veintidós | his house

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Dawn | his house

"Feliz Navidad, cariño!" Mrs. Hernandez warmly welcomed me with an embrace. "Come in, come in," she led me to the living room, where there was a big tree surrounded with presents. "You didn't have to bring anything, dear," pertaining to the gifts and the bowl of Crispy Pata I bought from the nearby Filipino restaurant I frequented.

I digressed, "It's the least I can do after you welcomed me to your home. It's beautiful, Mrs. Hernandez, I love what you did with the place," I told her politely. My eyes scanned the room, from the walls to the furniture; I could see that they were all thought out before being purchased. The house was big, must it have 4 bedrooms, not to mention the vast yard I could see from up front.

"You don't have to be so formal, just call me suegra," a smile spread across her face. I nodded in understanding. She's a mature, respectable woman, and the mother of my friend, who may be kind of a fiend, but I trust that she isn't making me address her with an insult so she can play victim in front of her family and they would later throw me out, like in those telenovelas. Imagine if that happened and a white rose suddenly appears right in front of me. "Mijo, why don't you show her around?" She called to her son who just entered the front door, carrying more presents from our little last-minute Christmas shopping that morning.

He had picked me up from my building this afternoon, I had just woken up after drifting to sleep from the night shift. We went to shop after I ended my call with my family who were already opening presents, being 15 hours ahead and all.

"Doctwer, you're here!" Tia jumped from the living room couch and clung to my leg. "Let's play in my room. You can meet Mia."

I looked to Alex for a clue who Mia was, "This big ass bear Tom got her last year," he whispered in my ear. I felt all the hair his breath touched stand on end. Alex, don't do that again, I might die of an aneurysm or cardiac arrest. I don't even want to imagine how the postmortem report's going to explain the increase in cardiac workload. "Tia, you're going to make Dawn drop all her stuff," he playfully complained, earning a giggle but also realization from the child.

We both gently placed our presents under the tree and let Tia grab our hands and drag us to the dining area. "Uncle Alex and Doctwer here," the little one announced at the top of her lungs. The chattering ceased and all heads turned toward our direction, in that moment, I felt to self-conscious. And I thought the interns whipping their heads at me freaked me out most.

Ava and Tom were making fruit salad at one corner of the table. Mrs. Hernandez went back to mincing spices and scolding a guy whom I think is their other brother, Adrian, who kept eating the cheese cubes from the plate. Behind him was a redheaded lady, her face and arms covered in freckles. She was laughing along them with one hand gently slapping Adrian on the arm. Mr. Hernandez, on the other hand, was writing on those cute little Christmas cards that let out a jingle when you open them.

"Tío Adrian, Tía Hadley, this is my friend Doctwer," her hand firmly gripped mine. Very strong for a 5 year old. "Doctwer, this is Tío Adrian and Tía Hadley," she introduced. I shook hands with both of them.

"Welcome to our la casa," Adrian clicked his tongue and sent Alex a malicious smile that earned him the middle finger. "It's cool to finally meet the great Dr. Dawn Garcia everybody has been talking about lately."

"You're overwhelming her," Mr. Hernandez's deep voice boomed. He was a slightly burly man with a clean mustache. Alex took after his mom a lot, soft features and bright smile; his eyes though, were surely from his dad, clear, almond orbs. He stood from where he previously sat and approached me for a handshake. "Excuse my son for his nosiness, they took after their mother."

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