special | post-end drabbles

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These are part of the story but I couldn't think of a way to incorporate them anymore because I wouldn't know how to end the fic if not at the proposal part, but since I've already written these in my notes, I figured I should just post them anyway.

1. trending (pt. 3)

"Your fans are going to have a field day," Dawn tells Alex as he was typing down a caption to accompany the photo he was about to post.

"Yeah, it isn't everyday they find out I got married and to the person at the top of their theories."

They weren't wrong. That day, the newlyweds were flooded with notifications of the very comments they anticipated. After 4 years of dating, 2 months of engagement, the unlikely pair finally tied the knot.

2. baby names

"We are not naming our first kid Mike," Dawn had both hands on her waist, her protruding belly in Alex's full view.

"Oh, man, why not?" He complained, standing up from his seat on the couch to assist his wife. "Who wouldn't want their name to be Mike?"

"Not want—? Because I already know what the second name's gonna be," her tone remained annoyed, clearly the pregnancy hormones were at play, added to her already existing strong disapproval of her husband's arsenal of inappropriate names.

He laughs, "You know I'm just kidding. That'll be years of bullying for our son, Mike Hawk— who we will not name Mike Hawk, of course."

3. pregnancy surprise

She's pregnant and she could hardly believe it.

She felt sick one day, awfully tired and sleepy, morning sickness, seemingly incessant craving for food, and a repulsion for certain ones. She recognized those signs almost immediately so she bought a stick, micturated on the tip, saw the result, and had confirmatory tests at the hospital she formerly worked at.

It's not that they weren't trying, they were married and so engage in one the most natural of human functions: procreation —sex, making love, coitus, sexual intercourse, copulation, whichever you prefer. It's just that... they've only been married for roughly 2 and a half months.

You could say they were busy, they were energetic and fertile people, taking part in a more literal sort of union —only for the first time a few months back, on the very first morning (because they blacked out the first night from the tiresome activities of the day).

Maybe he just scores well or maybe she just catches well, her parents would have said, to which she will refute, blushing madly, with more scientific reasons.

Now her current predicament was how she will break the news to him. Not that she was one for grandeur or anything, she just wanted it to be special —well, more special than it could possibly be if she just said it straight out to him. She had to prepare for it, she wanted to.

And an ingenious plan occurred to her. She never thought she was smart, firmly believing that she was just hardworking enough to be close to the level as intelligent people. But this, this plan finally makes her think that maybe she was some kind of genius.

Alex was streaming one day, brightly beaming, vividly comfortable and content with his married life. He was swearing his lungs out, playing a multiplayer with his friends when he received a familiar donation. "Thank you, PracticallyDead for the hundred dollars—"

PracticallyDead donated $100!
I'm pregnant and you're the father.

"—the only thing I will touch is the Bible and no, no... you're going to get me banned! I have a wife!"

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