treinta y cinco | trending (pt. 2)

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Dawn | trending (pt. 2)

"What is she like?" He thinks for a minute, that's when I noticed how he purposefully ignores questions that go between the lines of 'is it practically?' and 'it's so practically.' I also even almost forgot that I'm the Practically they're referring to. "Hmm, my girlfriend, my girlfriend laughs like a fucking hyena," he tries to imitate my laugh, "but it's  fucking attractive. No! I am not a furry! George, thank you for the 10 gifted, as I was sa— hold on for a fucking second, George!"

georgenotfound just gifted 10 subscribers!
quackity is so much calmer, he doesn't hit me every second he could anymore so she has to stay.

"Shut the fuck up George— you too, Bad! Hey, hey, listen to this. I dedicate this song to my good friend Badboyhalo. Fuck shit. Bad, why'd you keep fucking shit? It's wrong, Bad, that's Rat's shit, Bad, stop— oh, oh, he's calling, chat. He's calling. He's going to swear at me, is this going to be the day?— hello?"

"LANGUAGE, Quackity. You muffinhead!"

Alex's laugh echoes through the apartment. That lunatic, I'm heavily worried for Bad's blood pressure. His hair follicles are suffering as they are from the stress, an increase in BP will not be good. "Aaaah," Alex screams like he's being attacked, "why are you swearing at me, Bad?" He wails.

Soon he's already an hour in his stream and I noticed how he kept glancing at the side of his table. Typically, it would have his snack drawer but since he just cleaned his room yesterday, he hasn't restocked it. Feeling the sense of responsibility (kinda but also because I had to share some of my champorado with him before I ate it all), I walk to his room with a bowl in hand. I gently slid it on his table, making sure my face doesn't accidentally pop into the camera's view.

He looks at me and smiled gratefully. I knew I could recognize that hungry face from anywhere. Alex has very distinct facial expressions, you could easily tell how he feels with just a look at his face. Of course, added to the fact that I've known him for some time and keep seeing him and, well, now dating him.

"Having a girlfriend is so fucking great, chat. Like I never go hungry because she always gives me food. Remember those days when I had to fucking order a Taco Bell at 12 a.m.? Those days are over, chat, those days are over. She sneakily slips in a bowl of food for me here. Now I eat more home-made food, I fucking love it. But compared to her, my cooking skills are god tier, I'm not even gonna lie. I'm the better cook in this relationship," he is, but I'm not about to tell him that. Nothing beats Taco Bell at 12 a.m. every now and then though. I could crave a taco during the early mornings, especially during my period.

Later, while Alex was about to end his stream, I was surprised to see that Karl was calling me. I answer it as soon as I could, "Good evening, Karl. Is everything alright? It's like 3 a.m. at North Carolina now, right?" Sure he calls from time to time, especially to discuss upcoming anime or asking for a recommendation and giving his own.

"I didn't catch you at a bad time, right?"

"No, Karl."

"So, hear me out, good evening too by the way, my doctor's out on a vacation and I can't contact him. I'm too lazy to find a different doctor but I'm wondering what MDI you would recommend because I feel like the one I use now doesn't work as well anymore."

"Oh, an MDI? Hmm, I haven't been handling living patients for some time but I would recommend— I'll type it down for you in the chat. It's a little more expensive than most but I read it over when a pharmaceutical representative presented it, it's good, but I also suggest you still ask your doctor though, he knows your medical history."

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