Outpost Zero

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--  A/N  --  --  --  --

word count: 779


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You opened the door out of outpost zero and felt the freezing cold of the outside hit your face. You walked over to the little snowman built outside the base and plopped down on the snow next to it, sighing.

You had been bored to death the last couple of weeks. There was nothing to do on outpost zero. You were never allowed to do anything. The purpose of outpost zero was apparently to research the Architects but you knew very well it was just where Alterra threw the people who didn't act like they wanted them to. There wasn't even anything to study! Yes the was an Architect base further down the mountain. But there was nothing there! There was just a portal thingy, that didn't work, and some other stuff you had no idea what was. And it was frozen down, it was basically impossible to tell what stuff was for.

Lillian Bench was there because of her extreme obsession of the Architects which apparently ended in negligence. When you where working with Fred once he had mentioned he needed to transport something for Lillian which was out of the system. At least Lillian was nice company even though she babbled on for hours about her theories about the Architects. The theories were interesting! You were just too lazy and didn't have the attention span to listen to her talk so much. You were never good at sitting still.

Sam had been there due to looking too much into the frozen leviathan, or as you liked to call him Bob. The little time you had spent with Sam made you realise how serious she was about doing what she was doing. Sam wanted to get rid of the Kharaa on Bob but couldn't due to Alterra testing it. You were honestly inspired by her determination to stop the Kharaa from being tested and spreading. Back when you used to be a guard she kept trying to get into the cave with Bob through you. You were a security guard along Parvan back then. In the end it got her killed. You had noticed her death had effected everyone on 4546B, heck even Emmanuel had changed.

Then there has you. The wild child. You had always been that way, getting easily bored and doing crazy things for amusement. You had never regret any of it though. Once when you were watching over Fred when he was delivering cargo you almost fed him to a squid shark. Of course you wouldn't have actually fed him to the beast though but his face was priceless. Emmanuel might have thought you created way to many problems and therefore placed you here on outpost zero. Emmanuel the party pooper!

You had to admit that the Architects did fascinate you but the type of research on outpost zero was not the one you liked. When you were 'researching' it often included going into the mouth of the beast and fighting it. Sometimes it ended in hilarious outcomes. Once you were asked to come back with a sample of a squid sharks teeth and you came back with the whole corpse. You still laughed about Emmanuel's face when you had dragged and entire squid shark to the glacial basin. 

A metaphor you liked to use was some people want to become Astronauts, other would like to become Astronomers. One gets to see space from a safe space but they never get to actually be in space and feel it for themselves. You always thought that to truly understand alien beings you needed to be there right in front of them.

You stood up as you felt the snow below you freezing your ass through your cold suit. You tore off your cold suit's mask and let out a breath as you had it off. The things always sat way to tight and messed up you hair. You took the rebreathed and air tank off the snow man and gave it your mask. It looked oddly cute in the tight mask.

You didn't give a fuck if Emmanuel didn't want you in the water. You didn't give a fuck that you had been told to never leave the base and the area close around it.  You did what you wanted to do! You fought the creatures you wanted to fight! Although you knew you couldn't stretch too many boundaries, you did like 4546B and it felt like your true home. Either way that stupid Emmanuel couldn't force you to stay in one spot!

You put on the rebreather and air tank before you dove into the ice cold water. The cold water oddly relaxing you.

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word count: 779

I hate that this chapter is so short but I can't do anything about it.

I hope you guys don't think it's too short XD

- A panther with a keyboard

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