seis | friendship application

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Dawn | chapter 6

"Chat, I'm going on the Love or Host. You must all be wondering," his voice thins and rises in pitch, "why are you going on that bloody show again, Quackity?"

I laughed at his British accent, don't get me wrong, it has improved over the years. It was another day, watching his stream while I ate lunch at almost 4 p.m. I just got off work from a 36-hour shift and I was tired and very, very hungry. This is honestly aging me faster than listening to my mom's stories about her retirement life.

Quackity hasn't been on Love or Host in a long time. People say he's got a girlfriend, he never cleared that up but didn't deny it either. I stood from the kitchen island and put my plate in the dishwasher. Maybe you should try out, Dawn. Have a little thrill in your life for once. Get some epinephrine pumping through your veins.

"My parents keep saying, 'Oh, Alex, you're not getting any younger,' 'Alex, soon you won't be able to give us any grandchildren,' 'Alex, Alex' ah! Fucking sto—p." He yelled right into the microphone. "They're talking like I'm gonna fucking die next week because I'm so, so old." He even took that opportunity to impersonate an old man by sucking in his lips and making his voice shake. "They want a little Quackling, chat, a little Quackling. Can you fucking imagine that? They want me to spawn a little fucking child. And we all know how much I love children," he said sarcastically.

Quackity with a kid? I can't imagine it, looking back to the streams where he had a headless baby doll— I'm pretty sure that having a decapitated kid is illegal in every country. Kidding, I honestly think he'd be a great parent. He gives good advice, mature when he chooses to be, seems calculated and principled, but he appears honestly not quite fond of them.

"Mr. Lee delivered a baby— wait a minute, what? Mr. Lee?—" I almost spilled the contents of my mug. "Defibrillated! Defibrillated is no where near delivered. What the heck." I wasn't even in the OB ward today, I sighed. That's a sign, it's time for bed. 
Austin ☑️ @AustinOnTwitter • 10m
LOVE OR HOST FT @Quackity decides powered by @cashapp

Thursday October 18th, 4PM EST

Today is THE LAST DAY for applications. If you're interested please apply here.                             

The most my brain processed was 'today was the last day.' I had to reread the sentence over and over before finally concluding that I didn't understand it wrong. "He streamed this 6 days ago, of course it's almost deadline." Why am I even worrying about this, I'm not even about to join. I sighed.

That was the most I could recall that day. I just woke up in bed with my phone in my hand. Ever had those nights when the expanse of your drowsiness resulted into you falling asleep the moment you got comfortable? Then you forgot what you did prior to sleeping like you hit your head and messed up your hippocampus. It was one of those nights.

I was about to get up to prepare breakfast when my phone suddenly vibrated. I groggily tapped on the notifications, thinking that it was a friend of mine. But the way my eyes widened when I saw who sent me a Twitter message, almost had both of them flying out their own sockets.

Austin Show Recruitment @GetOnAustinShow
Official Recruitment Twitter for The Austin Show. DM us to get on the show(18+).
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Joined August 2019

Hi Practically! Thank
you for applying to
Love or Host. I'm glad
to inform you that
you've passed the
screening phase and are
eligible for interview
with Gonedoc. What
day and time will you
be available within
October 15 to 17?
Yesterday, 10:38 PM

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