Waking up

813 23 3

(( yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet 

Btw I'm working on a drawing of your room in this just wait for that- ))

AL-AN shot up from where he was lying, finally gaining conciseness again. AL-AN looked around him, where was he? AL-AN saw he was lying in a bed with many pillows and blankets in. AL-AN groaned and clutched his shoulder as he leaned against the wall behind the bed. AL-AN noticed that his wounds here covered up and didn't hurt as much anymore. Who had found him?

AL-AN didn't recognise the room he was in. The room was very messy, pillows, blankets and clutter everywhere. On the other side of the room where AL-AN was was a half open closet with clothes pouring out of it and a door that AL-AN guessed went into some sort of bathroom from what he could see from the sliver that was open.

On AL-AN's right side was a window with (F/C) curtains covering it, giving the room a (F/C) hue. On AL-AN's left side was a desk and some shelves covered in everything from pictures to figurines and pens. The room was also covered in posters of different creatures that lived on this planet. The room looked very lively and cozy, even though AL-AN didn't know who it belonged to or where he was this room made him feel relaxed and at home.

AL-AN shifted to the edge of the bed and placed his legs on the ground, wanting to get a better look at the pictures on the desk. He noticed that there was one person that reoccurred in the photos that he didn't recognise. The person had photos with Lillian Bench, Robin's sister Sam and a man AL-AN recognised as a truck driver named Fred Lachance. 

This human had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, which AL-AN thought complimented their beautiful smile. Was this the person that had found AL-AN and brought him here? AL-AN picked up one of the pictures of the person to take a closer look at it, the photo seemed to have been taken on Outpost Zero. 

AL-AN felt pain shoot through his shoulder and he put the picture back down as he lied back down in the bed. 

AL-AN flinched and shot up as he heard the bulkhead door to the room open. AL-AN could see the person from the pictures walk in backwards as you waved off someone. You turned around and shifted your attention to AL-AN with a surprised expression on your face. 

"Oh! You're up" You said with surprise in your voice, AL-AN guessed he hadn't been out for long by the reaction. You walked over to the desk next to the bed AL-AN was sitting on and grabbed the chair, spinning it around and sitting down in it with a relaxed and laidback expression.

"So, what are you and why where you covered in Shadow Leviathan saliva?" You said, sounding like you were asking yourself more than AL-AN. Did you not know AL-AN was an Architect. 

You shifted your attention from AL-AN and he followed your gaze down to his legs. AL-AN hadn't noticed until now his legs were wrapped up tightly in bandages. AL-AN noticed you took a medpack of one of your selves and some sort of bottle.

You scooted closer to AL-AN, your chair following you in it's wheels. You grabbed AL-AN's leg not looking up at him. AL-AN instinctively pulled his leg away, pushing himself against the wall. You jumped a bit and looked up at him with a soft expression. "Woah, woah, don't worry. I just need to make sure you're healing well and don't get and infection" You said, giving AL-AN a warm smile that could probably melt his heart. 

AL-AN reluctantly lowered his leg again, putting it back in your hand. "Thank you" you said, going back to what ever you planned on doing. 

AL-AN watched anxiously as you unwrapped the bandages around his leg. As you had gotten the bandage off you threw it away in the trash and AL-AN stared at his wounded leg. It looked like you had tried to stitch up the placed the ghost' saliva had burnt him the most and the rest of his legs had prominent burn marks. 

You had taken a new bandage and covered it in some sort of liquid or cream. AL-AN got skeptical again and tore his leg away from your hand again. You looked over at him with a sigh, not looking pleased despite the small smile on your face.

"Really? Again? It's just some cream that will help with the burns" you started explaining. "Now would you please?" you asked thrusting out your hand for AL-AN to put his leg back in. AL-AN hesitantly put his legs back in your hand. 

You wrapped the bandage tightly around AL-AN's leg and AL-AN felt a calming cool sensation from the cream. You put AL-AN's legs back on. the bed before going to his other leg and doing the same, AL-AN now letting you do what you did without interrupting.

After finishing you put the medpack on the messy desk, not bothering to put it back to it's original place. You looked at AL-AN with a warm smile, not saying anything. "Thank you" AL-AN, seemingly catching you off guard.

"Y-you can talk?" you asked surprised. "Yes" AL-AN answered, amused by your reaction. "You're welcome?" you said in confusion. "Sorry if this is rude but, what are you?" you asked curiously. 

"I am what your people call an Architect" AL-AN answered hesitantly and saw you mouth drop. AL-AN hoped that you would keep this secret, he really didn't want Alterra on tail along with his colleges. 

Speaking of AL-AN's team he really hoped that they hadn't tore Robin and her base apart in the time that he had been gone. How long had he been gone? AL-AN really hoped it hadn't been long.

"How long have I been asleep?" AL-AN asked you in the middle of your existential crisis. AL-AN's question seemed to pull you out of your shock and you look up at him, caught off guard once more. 

"U-uh, I don't really know, when I found you in that base you were already passed out. I dragged you here and you slept for probably 7 hours" you answered, doing the math in your head, calming down from your shock. AL-AN sighed in relief.

"You were the one that saved me?" AL-AN asked, curious to learn more about this human in front of him. "Yeah! But I wouldn't call it 'save' though- I only patched up your wounds and got you off the cold floor" you answered him.

"Thank you" AL-AN said again. "You're welcome" you answered with a warm smile. 

(( Uh- hi :D These chapters seem to have less and less things in them- I think I might need to extend my word limit of 1000 . _. Anyways I am getting very good with updating these :3 And one more thing.....


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