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(( My favourite part of writing these books is finding the memes I put in the start of every chapter- I find the most random shit whenever I try to find something good. Also why are there such a lack of good Subnautica memes? Like Subnautica fandom pull yourself together- Also there is mention in this chapter about the Shadow Leviathans saliva, I don't know if it is acidic or not but let's just pretend it is cuz it sure looks like it's acidic. Anyways enough rambling ENJOY~ ))

AL-AN let out a sigh as his legs made contact with the floor inside of the Fabricator Base. Luckily the trip down to the base went fairly well. AL-AN only had a tiny encounter with a Shadow Leviathan but it didn't seem that interested him since it gave up fairly quickly, probably saw a bigger prey. 

AL-AN walked into the giant Fabricator room and spotted the device NYKA had forgotten. It was a device which had helped AL-AN locate VE-ROYA's and KAR-SHA's sanctuaries. If it wasn't such a useful device AL-AN would probably just have left it.

AL-AN picked up the device and it split into particles and attached itself to his armour on his wrists, just like the magnetic arms AL-AN had used. AL-AN started making his way back to the exit of the Fabricator Base, hoping that he wouldn't have trouble with the Shadow Leviathans on his way back. 

AL-AN sped up as he came closer to the exit of the base and dove into the water. AL-AN sped up even more as his legs formed his tail once more. AL-AN tried to get out of the Fabricator cave and to the Crystal caves as fast as possible. AL-AN was hugging the wall of the cave like it was the last thing keeping him alive, in this situation it kind of was.

AL-AN flinched as he heard the screech of one of the Shadow Leviathans. AL-AN turned over to his back in the water and looked behind him, instantly regretting it. A Shadow Leviathan was literally on his tail, chasing him through the caves. 

AL-AN turned around and tried to shake off the giant shadow by taking quick turn among the big crystals. AL-AN managed to shake it off as he made it out of the Fabricator caves and into the Crystal caves. Unfortunately in AL-AN's attempt to shake of the Shadow he had attracted the attention of more Shadow Leviathans.

AL-AN tried doing the same trick with manoeuvring around the purple crystals and trying to use the size of the Leviathans against them. In this attempt AL-AN more attention to the leviathans rather than himself and crashed into a large purple crystal. AL-AN fell down to the sea floor as he clutched his shoulder in pure agony. 

AL-AN barely managed to look up in horror at the many Shadow Leviathans above him. Al-An was throw off the sea floor as one of shadow circled him. Al-An split his tail into his two legs again in an attempt to get ready for battle.

The leviathan who had swept him off the sea floor charged him, trying to swallow AL-AN whole. As the gaping blue mouth of the leviathan reached AL-AN he spread his legs to keep himself out of it's mouth. Now AL-AN's legs were the only thing standing between him and the glowing mouth of the shadow. AL-AN winced as he felt the acidic saliva of the Ghost Leviathan burn under his legs. 

The leviathan finally gave up and let go of AL-AN, slapping AL-AN with its long tail as it swims away. Once again AL-AN was throwing into the sea floor. He was so close to the end of the cave, just a bit more.

Through his pain AL-AN finally managed to fuse his legs into his tail again. He felt a wave of relief hit him as he saw the colourful plant life of the tree spires. Robin's base was too far away to swim to, AL-AN would bleed out before he got there. 

AL-AN only knew one place he could go to, Sanctuary Zero.


"Yikes!" you said, taking a sharp breath through your teeth as you heard the sea truck bump again the cave walls. You would definitely have to fix Fred's sea truck. Well it wasn't your fault that brute sharks were well, brutes. Besides all the caves in this bloody sector of the planet were so damn small.

The only caves you could move freely in where the crystal caves. At least the opening of it, you really hadn't seen much of the place. You found with Fred when he was making a delivery to the mining site. You had been 'guarding' and 'supervising' him on his trip. You just ended up getting the two of you chased by a Chelicerate. It had chased you down the tree spiers and you had to hide in a cave. 

You and Fred went deeper since you were curious where the cave would lead you and you ended up making it into the crystal caves. The little time you spend there was gorgeous. Sadly a giant Shadow Leviathan had spotted you and Fred and chased you out of the cave.

Of course Alterra was interested in the cave and you had been sent down there many times with other explorers. Let's just say you were lucky to get out of there with only a few scars and scratches. 

You let out a breath you had been holding in when you finally saw the end of the cave and the Architect base you were looking for. You could finally get out of the sea truck so you would have to listen to it creek as you even made the tiniest contact with the cave walls. You swore the damn truck was trying to make you look bad. 

You got out the sea truck and welcome the icy water with open arms. You swam over to the entrance to the Architect base, making sure not to enter it from too far above the ground so you would break you glass-like ankles. 

You tore of your rebreather and looked around the base, which wasn't much to look at. It looked like a totally normal cave with destroyed Architects technology and the odd repair robot. You started walking into the base when stepped in some warm and wet. You looked down at your feet, disgusted by the thought of what you might have stepped on.

You had stepped in a green-yellowish fluid, it looked like the blood of the creatures on this planet. You furrowed your brows worried about what might be in the cave. You kept on walking forward and was met with something you never thought you would see.

A giant robot was lying on the ground! It had a small puddle of the yellowish blood around it, it mustn't have been lying there for long. You rushed over to the robot in worry. What was this thing?

(( I am on roll with these chapters -3- I have already thought out a lot of what's going to happen in this book compared to the other one I made so- there will be more and longer chapters, yay! :D Anyways funny story- when I was writing this chapter I hit publish instead of save before leaving my PC and accidentally published the chapter XD I unpublished it again fast though so I'm sorry if that caused some confusion- Also I always forget to name the chapters before publishing them so it's like UnTiTlEd PaRt BlAh so that's mildly infuriating XD Anyways enough ranting (once again) I'm gonna go sleep now- ))

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