connected ~

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They were all so focused on what Tay had said, a little bit of sadness filling the air as they tried to comfort Tay, who for sure wasn't feeling that happy at the moment, when Tul shouted, "Everyone! Come here!" from inside the house, startling them. They ran inside so fast, worried about what was going on and why was he shouting that way; Max was out to bring some things while Tul was cooking something because he wanted to make a good reunion dinner for Joss, Luke and Tay. However, his screams instantly alerted them all, their hearts racing with worry as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Why are you all so scared?!" He placed his hands on his hips and looked at them in confusion.

"Why did you yell? We thought something bad happened..." Joss replied.

"Oh, I wanted to say that dinner is ready," Tul signaled to the table that he had prepared, filled with so many dishes, looking all delicious and good. "And, someone open the door before we sit, somebody is knocking, it's been 10 minutes already but I was busy making the red velvet cake..."

"I'll go," Joss offered before curiously walking out of the kitchen, he didn't know who to expect because if it had been Max he would've opened the door by himself with his keys, but maybe he had forgotten them at home when he left.

As he opened the door, he found a good looking young man standing on the treshold, his hand rubbing together in a clear sign of nervousness. "Hello," his voice was incredibly soft and gentle as he bowed in front of Joss showing him respect.

Joss curiously scanned the details on that man's face, he surely was another vampire - Joss could feel it - but he wasn't sure if he should be prepared for another attack or something like that, or if the man was just another good one. "Hello? How can I help you?" he asked, his face serious.

"Is Tay here?" the man questioned, his eyes always looking at the floor, making Joss even more suspicious about him; why wouldn't he look in his eyes? Was he shy or just trying to hide something?

"Yeah, and you are?" Joss answered raising his eyebrows, he was ready to throw a kick if that person tried to hurt Tay or any of his family again. After all that happened, Joss didn't trust anyone ever again other than his own people: Max, Tul, Luke and Tay - no one other than them.

An anxious smile appeared on the stranger's lips before he asked again, "Can I talk to Tay please?" rubbing the back of his own neck, always staring at the floor.

"Not before I know who you are..." Joss frowned, squinting at the man in front of him.



Everyone turned their attention to Joss as they saw him walk back in after a few moments, "Tay, I guess someone needs to talk to you," he nodded to Tay while smirking a little as he gestured to the guy to enter the kitchen.

Tay's jaw dropped as he saw the one he wanted to see the most, the love of his life, walking in behind Joss. he had never expected him to be back or even know where he was living; for a while now he had accepted that finding him in that huge forest wasn't going to be easy. But apparently, he was really lucky, for that very man was now standing in front of him. "New!" he yelled loudly as he all but run into his lover's arms, "I missed you, I'm glad you're back,"

"I missed you too!" New replied, hugging Tay back.

One day, a few months later, Joss, Luke, Tay and New were playing a game together in the living room when Max and Tul ran in yelling at the same time, all excited and happy, "Guys! Guess what?!" and started jumping as if they had won the lottery or some kind of competition.

"What happened for you to startle us with your excitement?" Luke asked, watching the two of them jumping and celebrating who knew what. They had never seen them this happy before and seeing them this way made them all smile like idiots even before the parents told them the reason for celebrations.

Magic Moment ~ JossLukeWhere stories live. Discover now