nueve | he's being weird

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Dawn | chapter 9

I stared at my phone with my brows furrowed, not comprehending the message I have read over and over.

I'm sorry for yelling at you, hermosa. I was having a bad day but I know that doesn't excuse how terrible I acted. I wronged you and dragged you into my bad mood. I hope you can forgive me and have dinner some time. Fuck, shit, pussy, dick.

Quackity said that, the Quackity. The fact that he is sending me a message and apologizing is surprising in itself but what's with the fu- that last line?

Are you drunk? It's like
8 in the morning.

08:11 AM

Was he drinking himself wasted because of the Love or Host drama? Was he messing with me for stepping over boundaries that I wasn't even sure existed? If he's decided to jest with me after potentially sullying my 'reputation,' I'll be pissed and disappointed.

When I woke up this morning, well-rested, and thinking clearly, I realized that I shouldn't wallow and sulk over a man who vividly has no regard about other people's feelings. Maybe I was wrong to think the opposite, to believe that he was kind and considerate. Maybe he is just mean, rude, loud, and boastful. I should've known better than exposing my face on the internet, probably displaying myself to my patients and future patients.

You're better than this, Dawn. You deserve better, right?

Mom always told me, 'mind over heart.' It made sense, why waste my time fawning over this kind of guy? I didn't move all the way to California to find love or friendship, I came here to further my career and to give my family the life they deserve.

Life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows for me, it was a rollercoaster with hundreds of ups, downs, and loops -nauseating, I know. I was a scholar for most of my life, not because I was some sort of genius or genetically so evolved where more than 10% of my brain can function, it was more of me working rigorously enough to get them, almost died in the process but the future I have now is worth it.

At 23, I graduated from Nursing school, passed the board, and worked at a public hospital for a year. After I passed the NCLEX, I migrated to California and took care of the elder of an affluent family. I think I did pretty good, he was more of a friend to me than a patient, really.

Henry was sweet and compliant, reminded me of my grandparents a lot, and no stress to take care of. We even watched Knives Out together, we both loved that movie. I had to make him promise to not go all Harlan on me —not that I would ever administer the wrong medication though.

When he passed, I felt like I lost a great friend. He was 92 but despite being forgetful, he was expressive, articulate, and wise -taught me a lot, things I would never forget.

I looked at a wall adorned with his awards and business milestones. He lay high-Fowler on his bed, watching me with curious eyes. "Do you know how I went into business?" I shook my head but urged him to continue. "My parents were lawyers, my grandparents were lawyers, and the family law firm was passed down from generation to generation. As their only son, it was expected that I also go down the same path," he smiled, looking out the window. "So I took up political science, did well, graduated with honors, got into one of the best law schools in the state."

"But you weren't happy?" I asked as I regulated his IV.

"And it wasn't my profession. I wanted to be in my profession," he looked at me this time and handed me a frame he had on his nightstand. It was a picture of him in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of his first hotel. It was a small, two-storey building in the middle of nowhere. "I upped and dropped out, and started my own business. It wasn't anything grand, I didn't exactly have their consent or the money," when I returned him the frame, he ran one wrinkled finger on the edges. "It doesn't matter how big or how small the venture is, what matters is that it's yours. That was the road I want to take because that road— this road was mine."

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