a thousand years before~

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{A thousand years before}

"Let's all welcome your new classmate," the Ajahn announced as the class started, a young boy was standing on his right waiting for his turn to speak.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lee. please take good care of me," young Lee shyly said after the Ajahn asked him to introduce himself. He was so cute that Joss couldn't stop himself from smiling, his heart melting.

Joss moved his bag from the chair for the new guy to sit next to him because the only place left in that class was the one next to him. He tried hiding his smile seeing the new classmate walk up to the desk and put down his things before sitting next to him.

"Hi," Lee said, his smile brighter than the shining stars.

"Oh hello," Joss replied a few seconds later, having remained speechless for a while before remembering to reply to him. That boy was the first person to ever attract Joss' attention.

The two young boys grew up together from a really young age till they left the monastery together, Joss always taking good care of Lee after confessing to him and them secretly becoming boyfriends. Joss always treated Lee like his only prince, the prince that he wanted to protect with his whole life.

They never left each other's side, wherever they went they should feel each other's presence or else their day would not be complete.

The way they were so attached to each other was something no other couple had, their bond was the strongest that had ever existed back then. They had the same passion and wanted to do everything together no matter what.

Just like all the years that passed, after leaving the monastery and finding a job together, these boys spent all their days all lovey-dovey, glued to each other, making everyone around them envy their relationship. Some people tried to break them but they never succeeded in doing so, because what these two men had nobody could ever break nor change: they trusted each other more than anything in the world and that made them even stronger.

It was their friend's wedding, everything was so fun and joyful, happiness filling the party venue.

The slow music was playing, couples were all dancing, with the bride and groom in the middle of the venue. Joss had Lee in front of him, smiling at him. He gently held his hand and led him to the dance floor, where he softly grabbed Lee's waist with his other hand and pulled him closer before the two of them started moving slowly to the rhythm of the music catching everyone's attention.

"You know that I love you so much, don't you?" Joss whispered before placing a gentle kiss on his man's nose.

"Yes, I know," Lee replied and planted a soft kiss on Joss' cheek, "but, I want to hear it again from you, Joss," he said, smiling as bright as ever; his smile never failed to make Joss fall even more in love with him, his smile like magic that charmed his heart.

"I l..." Joss couldn't continue his sentence, a sound of guns filled the place, he panicked as he looked around him hugging his man making sure he didn't get hurt, he held his hand and ran towards the door, everyone had left the place already, but the two of them couldn't make it to the door as Lee stopped running and kneeled down on the floor all weak, tears filling his eyes.

"Joss..." he let out weakly as he looked at Joss who ran towards him, anxious, worried, not knowing what he should do.

Joss kneeled down next to his man, he tried holding him but Lee was slowly losing his consciousness. Joss felt something warm slipping on his hands as he hugged his man to help him get up.

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