at the company

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"Huh? Was that just another weird dream?" he said as he opened his eyes, in his own house, on his own bed, hugging his own pillow. "But didn't I go somewhere to find a job?" he sat down confused, touching his bed and his things to make sure he was not hallucinating. "Okay, I must be just tired that I started to see weird things in my dreams..."

He made a cup of tea and walked to the living room, took the newspaper in his hands trying to find something again.

On the paper was written a huge black and red number for a job opportunity in dreams Designs Company. "But... isn't this the weird company I've gone to before in my dream?" he ran to his room to find the envelope that he had read before when he found it, he read it again but this time the location was different. "Huh?"

It was still Thursday, and there was still an hour left before his interview would. "Wait for a second... I thought it was 3 pm now, how is it suddenly 8 am?" he stared at the wall for a few seconds before getting up again fast, changing his pyjamas and then running out to the place.

"Mr Luke, please come in," a gentle voice could be heard from behind the door as he knocked on it. This time it was a real company indeed, he was afraid to go at first but it seemed that he was not dreaming nor hallucinating this time.

"Hello sir," he said, a little anxious as he entered the office.

A beautiful man turned around and softly smiled at him "Hello, it's nice having you here, please sit down," he said pointing at the chair in front of his desk.

Luke sat down, his hands locked together, biting his lips from how nervous he was. "Thank you for your job offer, sir, " he said with a shaking voice.

"You're actually a really talented guy, and that's what pushed us to offer you this job. In our company we need someone with good skills and beautiful talent like yours," the manager said and gave Luke a paper to fill in with his information. "You can start tomorrow," he added.

"Thank you again, Mr," Luke replied, he felt happy and, at that moment, his heart was at ease. He stood up and bowed to the manager before walking away.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, my name is Joss Wayar. You can call me Joss, no need to call me sir," the manager said before Luke left the office.

"Okay then! Nice to meet you, Joss." Luke smiled and walked back home.

As he was eating lunch, Luke stopped munching his food for a while when he remembered Manager Joss' face and that gorgeous smile of his and how he had suddenly become lucky and found a job when he needed it the most.

The next day he woke up excited for his first day at work. He wore his suit, looked through his old broken mirror fixing his jacket and his tie. He was finally feeling happy after all the pain he had been living for years.

As he entered the company, he greeted his workmates, and a handsome young man, with beautiful shining white skin, accompanied him to his office.

"Here's your office, Mr Luke. If you need any help feel free to ask me, my office is the one facing yours. I'm New, responsible for sales management." He smiled and bowed before going back to his office.

Wow, this is nice! He thought as he sat down and fixed the notebooks and papers that were placed on the table in front of him. Never had he ever been working in such a beautiful company nor a good office like that one; all the jobs that he had worked in before were not even related to his major, yet he was good in everything that he had done.

At first, he wondered what he was supposed to start with as nobody had told him yet what he should start with. A few moments later, as he was still fixing the table, someone softly knocked on the door and entered.

It was Joss, who came to greet him for his first day, bringing with him two cups of coffee and a box full of doughnuts.

"Hello Luke, how are you doing?" he said while placing what was in his hands on the table.

"I'm doing great! So excited but a little bit nervous." Luke replied while awkwardly smiling and stood up to bow for the manager.

"It's your first day, it's okay to be nervous," Joss answered, a hearty smile drown on his gorgeous lips. "I got you some doughnuts and coffee, I hope you have a great day!"

"Thank you so much!"

"No need," Joss sat down in front of him and he fixed his hair to the right before continuing what he was saying "well, you don't have much to do today. But I want you to start thinking about a logo for our company," he added, his hands locked together showing how serious he was.

"Oh, okay. I will surely do," Luke smiled as if he had suddenly won the lottery "I need to ask another thing," he added.


"Isn't that logo on the notebook the logo of this company?" he asked and scratched the top of his head.

"Yes, it is. But I wanted to change it to a new one and something better this time," Joss stood up and walked out while wishing him luck in his work.

Luke immediately started to search on the internet for ideas that could help him with the logo he was supposed to come up with for the company. Nobody was as happy and delighted as he was then, he did his best to the best out of that logo.

As he was thinking of a nice style to design it, he remembered that one piece of jewellery that he had found in his weird dream, and decided to use it as well in the logo, thinking that it was one lucky item for him and that coming to this company was a stroke of good luck to him after searching for ages for something to survive.

After a few days, Luke finished what he was working on and decided to go to Joss' office to show him a sample of what he had made. He was so nervous his hands were sweating and his heart was skipping beats: it was his first self designed logo for such a huge company, he felt proud of it yet he was afraid and worried that they wouldn't like it because he just worked alone on it and nobody asked him about it nor asked him to see how it was going.

Luke gently knocked on the door and the euphonious voice of Joss asking him to go in decreased his worry and made him feel a little more confident to show him what he had got.

They spent hours together, Luke explaining the meaning and why he had made it that way, Joss totally focused, smiling and watching the sparkle in Luke's eyes as he talked.

"...And that's it," Luke finished, placing the tablet on the table and excitedly looking at Joss as he waited for his response while the other was still lost in another world, scanning Luke's face. "What do you think about it?" Luke added and awkwardly blinked.

"Oh! About the logo!" Joss turned his eyes from Luke's features and moved them to the tablet in front of him to check the style once again. "It's great, I love it! We'll use this one then," he added, then asking him to send him the files.

Magic Moment ~ JossLukeWhere stories live. Discover now