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Months passed at this company and Luke was still the happiest ever. Joss was always taking care of him and helping him out with what he needed. Teaching him new ways to fix whatever he goes through while working, brought him food every day on lunch breaks not letting him pay anything.

However, something felt weird, nobody took care of him the way Joss was doing it, this was new to him yet, it was so nice and warm from Joss to do so, yet Luke felt a little bit awkward every time, but something deep down his heart was telling him that this man was indeed different from everyone else.

One weekend, Luke woke up to the sound of the doorbell; it was already ten am and he was still sleeping wearing his blue pyjamas on which were a number of Doraemon's pictures. When he opened the door - all sleepy and still not fully awake and his hair a mess - he found Joss in front of his door, holding two huge boxes of pizza.

"Hello!" Joss said, joyful and looking as good as ever, wearing a long-sleeved shirt, black gloves covering all of his skin and a cap on his head.

"Good morning," a sleepy Luke replied with a voice that barely could be heard, at first he didn't focus enough to know who it was. He looked again after blinking for a few seconds, "Oh my God! Mr Joss!!" he yelled astonished, he wondered how can he be this excited in the early morning and he didn't expect him to come to his house, actually, how had he even found his house? "Why are you wearing that many clothes? It's so hot today!"

It was the first time someone had come to visit him since he had arrived in that country, he never expected anyone to care enough to think of coming.

"Oh, I'm just protecting myself from the sun because I don't like getting tanned, I like my skin just like that," Joss replied, smiling weirdly. "May I come in?"

"Yeah! Right! I'm sorry, I just woke up... I didn't know you would come," Luke was talking so fast, anxious and shocked at the same time. "Please come in," he added and made way for Joss to enter.

They both sat together, eating their pizza, and once it was finished Luke was still shocked about the reason why Joss had come to his house.

"I'll make some tea," he said and walked to the kitchen.

"Okay," Joss replied and followed him there. "Your house is so cute," he added while sitting on a chair.

"Yeah, it is cute, such a small old house," a pained smile appeared on his face. "At least I'm warm here in the winter..." he said and put the tea in the mugs, giving Joss one of them and then walking to the fridge where he kept some cookies.

They sat for a while drinking tea while chatting and laughing like they had never done before. Luke noticed that Joss was still wearing too many clothes so he decided to bring him a shirt, he felt bad for him in the warm weather.

"Here," he said and placed the T-shirt on Joss' leg "Wear it as you stay inside, you can change back when you want to leave," he added.

"No, no, that's okay," Joss gave the shirt back to Luke "I'm fine like that,"

"Or do you need me to change it for you?" Luke raised his eyebrows and moved closer to Joss making their faces close enough for them both to panic and move away from each other as soon as they noticed that their noses had touched.

"Okay, okay! I'll wear it," Joss grabbed the T-shirt and stood up, taking off what he was wearing and changing into the T-shirt.

Wow, he looks good, Luke thought before walking back to the sink to drink water as he felt his heart beating too fast, almost exploding.

Joss entered the living room and sat on the couch scanning the mug in his hands, looking all awkward and shy for some reason.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked and walked towards him placing his hand on Joss' shoulder making sure he was feeling well. Something was bothering Joss for sure, is it my ugly old house? Or maybe my ugly kitchen? Or maybe the way I suddenly approached him? he thought.

"I'm fine," Joss answered and gently rubbed Luke's head. "Let's watch a movie?"


They chose a movie to watch together, it was a romantic one, they sat on the couch, holding popcorn in their hands. As the movie went on, Luke wondered how was it like to have someone who loved him that way, he wondered if anyone would love him the same way the lead actors in the movie loved each other and sacrificed their lives for each other. He unconsciously turned to look at Joss, stared at him imagining himself with him as a couple, which made him giggle and blush before turning his sight on the movie again.

He wanted to feel loved too; he had never lived a love life before, so thinking about love made him feel pained and somehow weird because he had never experienced something that way.

"Do you want to know something?" Joss said, turning to look at Luke.

"Hm?" blushing, Luke questioned as he looked again at the handsome dude in front of him.

"I ship those two together!" Joss yelled and put some popcorn in his mouth, started munching them as he stared again at the screen, looking serious.

"Who?" Luke curiously asked and ate popcorn too.

"The main guy and the girl's guy best friend,"

Luke choked on the popcorn as he heard him, "So, you prefer them to be together instead of the main couple?"

"Yeah," Joss added, "if you focus on them well, there's something about the two guys that's weird..."

"What's that something?"

"They seem in love, but they can't be together because of things we don't know," Joss said as he munched his popcorn.

"Makes sense," Luke answered.

Joss nodded and fed Luke some popcorn, which made Luke blush even more now. "Why is your face turning red? Are you okay?" Joss asked and placed his hand on Luke's forehead to check if he had a fever or something.

"Oh? I am fine! I'm okay!" Luke replied, panicking as soon as Joss touched his head, so he stood up and walked to the kitchen, "Do you want some water?" he yelled from the room.

"No, thank you!" Joss yelled back and continued watching the movie.

Luke came back and sat down to continue the movie with Joss.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Luke asked as he rubbed his own head.

"It's you, you're hot," Joss unthinkingly replied while still focused on the scene in front of him.


"Wait a second, What?!" Joss' eyes widened before he continued "Nothing, nothing... let's continue watching, it's getting better as it's getting near the end." He changed the subject as fast as he could.

"Are you..."

"Just watch!"

Magic Moment ~ JossLukeWhere stories live. Discover now