doce | touching

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Dawn | touching

I was right. And first I thought he was just being weird, but today, I can finally conclude he's officially lost it.

He did. He lost it. He's gone crazy. He's cuckoo. He may be demented, delusional, possible decline in cerebral function. It could be a glioma, meningitis? -some kind of mass or tumor in the head?

Today I went home with my stomach sufficiently satisfied but that had nothing to do with the food at the hospital cafeteria. And as much as I want to say that the borborygmus cries of my digestive system ceased because of a quality meal I cooked up for myself when I got home, I am clearly talentless at doing house work. So what is my intestines metabolizing at 11:30 in the evening? A mu- let's give this a little more context.

I was in the afternoon shift and since I've accepted and established that there is no stopping Alex Quackity with his 'gift giving bonanza,' I've been checking whether my schedule coincides with that of Dr. Thompson.

When I found out that we had to work the same shift, I did everything in my power to avoid him like the plague. I had to slither my way through everyone in the emergency room, squeeze and wiggle my way through crevices between people like some kind of slug, and even came as far as to hide myself behind a hospital cubicle curtain with a very confused patient and equally confused nurse.

But stealth, like cooking, is not my specialty.

Just when I was about to bolt the other way while he was approaching, his long strides caught up to me before I could pretend I didn't see him. "Another gift, Dawn. Sorry, you can't run away from this one," he said. And when I opened the box intricately tied with a satin ribbon, I find a- you guessed it.

It was a muffin.

Perfectly baked, golden brown, 23 visible blueberries on top, 4 inches tall blueberry muffin, with a note that said: "To: my friend the badboyhalo stan."

Really? A muffin?
11:35 PM

you liked it? i helped mom
bake it yes i know im so
talented and perfect
11:35 PM

Ah, I see. Was it hard mixing
the dry ingredients, wittle
helper boy Alex?
11:36 PM

okay first of all i also mixed
the wet ingredients and 2nd
i am neither wittle or a boy
11:37 PM

i am a man that is not little
11:37 PM

Fine, fine, you did great, Mr. Man
that is not little. But really, Alex,
you don't have to give me
anything, please. You've given
too much already, including a
headache to Dr. Thompson.
11:39 PM

If it wasn't properly established,
you've been forgiven and we're
even friends already. You. Don't.
Need. To. Give. Me. Anything.
11:40 PM

how about amor?
11:40 PM

What did you drink this time?
You know you have low alcohol
tolerance, do you have someone
with you?
11:41 PM

im not drunk Jesus Christ
i was kidding
11:42 PM

but fine before you use your
doctor instruments on me
i do have 1 more gift to give
you but its not ready yet and
you can't deny it either
11:43 PM

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