Mining site

650 19 13

--  A/N  --

Word count: 3556

Drawing by me- It's Y/N with a mechanical Pengwing. Of course this is only my interpretation of Y/N they can look however you want them to :>

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You were sitting around a table discussing. For the last, hour? you and AL-AN's team had been discussing things about that space bridge thingy. You had probably spaced out about twenty times by now. It was very interesting and cool but it was hard to focus with all the science talk. You didn't understand ninety-nine percent of it. Robin had to ask many times for it to be dumbed down since she didn't seem to understand it either.

What you did make out of the conversation was it was plans for restoring the bridge and it's power source. It was mainly about how much materials were needed for different things. You felt exhausted just listening to how many things they would need. Apparently this thing was big. Like big big. Since Architects only used the best of the best technology it wasn't flimsy either. You did wonder how they'd manage to get all these materials. Definitely with Alterra in this area and all.

"(Y/N) you work for Alterra, do you know some areas they aren't as present?" VE-ROYA asked, snapping you back to reality. "Well, 'worked', doubt that I still have my employment with me disappearing and all" you said, hoping you didn't miss something crucial in the conversation. "Some areas that are good for materials is the Kopa mining site. It was shut down due to Rockpunchers getting in the way and causing accidents. Another place is the lillypads, after the incident with the Alpha lab being blown up the area was abandoned. I guess caves and parts of the thermal vents are fine as long as we're careful" you explained, thinking out every 'safe' part of this area.

"Great. We'll split up into teams. NYKA, (Y/N) and me will go to the Kopa mining site. VE-ROYA and Robin can look for areas with a lot of minerals in the lillypads and KAR-SHA make plans for the space bridge" AL-AN instructed as he stood up. Everyone quickly agreed. KAR-SHA went off inot the research area, doing something or other. VE-ROYA and Robin walked off to bigger one of the two moonpools and you followed AL-AN and NYKA to the smaller one.

"There is a Prawn suit in this moonpool you could use and a seatruck to transport it" AL-AN explained as you entered the moonpool. NYKA was jumping around excited as ever. You nodded with a smile and climbed into the seatruck. "I'm joining!" NYKA screeched and jumped violently into the seatruck, making the whole thing shake. IT almost fell off the magnets that was keeping it up. "Ok! Careful please" you said in a panic, death gripping the sides of your seat. NYKA just laughed like some goblin. YOU majorly regretted giving her coffee. She had calmed down put still acted like she was on crack.

AL-AN chuckled as he climbed into the seatruck as well. "Guess I'll join as well" HE said as he sat on the floor next to your seat, having a bit of a hard time with his long legs.

The mining site was pretty close to the base so it didn't take long before you made it. You did your best to avoid the cryptosuchus that littered the area. They screeched loud and you wanted to keep your ability to hear. NYKA was already testing your boundaries with her pterodactyl screeches. 

"We're here" you say as you park the seatruck just outside the slightly open door into the mining site. You'd have liked to take the seatruck into the mining site but didn't want to risk getting it stuck in the door. NYKA let out an excited squeal as she violently shot herself out of the seatruck, her legs merging into a tail. "Do you know how to operate a Prawn suit?" AL-AN asked looking at you. "I have done it a few times. Might be a bit awkward but I know how!" you reassured. You stifled a giggle at the memory of you needing a Prawn suit to drag AL-AN back to Outpost Zero when you found him. 

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