Celebrating Christmas

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He woke up the next morning when Harry tried to wiggle out of his embrace. He let out a grunt and removed his arm around him. Harry went to the bathroom and he dozed off again.
"Lou, you have to get up. We need to get ready."

"M'tired." Louis slurred.

"Hangover?" Harry asked.


"Take a shower. Come on, get up." Harry said and shook him again.

Louis rolled to his back and rubbed his hands over his face.
"What time is it?"

"Eight." Harry answered.

He glared at him and Harry laughed softly.
"Don't you want to get home in time to celebrate? Merry Christmas Lou."

"Yeah. Merry Christmas, Haz." Louis smiled.

"I have to go home and shower and get my things. I'll be back in an hour. Be ready then." Harry said.

"Take my car." Louis suggested.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks." Harry smiled.

"The car keys are in the bowl on the kitchen counter." Louis said and sat up. He yawned and stretched his arms. His head was pounding.

Harry left and Louis dragged himself out of bed. He took some painkillers before he stepped into the shower. Why did he get drunk last night? Now he had to endure four hours in a car with a nasty hangover.

He got out of the shower and dried himself on a towel before he got dressed, brushed his teeth and shaved. He fixed his hair before he headed to the kitchen to make a pot of strong coffee. He posted some bread and sat down to drink his coffee and tried to eat but his stomach wasn't cooperating. He had just finished his coffee when Harry returned.

"Yeah. Let me just grab my bag." Louis said. Thankfully he had been smart enough to pack beforehand.

He carried his bag and the presents he had bought for his family to the car. There was a small gift on top of the pile of presents and he hesitated before he put it in his pocket. They took a seat in the front. Harry put his seatbelt on without having to be reminded and Louis appreciated it.
"How's the hangover?" Harry asked while he backed out of the parking lot.

"Better." Louis smiled.


Louis flipped through the radio stations and stopped at one that played 70-80-90's hits. Hotel California was currently on and he cranked up the volume. Harry started to sing along and Louis smiled. He had a great voice. He sang along as well and Harry smiled at him before he turned his eyes on the road again. They sang the song and when a eighties mainstream pop song was next Louis turned down the volume.
"So, how are you celebrating Christmas?"

"Me, my mum, stepdad and my sister Gemma. It will be a quiet one. You?" Harry replied while he kept his eye on the road.

"Me, mum, all my siblings, my stepdad and my grandparents and I guess it will be a combination of birthday celebration and Christmas since I wasn't home yesterday." Louis said.

They continued to talk and laugh and sing along to the radio. They went through a drive-in to get something to eat and four hours passed quickly. Harry parked on the driveway to Louis's family home.
"Do you need help carrying your stuff inside?"

"I think I'll manage." Louis smiled. He had his hand in his pocket, fidgeting with the present. He took it out and handed it over.
"Here, I bought you something."

Harry broke put in a dimpled smile.
"Thanks, Lou! I actually have something for you too." He turned around and grabbed a gift from his bag and handed it over.

Louis smiled widely. He leaned in and gave Harry a hug, breathing in his scent.
"Thank you. Merry Christmas Haz. I'll see you tomorrow. Drive safety and text me when you arrive at home so I know you made it."

"Absolutely. Merry Christmas." Harry smiled sweetly.

Louis got out of the car and grabbed his things. He waved goodbye as Harry backed out from the driveway. He watched him disappear around the corner and went inside. His family welcomed him with open arms.

He had a wonderful Christmas slash birthday. He sat down with his mum in the kitchen for a cup of tea when everyone else had gone to bed. Jay looked at him.
"You seem better. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine mum. Therapy helped. I have been able to grieve and I'm slowly moving on. I have great friends in London." Louis smiled.

"I'm so happy to hear that, sweetie. And Harry?" Jay asked.

"What about him?" Louis wondered.

"I sensed something when you all showed up for dinner. Am I wrong?" Jay smiled.

"You're not wrong. We're not dating or anything and I have no idea how he feels about me. I'm scared to find out." Louis shrugged.

"Don't be afraid of love. Go for it! Otherwise, you'll regret it. Live your life fully and Harry seems like a wonderful person." Jay said, spitting out life advice like she always did.

"He really is." Louis said fondly.

"Oh, you're so gone for him." Jay grinned.

Louis rolled his eyes but then he aired one of his concerns.
"Do you think...is it too early? Am I dishonoring Ethan's memory? You know what I mean?"

Jay put his hand on his.
"You're allowed to fall in love again. You deserve to be happy and I'm sure that Ethan would want you to move on, to be happy."

Louis thought so too but it was a relief to hear his mum say it.

He said good night after that and headed upstairs. After he had gotten ready for bed he brought the gift from Harry to bed. He hadn't opened it around his family. He had wanted to avoid their curiosity and questions but mostly he just wanted to be by himself because Harry bought him a present and that was something special.

He opened it carefully, curious as hell, but wanting to prolong the moment. He smiled as soon as he saw what was inside the box. Harry had bought a flannel pajamas and some fluffy socks for him, which was perfect. He always got cold during bedtime , especially during the winter. The gift was very thoughtful and sweet. He put it on. It was soft and warm. He fell asleep with a smile on his lips.

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