Not sure about anything

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"You seem moody today. Are you okay?" Harry asked, eyeing him in concern.

He had met up with Harry after work as promised but his therapist's words, along with Niall's and Liam's were ringing in his ear.
"I'm okay. Let's get out of here."

"Where do you wanna go?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know. You've lived here longer than me and I haven't seen anything basically. Do you have any favorite places?" Louis wondered.

"A few so far." Harry smiled.

"Do you wanna show them to me?" Louis asked.

"Sure. Wait, I'll get us some mugs to go." Harry said and got up and went over to the counter.

He returned with two plastic cups and they poured their coffee into them before they got up to leave. When they walked out of the coffee shop that had become their place Harry turned left.
"Where are you going?" Louis questioned.

Harry stopped and turned around to face him.
"The subway."

"I have my car over there." Louis said and pointed at his trusted Opel.

"You drove here? Why?" Harry wondered.

"I always drive." Louis said.

"You are such an outsider Lou. It's easier and much cheaper to take the train." Harry giggled teasingly.

Louis heard the nickname Harry just gave him and stopped breathing for a second. It wasn't something people hadn't called him before, usually his sisters, but it felt different hearing it coming out from Harry's mouth.
"I like my car, okay? Subways are dirty and crowded."

"Okay." Harry smiled.

They got inside and Louis backed out from the parking lot. Harry gave him directions. Ten minutes later he asked him to park across the street. Louis looked around and soon as they had gotten out of the car. He didn't see anything remotely interesting. Grey, boring buildings and that was it.
"Come on." Harry said and walked towards a small, unmarked archway.

Louis followed him and they walked past it. He stopped and stared. They were standing on a small square.
"What is this?"

"Pickering place." Harry informed him.

"It's beautiful." Louis said while he looked around at the buildings.

"Right? Georgian architecture." Harry smiled.

"How did you find it?" Louis wondered.

"I passed by here several times and one day I decided to poke my head inside that archway and I saw this." Harry shrugged.

"Amazing! So what's next?" Louis smiled.

"How about pizza or something? I'm starving." Harry said.

"Me too."

Harry knew a great pizza place a few blocks away so they drove there. They discussed everything from favorite movies and taste in music to childhood memories. Louis drove Harry home afterward and they agreed to see each other the next day as well. Louis went home feeling good about himself and the afternoon with Harry.

After a slow day at work he picked up Harry who took him to see another favorite hidden gem, the Leadenhall Market. It was another beautiful place and Louis looked around with sparkling eyes.
"You don't recognize it?" Harry wondered.

"I've never been here before." Louis chuckled.

"No, but from Harry Potter and the philosophers stone?" Harry smiled.

"I've never watched Harry Potter." Louis smirked.

"What? How is that even possible?" Harry almost screeched.

"Why is that so surprising?" Louis chuckled in amusement.

"Not even as a kid?" Harry asked.

"No!" Louis giggled.

"Okay, we're changing that. Friday. My place. I can make us some food." Harry suggested and bit his lower lip.

"Okay." Louis agreed.

He failed to mention that he was gonna hang out with Harry on Friday when he talked to Liam and Niall at work the next day, but when they started making weekends plans and counting him in he had to say something.
"I can't hang out on Friday. I have other plans."

"What plans?" Liam immediately questioned.

"Uhm, Harry and I are gonna watch Harry Potter." Louis mumbled.

Liam and Niall burst out laughing.
"What kind of lame excuse is that? Just say that you're dating, or having sex, or whatever you guys are up to." Niall said.

Louis fixed his eyes at them, glaring.
"Shut the fuck up. We're gonna watch Harry Potter because I have never seen Harry fucking Potter. Nothing else. Is that clear?"

"Sorry." Niall said, sounding apologetic.

Louis snorted and stomped off. He knew that he was overreacting. He didn't know why that had upset him so much but he was sure that his therapist would tell him eventually.

He helped a customer find some sportswear and when he was alone again Niall and Liam hurried over.
"We're really sorry Louis."

"I'm sorry for overreacting. Just keep those comments to yourself from now on, okay?" Louis replied.

Niall and Liam nodded their head so Louis smiled at them. He couldn't help but wonder if he was the one being naive. Was Harry Potter code for something else? He really hoped that it wasn't. He guessed that he would find out on Friday unless he chickened out and canceled the whole thing?

But when Friday arrived he hurried home after work to take a shower and before he could talk himself out of it he drove over to Harry's place and knocked on the door. A smiling Harry opened it and invited him inside. He gave him a tour before they ended up in the kitchen where Harry was cooking something that smelled amazing. He was talking and acting naturally so Louis relaxed.

They brought the food to the living room and Harry pressed play on the first Harry Potter movie.

Louis had a great evening and when he finally went home at two in the morning they had watched four movies in a row and made plans to see the rest the next day. Harry hadn't made a move at him at all and Louis was relieved. He could let go of the brain ghosts. Harry was only trying to be his friend. Why did that make him feel a little disappointed? He was so messed up.

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