the crying person and found Luke laying on the floor like a starfish, crying loudly.

"Luke?" he whispered cautiously as he approached the weak guy.

And as soon as Luke saw them coming near him, he anxiously sat up and shuffled into the corner trembling. "Don't come near me! Don't hurt me!" he yelled, his voice shaking.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Max froze in his place not coming any closer, so that Luke wouldn't panic anymore, "Listen-"

"No! Leave me alone!"

"I am not going to leave you alone before you listen to me!" Max couldn't handle his temper and started yelling at the trembling boy in front of him. He didn't want to see his son hurt anymore, he knew how much hardship his son had gone through to protect this man called Luke, who now feared him.

"We're not here to fight anyone, Max," Tul then pat Max's shoulder to calm him down before he could lose his temper and actually hurt Luke; Max's anger was something everyone feared, and anyone who hadn't seen him angry before wouldn't want to see him that way.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Max let out a heavy sigh before continuing what he wanted to say, "Luke, please listen to me, and I promise we'll leave directly after I finish what I want to say, but listen to me, and listen to me carefully..."

Luke nodded with tears filling his pretty eyes, not saying anything; he wiped his tears before Max started talking again.

Max sat down on the floor facing Luke, and Tul kneeled next to him, his hand placed on Max's shoulder and he stared at Luke with a soft and warm smile to let him know that he was safe.

"So, uhm where do I start..."

Magic Moment ~ JossLukeWhere stories live. Discover now