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Alex | chapter 7

"Oh no," Austin sighed. "We need to check on he—"

"What the fuck was that? You kept singling her out, see, the fuckin' chat is upset too," Minx yelled. I could tell how she was genuinely angry and how, clearly, this wasn't a bit and I knew just as much. I understand, I regret it to a degree, the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. "You just eliminated, embarrassed, and belittled, probably, the only person who'd ever still like you genuinely on fucking planet. You know what, you continue the damn show. I'm sorry, Austin, but I can't be in the same call with this asshole right now."

"Let me just say, Practically chose... friendship, neither love or host and I let her because she insisted. I was honestly surprised when I watched her video because it sounded like she was applying to be your friend but since friend isn't on 'love or host,' she took it upon herself to force its fruition."

Austin tried to go on with the episode like nothing happened but we all knew that it was beyond saving. I was a dick —a really big and shitty one too. I singlehandedly hurt someone's feelings and ruined my friend's stream in one night.

The atmosphere remained tense, almost humid and heavy. The episode ended with Nina winning but we couldn't even have the date last for more than hour.

Don't get me wrong, Nina was funny and entertaining. She was good at going along with my bits, starting her own, and setting them up. But neither of us was in the mood anymore and the chat was mad and more than half of the viewers already left.

It's my fault, and I knew it.

It was past 9 pm when everything ended. I was already on my bed, my head buried in my hand as I tried to calm myself by reading a book. Reading always calmed me down but I have been staring at this goddamn thing for so long and I still feel like an angry jerk.

I guess his aspirations. I admire how he could balance school and streaming and how much passion he has for both —it's the look in his eyes when he talks about what he loves, really.

I couldn't even fucking stay in law school and she talks about my aspirations? I know she didn't know, nobody does, and that sucks because I feel like I'm lying to everyone. Those aspirations she's talking about? I don't know what the fuck they are anymore but they're practically dead.

I really can't say I'm all crazy for you or that I love you or something like that because I don't really know you. I know who you present yourself to be in your streams, but you could also be different off-stream -and I'm sure of that to an extent. All I can really say is that I am interested in getting to know you better.

She's talking about past Alex, if she's looking for him, he's gone. She's interested in a version of me that probably doesn't even exist anymore. After what happened, I didn't want anyone to get too close. Everything is strictly professional and if a non-streamer walks her way into my life, there is more than a 50% chance that she wouldn't want something work-related. I can't have that again.

You don't need to be my patient for me to know you're a good person. You're a great guy and— I scoffed. Made her eat her words the moment I yelled at her live, what good person would do that?

Don't get me wrong, Practically was great, she kept the audience entertained, she was honest and, endearing in her own way.

It's just that she was analytical and articulate, I think those are the words to describe her. She got too close and it felt like I was fucking naked half the time she was talking. I didn't like how she thinks she has already dissected who I am, crazy enough, she probably has. And that— that bitch-trick I pulled just changed her perception.

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