'Don't judge a book by it's cover'

726 26 35

--  A/N  --  --
Word count: 1549
Drawing by; me :D

It's AL-AN's updated land form design :>

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You stretched as you walked out of your room. The sounds of chatter filling your ears. This morning was like every other you had here at the base. You woke up, put on some comfy clothes and made breakfast with Robin. You drank your preferred morning beverage and chatted with her until one of the Architects comes up to you and gives you a mission for the day. You had been doing this routine for about two weeks now. 

You had been gathering materials so that KAR-SHA could build all sorts of gadgets he'd need to fix the bridge thingy to their home planet. The base was littered with all sorts of technology for a while. Luckily VE-ROYA stepped in and designated different areas for KAR-SHA's tech. So now there were towers of tech around in different corners. You weren't complaining though, it was fun to see KAR-SHA try to maneuver through the towers and accidentally have something fall on his head. 

Everything was normal until the sound of KAR-SHA screaming about something boomed around the base. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" he cursed as he stomped out of the moonpool. He walked over to the towers of tech and started digging through them for something or other. "What has you all hissy now?" VE-ROYA asked, unamused. 

"We're out of fucking ioncubes!" KAR-SHA complained as he kicked something across the room, VE-ROYA caught it easily. "Can't you just make more?" you asked from the dining table. "It isn't that simple. We need a certain crystal that we mined here. And of course we've fucking run out of it! AND THE MINE IS LOCATED AT THE MOST ACTIVE ALTERA SITE" KAR-SHA explained and went back to kicking things: Luckily VE-ROYA was there to catch the things. 

AL-AN sighed as he sat at the dining table with you and Robin. "There is a mining site in the arctic spires" AL-AN began explaining. "There we have mined resources for ioncubes. Due to the.. v-virus.. we didn't have enough time on our hands to make more ioncubes. Hence, we have run out. Of course, since the omega base has been shut down, everyone who was there have moved over to the glacial basin. Alterra is everywhere over those frozen wastelands" Al-AN explained, his voice was strained when mentioning the virus. You wished you could help him. 

"Isn't that where we found one of the parts for your body? The tissue?" Robin chimed in. You guessed she was talking about a time before you had joined the team. You had no idea what she was talking about. "Yes, it is" Al-An answered, as he spared a glance towards KAR-SHA and VE-ROYA. It had pretty much turned into a game of hot potato at this point. "God damn it.. I don't wanna deal with those giant worm again!" Robin exclaimed as she slouched in her seat. She must mean the iceworms. You had heard about how much of a pain in the ass they are. 

"Come on, go cool off!" VE-ROYA barked as she forcefully dragged KAR-SHA into the moonpool. "FINE!" He hissed as he slammed the bulkhead door shut. VE-ROYA sighed as she made her way over to the mess KAR-SHA had made. "Never a break with that guy around, is there?" you commented, Robin and AL-AN quickly agreed.

It had been a while since KAR-SHA's outburst and you couldn't start the planning without him. Even if he was difficult to deal with at times he was a part of the team. He deserved to have a say in the plans. You couldn't help but wonder why he was always so angry. Yes, it might just be his personality but you'd known a lot of angry people and KAR-SHA was definitely much worse than them. Was he bipolar or something like that? Did Architects even have mental disorders?

Soon enough your curiosity got the best of you and you made your way towards the moonpool. You opened the bulkhead door and stepped in. You saw KAR-SHA working on some gadget or other. He quickly wiped around as soon as he heard you enter. "What the fuck do you want!?" He hissed as he glared at you. For his lack of eyes he was disturbingly good at glaring at people. "You know what? I don't wanna hear a word out of you!" he said as he made a dismissive hand gesture and went back to his mechanic thingies he was doing. "Ok" you responded quietly and sat down against the moonpool wall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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